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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vocna strudla (Fruit strudel)

Sastojci: za testo - 500g mekog brasna, 2 jaja, 250ml vode, 4 kasike ulja, na vrh noza soli, za fil - 350g suvih smokava, 200g suvih sljiva, 4 kisele jabuke, 150g suvog grozdja, sok od dva limuna, 80g badema (iseckanih), 1 kasicica cimeta (u prahu), 3 kasike ruma, 30g margarina (putera), 1 jaja, ulje.

1) Pomesati brasno i so, dodati jaje, ulje i vodu i zamesiti testo. Ostaviti da naraste 1 sat.
2) U medjuvremenu, suvo grozdje potopiti u mlaku vodu i ostaviti da nabubri. Ocediti. Iseckati smokve i suve sljive, jabuke oljustiti, preseci na pola, ocisiti od semenki i sitno iseckati. Zatim svo voce pomesati sa sokom od limuna, suvim grozdjem, bademom, cimetom i rumom.
3) Zagrejati rernu na 200 stepeni.
4) Testo podeliti na dela. Jedan deo razvucite na carsavu posutom brasnom, premazati uljem, a zatim rukom formirati cetvrtastu, tanku podlogu. Odsecite zadebljale krajeve i testo ponovo premazite uljem. Posuti polovinom fila, a zatim pomocu carsava uviti testo u rolnu. Isto uradite sa drugim delom testa i fila.
5) U okrugli pleh stavite papir za pecenje (ako nemate premazite margarinom). Obe strudle staviti u pleh, kao "puzevu kucicu". Premazati umucenim jajetom i peci oko 35 minuta. U toku pecenja premazatim margarinom.

Ingredients: for dough - 500g flour, 2 eggs, 250ml water, 4 tablespoons of oil, on top of the knife salt, for filling - 350g dried figs, 200g dried plums, 4 tart apples, 150g raisins, juice of two lemons, 80g almonds (chopped), 1 teaspoon cinnamon (powder), 3 tablespoons rum, 30g margarine (butter), 1 egg, oil.

1) Mix flour and salt, add the eggs, oil and water and knead the dough. Allow to grow at warm place for 1 hour.
2) In the meantime, soak the raisins in warm water and leave to swell. Drain. Finely chop figs and prunes, peel apples, cut in half, clean from seeds and finely chop. Then, mix all fruit with lemon juice, raisins, almonds, cinnamon and rum.
3) Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
4) Divide the dough into parts. Sprinkle tavle-cloth with flour and roll out one part of dough, brush with oil, and then form with hand a thin square. Cut thick ends of dough and brush with oil again. Sprinkle half of the filling, evenly and then use the table-cloth roll in the dough. Do the same with the second part of dough and filling.
5) In a round baking pan place the baking paper (if you don't have you can grease with margarine). Both strudel put in a dish, as "snail shell". Brush with beaten egg and bake for about 35 minutes. During baking brush top with margarine.

Krekeri filovani sirom (Crackers filled with cheese)

Sastojci: krekeri, 150g margarina (putera), 450g sitnog sira (ili feta, ili kombinacija oba), so, 1/2 kasicice aleve paprike, 100g kiselih krastavcica (sitno iseckani), nekoliko kapi limunovog soka, 75ml kisele pavlake, zelena i crvena paprika (iseckana na kockice), zelene maslinke.

1) Margarin ostavit na sobnoj temperaturi da omeksa pa zajedno sa sirom umutiti u penasti krem. Dodadi so, kiselu pavlaku i limunov sok. Podeliti na tri dela.
2) U jedan deo dodati alevu papriku, u drugi kisele krastavice, a treci ostaviti beo.
3) Na jedan kreker stavite kasicicu bele mase, poklopiti drugim krekerom, pa staviti crvenu masu, a odozgo ukrasiti zelenom ili crvenom paprikom.
4) Na jedan kreker stavite kasicicu bele mase, poklopiti drugim krekerom, pa staviti masu s krastavcicima, a odozgo ukrasiti maslinkom.
5) Filujte sa crvenom masom i masom sa krastvacicima i ukrasite s cim zelite.

Ingredients: crackers, 150g margarine (butter), 450g of cottage cheese (or feta, or a combination of both), salt, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 100g pickles (finely chopped), a few drops of lemon juice, 75ml sour cream, green and red bell pepper (diced), green olives.

1) Leave margarine at room temperature to soften, then mix with cheese and whisk in creamy foam. Add salt, sour cream and lemon juice. Divided into three parts.
2) To the one part add red pepper, to the second add pickles and third left white.
3) Place one teaspoon of the white cream at one cracker, cover with other, then put a red mass, and garnish with green or red peppers.
4) Place one teaspoon of the white cream at one cracker, cover with other, then put mass with pickles, and garnish with olives.
5) Fill with red mass and mass with pickles and garnish with anything you like.

Sos od blitve sa mladim lukom (Swiss chard sauce with green onions)

Sastojci: 600g blitve, 1 vezica mladog luka, 3 kasike brasna, ulje, so, 1 jaje, kiselo mleko.

1) Blitvu ocistite, ali nemojte da skidate debele bele zilice sa listova (one u kuvanju mnogo lakse omeksaju nego zile zelja i spanaca) i veoma su ukusne. Operite listove i isecite na rezanca.
2) Mladi luk ocistite i iseckajte (i beli i zeleni deo) i proprzite na ulju. Zatim dodati brasno, proprziti i dodati blitvu.
3) Brzo mesajte, nalite vrelom, slanom vodom, mesati drvenom varjacom po dnu posude da se brasno istopi i ostaviti da krcka na tihoj temperaturi oko 15 minuta.
Napomena: ako treba dolivajte vrelu vodu, uz stalno mesanje.
4) Umutite jaje, dodajte sosu dok je kos na sporetu.
5) Promesati, skinuti sa sporeta, malo prohladiti, pa sluziti uz meso i kiselo mleko koje obavezno ide uz ovaj sos.

Ingredients: 600g of swiss chard, 1 bunch of green onions, 3 tablespoons flour, oil, salt, 1 egg, sour milk.

Ingredients: 600g of swiss chard, 1 bunch of green onions, 3 tablespoons flour, oil, salt, 1 egg, sour milk.

1) Clean swiss chard, but do not remove the thick vessels on leaves (those vessels soften in cooking a lot easier than vessels on greens and spinach) and they are very tasty. Wash leaves and cut into strips.
2) Clean the onions and finely chop (white and green part) and fry in oil, over medium heat. Then add flour, fry and add the chard.
3) Quickly stir, pouring boiling, salted water, stirring with a wooden spoon across the bottom of the bowl until flour melts cooking on low temperature for about 15 minutes.
Note: If you need pour boiling water, with constant stirring.
4) Beat the egg, add to the sauce while on the stove.
5) Stir, remove from the stove, chill a little, and serve with meat and sour milk that must go along with this sauce.

Corba od blitve sa pirincem (Swiss chard chowder with rice)

Sastojci: 750g blitve (zelja ili spanaca), 150g pirinca, 2 glavice crnog luka, 1 kasika brasna, 1 kasicica (ravna) aleve paprike, 350ml kiselog mleka, ulje, 1 jaje, so.

1) Blitvu (zelje ili spanac) operite, ocistite, isecite na rezanca, ocedite i stavite u vrijucu slanu vodu da se kuva.
2) Pirinac ocistite, operite i dodajte blitvi. Sve kuvajte oko 20 minuta.
3) Crni luk sitno ocistiti i sitno iseckati pa isprziti na ulju, na umerenoj temperaturi, dodati brasno, promesati i proprziti kratko, dodati alevu papriku, pa jos malo prziti i dodati u corbu.
4) Promesati i kuvati jos kratko na tihoj vatri. Gotovu corbu zacinite razmucenim jajetom, kad je skinete sa sporeta.
5) Posluziti uz kiselo mleko.

Ingredients: 750g swiss chard (greens or spinach), 150g rice, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 teaspoon (flat) cayenne pepper, 350ml sour milk, oil, 1 egg, salt.

1) Wash and clean swiss chard (greens or spinach), then cut into strips. Drain and place in boiling salted water to cook.
2) Clean the rice, wash and add to the chard. Cook all about 20 minutes.
3) Clean onions, chop finely and fry in oil, on medium heat, add flour, stir and fry shortly, add cayenne pepper and fry a little and add to the chowder.
4) Stir and cook shortly over low heat. Remove from stove, then add beaten egg yolk.
5) Serve with sour milk.

Biskvit testo (Biscuit dough)

Sastojci: (za tri kore za tortu) - 6 jaja, na vrh noza soli, 150g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 100g brasna, 100g gustina, 5g praska za pecivo (opciono)

1) Pazljivo odvojiti belanca od zumanaca i staviti ih u dve posude. Prvo umutiti belanca.
2) Zatim umutiti zumanca i dodati 4 kasike tople vode.
Napomena: zumanca ce te lakse umutiti ako to radite nad parom vruce vode. Polako dodajte secer pomesan sa vanilin secerom i solju. masa treba da bude belicasta i gusta.
3) Pomesajte umucena belanca i zumanca.
4) Na sve to prosejte brasno i dodajte gustin; eventualno dodati prasak za pecivo. Pazljivo izmesati.
Napomena: ne mesajte mnogo i ne istiskujte mehurice vazduha iz mase.
5) Pleh uvek oblozite masnim papirom, ako ga nemate premazite masnocom, ali samo dno, nikako stranice, jer ce se biskvit ionako skupiti prilikom pecenja.
Napomena: za vreme pecenja ne otvarati vrata rerne.
6) Peci na umerenoj temperaturi. Duzina pecenja zavisi od toga da li pecete svo testo odjednom pa delite na 3 kore ili pecete svaku koru posebno, a i od vase rerne.
7) Kad se ispece ostaviti da se hladi oko 20 minuta, a zatim pazljivo izvaditi iz pleha.

Savet 1: ako ste koristili masan papir koji ne mozete lako da skinete, premazite ceo papir vodom i sacekati 5 minuta.

Savet 2: ako ste testo uradili deblje, sacekajte do sledeceg dana sa secenjem, da se testo potpuno ohladi.

Savet 3: da bi ste isekli ravnu povrsinu, nozem zasecite na zeljenu visinu, a zatim u prorez uvucite konac kojim obavijete ceo krug, na drugom kraju ukrstite konac i zategnite kao da pravite cvor.

Savet 4: biskvit treba peci jedan dan pre planiranog posluzenja.

Ingredients: (for three crusts for the cake) - 6 eggs, at the top of the knife salt, 150g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 100g flour, 100g cornstarch, 5g baking powder (optional)

1) Carefully separate the egg whites from the egg yolks and put them in two bowls. First, whisk the egg whites.
2) Next, whisk the egg yolks and add 4 tablespoons of warm water.
Note: you will whisk egg yolks easier if you do it over the steam of hot water. Slowly add sugar mixed with vanilla sugar and salt. Mass should be whitish and thick.
3) Mix the whipped egg whites and yolks.
4) Sift flour over and add the cornstarch; possibly add baking powder. Gently mix.
Note: Do not stir much and  do not wring out air bubbles from the mass.
5) Always place greaseproof paper, if you do not have, grease with oil or margarine, but only the bottom, not the sides, biscuit will shrink anyway during baking.
Note: Do not open the oven door while baking.
6) Bake at medium heat. Baking time depends on whether you bake all the dough at once (you want to divide biscuit in 3 crusts)  or you bake every crust separately, and on your oven.
7) When it's done, leave to cool for about 20 minutes, then carefully remove from pan.

Tip 1: if you used a greasy paper that you can not easily take off, brush the entire paper with water and wait for 5 minutes.

Tip 2: if you baked all at once, wait till the next day with the cutting, when dough is cool completely.

Tip 3: to cut the flat surface, mark with knife to the desired height, and then insert the thread into the marks, which envelops the whole circle, at the other end intersect the thread and tighten as if you were making knot.

Tip 4: bake biscuit one day before the planned serving.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Brza pita sa sirom ili mesom (Quick cheese or meat pie)

Sastojci: 500g brasna, 200g masti, 250ml mleka, 400g sira, 4 jaja, 2 zumanca, malo soli, 400g mlevenog mesa, 1 glavica crnog luka, 1 cen belog luka, vegeta.

1) Pomesati brasno i so. Dodati mast i mleko i zamesiti testo.
2) Jaja umutiti, a sir izgnjeciti, pa izmesati.
3) Testo podeliti na dva dela. Oba dela razvuci u kore debljine prsta. Prvu koru premazati mesavinom sira i jaja, staviti drugu koru i prezati je sa umucenim zumancima.
4) Peci u rerni na jakoj temperaturi.
5) Ako pravite sa mesom - crni i beli luk ocistite i sitno iseckajte. Kratko proprzite na umerenoj vatri, dodajte mleveno meso, zacinite vegetom po ukusu i isprzite.
6) Prvu koru premazati ovim filom, staviti drugu koru i premazati je sa dva umucena zumanceta. Peci u rerni na jakoj temperaturi.

Predlog 1: uz ovu pitu mozete posluziti kiselo mleko ili jogurt.

Preddlog 2: a posle pite mozete posluziti punjene krofne s visnjama.

Ingredients: 500g flour, 200g of lard, 250ml milk, 400g of cheese, 4 eggs, 2 egg yolks, salt, 400g of minced meat, 1 onion, 1 clove ofgarlic, vegetable seasoning.

1) Mix flour and salt. Add lard and milk and knead the dough.
2) Whisk eggs, squeeze cheese and mix.
3) Divide the dough into two parts. Both crusts develop into finger-thick crust. First coate with the mixture of cheese and eggs, put another crust on top and brush it with previously beaten two egg yolks.
4) Bake in the oven on a high temperature.
5) If you make with meat - peel onion and garlic, and finely chop. Shorthly fry on medium heat, add the ground meat, season with vegetable seasing to taste and fry until it's done.
6) First crust coat the meat filling, put another crust on top and brush it with previously beaten two egg yolks. Bake it in the oven on a high temperature.

Suggestion 1: with this pie you can serve yogurt or buttermilk.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spanski kolac od badema sa kruskama (Spanish almond cake with pears)

 za biskvit - 300g badema (mlevenih), 300g margarina (putera), 200g secera, 6 jaja, 170g brasna, 10g vanilin secera, za preliv od krusaka - 1 kg krusaka, 150g secera, 700ml crvenog vina, 350ml vode, 1 kasicica cimeta.

1) Za biskvit - pazljivo odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Penasto umutiti margarin sa 100g secera. Zatim dodati jedno po jedno zumance. Na kraju dodati bademe. Izmesati.
2) Penasto umutiti belanca sa 100g secera, pa dodati prethodnoj smesi. Na kraju dodati brasno. Izmesati.
3) Pleh podmazati margarin, uliti masu i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 stepeni oko 35-45 minuta.
4) Za preliv od krusaka - staviti kruske u vrijucu vodu na 5 minuta. Ocediti, isprati hladnom vodom i oljustiti.
5) Kruske iseckati na kocke. U serpu, staviti vino, vodu i secer i ostaviti da provri. Zatim dodati kruske u kuvati na laganoj vatri dok kruske ne omeksaju.
6) Kada kruske omeksaju, izvaditi ih i ostaviti sirup da se kuva dok se kolicina ne smanji za pola.
7) Kruske izgnjeciti, dodati cimet i sirup. Izmesati.
8) Sirupom preliti kolac i seci na kocke.

Predlog: a pre ovog kolaca mozete probati meksikanski fajitas od govedine ili piletine.

Ingredients: for biscuit - 300g almonds (grinded), 300g margarine (butter), 200g of sugar, 6 eggs, 170g flour, 10g vanilla sugar, for pear sauce - 1 kg pears, 150g sugar, 700ml red wine, 350ml water, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

1) For the biscuit - carefully separate the egg white from the yolk. Whisk butter with 100g sugar until creamy. Then add the egg yolks one at a time. At the end, add the almonds. Stir well.
2) Whisk egg whites with 100g sugar until foams, then add to the previous mixture.Then add the flour. Stir well.
3) Grease the baking pan with margarine, pour the mass and bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 35-45 minutes.
4) For the pear sauce - put the pears in boiling water for 5 minutes. Draine, rinse with cold water and peel.
5) Cut pears into cubes. In pot, put the wine, water and sugar and let it boil. Then add the pears and allow to simmer over low heat until pears are tender.
6) When the pears soften, remove them and leave the syrup to cook until the amount is reduced by half.
7) Squeeze pears, add cinnamon and syrup. Stir well.
8) Pour syrup over cake and cut in cubes.

Suggestion: and before this cake you can try mexican fajitas with beef or chicken.

Italijanska torta (Italian cake)

Sastojci: 220g+30g margarina omeksao, 120g mlevenih oraha (przenih), 2 kg jabuka, 2 soka od limuna i kora (izrendana), 6 jaja, 20g vanilin secera, 420g secera, 300g brasna, 15g praska za pecivo, 230ml mleka, 250g suvog grozdja, 200g pinjola (przenih), 70g secera, 10g cimeta.

1) Pinjole iseckati. Jabuke oljustite i ocistite od semena, a onda isecite na listove. Preliti sokom od limuna i korom i ostaviti sa strane. Suvo grozdje potopite u toplu vodu i pustite da nabubri. Ocedite.
2) Penasto umutiti 220g margarin sa 350g secera i vanilin secerom. Zatim dodajte jedno po jedno jaje. Pomesajte brasno i prasak za pecivo, a zatim dodajte prethodnoj smesi, takodje dodajte mleko i dobro izmesajte. Podeliti na tri dela.
3) Pomesati 70g secera i cimet.
3) Podmazati pleh margarinom i posuti mlevenim orasima. Trecinu smese sipajte u pleh, poredjati polovinom jabuka, posuti polovinom suvog grozdjem i pinjolama. Zatim preliti drugim delom smese, poredjati suvo grozdje, a onda jabuke. Posuti mesavinom secera i cimeta.
4) Peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 190 stepeni oko 45-55 minuta. Pustiti da se ohladi u plehu a zatim seci na kocke.

Predlog: a pre slatkog mozete pojesti krompir salatu (veoma uskusno, a brzo i lako se sprema).

Ingredients: 220g+30g butter softened, 120g ground walnuts (toasted), 2 kg of apples,  juice of 2 lemons and rind (grated), 6 eggs, 20g vanilla sugar, 420g sugar, 300g flour, 15g baking powder, 230ml milk, 250g raisins, 200g pine nuts (toasted), 70g sugar, 10g of cinnamon.

1) Chop pine nuts. Peel apples and clean from seeds, then cut into sheets. Pour lemon juice and zest and leave to the side. Soak raisins in warm water and let it swell. Drain.
2) Beat 220g butter with 350g sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy. Then add the eggs. Mix the flour and baking powder, then add to the previous mixture, also add milk and combine all well. Divided into three parts.
3) Mix 70g of sugar and cinnamon.
3) Grease a baking pan with margarine and sprinkle with minced walnuts. Pour a 1/3 of the mixture into a baking pan, put half of apple, sprinkle with half of raisins and pine nuts. Then pour the other part of the mixture, put raisins, then apples. Sprinkle with the mixture of sugar and cinnamon.
4) Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees about 45-55 minutes. Allow to cool in pan and then cut in cubes.

Suggestion: and before sweet you can eat potato salad (very tasty, and quick and easy to prepare).

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Raznjici od povrca (Vegetable skewers)

Sastojci: 300g tofua, 2 crvene paprike, 2 zelene paprike, 2 tikvice, 2 patlidzana, 2 sargarepe, 2 paradajza, pecurke, 2 cesnja belog luka, 1 glavica crnog luka, 1/2 kasicice majcine dusice (suve), 1/2 kasicice origana, ulje, so.

1) Sitno iseckati crni i beli luk. Isprziti na ulju na laganoj vatri. Skloniti sa sporeta i dodati timijan, majcinu dusicu i origano. Ostaviti sa strane 25 minuta.
2) Tofu, crvenu i zelenu papriku, tikvice, patlidzan, sargarepu, paradajz iseckati na kockice, a pecurke na polovine.
3) Poredjati povrce redom koji zelite, premazati mesavinom luka i zacina, posoliti po ukusu i peci na grilu ili u tiganju.

Savet: uz raznjice od povrca mozete posluziti Sos od jogurta.

Ingredients: 300g of tofu, 2 red peppers, 2 green peppers, 2 zucchini, 2 eggplants, 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, mushrooms, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 1/2 teaspoon of thyme (dried), 1/2 teaspoon of oregano, oil, salt.

1) Finely chop onion, garlic. Fry in oil over low heat. Remove from stove and add the thyme and oregano. Leave aside for 25 minutes.
2) Tofu, red and green peppers, zucchini, eggplants, carrots, tomatoes, cut into cubes, and mushrooms in half.
3) Put vegetables in the order you want, brush with mixture of onions and spices, salt to taste, and bake on the grill or in a pan.

Tip: you can serve veggie skewers with Buttermilk sauce.

Hamburger od povrca s tofuom (Vegetable hamburger with tofu)

Sastojci: 350g tikvica, 350g patlidzana, 250g tofua, 5 cesnja belog luka, 150g crnog luka, 2 kasike persuna (sitno iseckanog), 2 kasike celera (list, sitno iseckanog), 3-4 jaja, 250g prezli, 1 kasicica, ruzmarina (suvog), 1 kasicica bosiljka (suvog), ulje, so, intergralne zemicke.

1) Patlidzan oljustiti, iseci na tanke listove, posoliti i ostaviti 30 minuta da puste sok. Ocediti, obrisati cistom krpom ili papirnim ubrusom.
2) Pomesati 100ml ulja, ruzmarin i bosiljak i premazati listove patlidzana. Ostaviti sa strane.
3) Crni i beli luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati. Tikvice ocistiti, izrendati i ocediti.
4) Tofu izgnjeciti i pomesati sa crnim i belim lukom, persunom i celerom, i jajima. Zatim dodati tikvice i 100g prezli. Dobro izmesati.
5) Oblikovati hamburgere, uvaljati u prezle i prziti. Patlidzan takodje isprziti (bez valjanja u prezle).
6) Zemicke preseci na pola, na svaku polovinu staviti po snitu patlidzana, staviti hamburger i poklopiti drugom polovinom zemicke.

Savet: uz hamburger od povrca mozete posluziti Sos od jogurta

Ingredients: 350g zucchini, 350g eggplant, 250g tofu, 5 cloves of garlic, 150g of onion, 2 teaspoons parsley (finely chopped), 2 teaspoons celery (leaf, finely chopped), 3-4 eggs, 250g of breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon rosemary (dry), 1 teaspoon basil (dry), oil, salt, intergral bread rolls.

1) Peel eggplant, cut it into thin sheets, season with salt and let it stand for 30 minutes to release the juice. Drained wel, wipe with clean cloth or paper towel.
2) Combine 100ml oil, rosemary and basil leaves and spread over eggplant sheets. Set aside.
3) Peel onions and garlic and finely chop. Peel zucchini and grate. Drain well.
4) Squeeze tofu and mix with onions and garlic, parsley and celery, and eggs. Then add the zucchini and 100g of breadcrumbs. Mix well.
5) Shape the burgers, roll in breadcrumbs and fry. Also fry eggplant (without rolling in breadcrumbs).
6) Cut bread rolls in half, put a slice of eggplant on each half, put a hamburger and cover with other half of bread roll.

Tip: you can serve vegetable hamburger with Buttermilk sauce.

Integralne zemicke (Integral bread rolls)

Sastojci: 200g integralnog psenicnog brasna, 200g jecmenog brasna, 200 g razenog brasna, 300-350ml mlake vode, 130g biljne masti ili margarina (omeksan), 20g kvasca (svezeg) ili 10g suvog, 1 kasicica soli, 1 kasicica secera, susam.

1) Kvasac potopiti u solji mlake vode, dodati kasiku brasna i secer. Ostaviti 15 minuta da nadodje na toplom mestu.
2) Pomesati sve vrste brasna, dodati so, narasli kvasac, mast i zamesiti sa vodom. Ostaviti da naraste 30 minuta na toplom mestu. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Svedska torta sa bademima (Sweden cake with almonds)

Sastojci: 300g brasna, 270g margarina (putera), 200g secera, 3 jaja, 100g badema (oljustenih i seckanih), 100g zelea od ribizli, 10g vanilin secera.

1) Penasto umutiti margarin sa secerom i vanilin secerom, dodati jedno po jedno jaje, i na kraju brasno.
2) Pleh namazati margarinom (puterom), posuti brasnom a zatim posuti badem. Sipati masu i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 stepeni oko 30-40 minuta.
Napomena: u prvih 25 minuta ne otvarati rernu.
3) Ostaviti tortu da se ohladi, a zatim je okrenuti i premazati zeleom.

A pre slatkog mozete pojesti nesto slano na primer Svedske cufte.

Ingredients: 300g flour, 270g margarine (butter), 200g sugar, 3 eggs, 100g almonds (peeled and fineli chopped), 100g currant jelly, 10g vanilla sugar.

1) Whisk margarine with sugar and vanilla sugar until foams, add the eggs, one at a time, and at the end add flour.
2) Grease the pan with margarine (butter), sprinkle with flour and then sprinkle with almonds. Pour the mass and bake in previously preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.
Note: In the first 25 minutes do not open the oven.
3) Allow the cake to cool, and then turn around and spread jelly.

And before sweet you can eat something salty for example Swedish meatballs.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Priprema dzema-cvrsto voce 2 (Jam preparation-solid fruits 2)

Priprema dzema od voca sa manje tecnosti kao sto su tresnje, visnje, kajsije, breskve, kruske i slicno, opciono konzervans.

1) Na 1 kg voca staviti 750g secera, a moze i manje sto zavisi od vaseg ukusa, kao i kiselosti samo voca.
2) Polovinu opranog voca staviti u veci sud i kuvati na umerenoj temperaturi dok ne omeksa. Povremeno dodavati secer uz neprestano mesanje.
3) Vruce sipati u ciste tegle.
4) Kada se ohladi povezati duplim celofanom.
Opciono: dodati 1 kasicicu konzervansa u dzem.

Preparing jam from fruits with less liquid, such as cherries, apricots, peaches, pears, etc., optionally preservative.

1) For 1 kg of fruit to put 750g of sugar, or even less, depending on your taste and acidity of fruits only.
2) Half of washed fruit put in a deeper pan, and cook on low-medium heat until soften. Periodically add sugar while constantly stirring.
3) Pour hot into washed jars.
4) When cool seal with double cellophane.
Optional: Add 1 teaspoon of preservatives in jam.

Priprema dzema-mekano voce 1 (Jam preparation-soft fruits 1)

Priprema dzema od voca koje je sasvim mekano i sadrzi velik kolicinu tecnosti. To su maline, kupine, jagode, i drugo.

1) Na 1 kg voca staviti 750g secera, a moze i manje sto zavisi od vaseg ukusa, kao i kiselosti samo voca.
2) U cistom emajliranom i neostecenom serpi, na umerenoj vatri polako zagrevati voce dok ne ispusti sok.
3) Zatim, pazljivo kasikom povaditi voce, a sok koji je ostao u serpi kuvati uz dodatak potrebnog secera dok se masa ne smanji za jednu polovinu.
4) Tada dodati prethodno izvadjeno voce, pa sve brzo kuvati na jakoj vatri do zgusnjavanja uz neprestano mesanje cistom varjacom.
5) Vruce sipati u oprane tegle.
6) Kada se ohladi povezati duplim celofanom.

Preparing jam from fruits that is quite soft and contain large amounts of liquid. These are raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc.

1) For 1 kg of fruit put 750g of sugar, or even less, depending on your taste and acidity of fruits.
2) In a clean and undamaged enamel pan, heat slowly on low-medium heat the fruit juice until they drop liquids.
3) Then, carefully with spoon take out fruit and juice that was left in the pan cook with the addition of the required sugar till it is reduced by one half.
4) Then add the previously extracted fruit and cook quickly on high heat until it thickens with constant stirring with clean wooden spoon.
5) Pour hot into washed jars.
6) When cool seal with double cellophane.

Kompot od krusaka (Pears compote)

Pravi se na isti nacin kao kompot od sljiva, samo sto se sirupom preliva samo jedanput i u tome sto se kruske prethodno oljuste, preseku na pola i ociste od semena.
Ovaj kompot se malo vise sladi.

It is made in the same way as a plum compote, but pouring the syrup only once and that it is also necessary to previously peel pears, cut in half and clean of seeds.
This compote you need to sweeten a bit more.

Kompot od kajsija ili breskvi (Apricot or Peach compote)

Pravi se na isti nacin kao kompot od sljiva, samo sto se sirupom preliva samo jedanput i u tome sto je potrebno kajsije ocistiti od kore i kostica.

It is made in the same way as a plum compote, but pouring the syrup only once and that it is also necessary to clean the apricot from peel and pips.

Kompot od sljiva (Plum compote)

Sastojci: 3kg sljiva (zdrave, zrele i cvrste), 500g secera na 1 L vode, vode po potrebi, 5g konzervansa.

1) Sljive oprati, skinuti peteljke i poredjati u tegle jednu do druge.
2) Naliti jednu teglu hladnom vodom da bi seprocenila  potrebna kolicina sirupa.
3) Za sirup kuvati vodu sa secerom dok ne prokljuca.
4) Kipucim sirupom nalivati postepeno sljive u teglama.
5) Kada se sirup ohladi, sipati u sud u kome se kuvao, ponovo zagrejati do kljucanja, pa ponovo preliti sljive u teglama.
Napomena: zagrevanje sirupa i prelivanje tegla ponoviti jos dva puta.
6) Nakon toga poprasiti sljive konzervansom, povezati tegle pa izvrsiti sterilizaciju, i to toplom vodom prema vec datom uputstvu, odnosno pet minuta od trenutka kada voda pocne da kljuca.

Ingredients: 3kg plum (healthy, ripe and firm), 500g of sugar to 1 liter of water, water as needed, 5g preservatives.

1) Wash plums, remove the stalks and align into jars one next to each other.
2) Pour cold water to calculate required amount of syrup.
3) For the syrup, cook sugar and water, until boiling.
4) Pour boiling syrup gradually over plums in jars.
5) When the syrup has cooled, pour back in the pot in which it was cooked, bring to boil again, then pour over plums again in jars.
Note: warming syrup and pouring in jars repeat two more times.
6) After that sprinkle plums with preservative, seal with parchment paper or double cellophane and sterilize jars, with warm water, according to the instructions already given - five minutes from the moment when the water starts to boil.

Sterilizacija kompota (Sterilization of compote)

Priprema voca i tegli za kompot 

Tegle za kompot
  • Najbolje su patent tegle, ali  mogu posluziti i obicne tegle zatvorene pergament papirom ili duplim celofanom. 
  • Pre upotrebe tegle je potrebno temeljno oprati.
Pripremanje voca i tegli za kompot
  • Da vam voce prilikom ljustenja ne bi pocrnelo treba ga odmah staviti u vodu u kojoj je na svaki litar rastvoreno na vrh noza limontusa (limunska kiselina).
  • Da bi lakse sa kajsija i breskvi skinuli koru, stavite ih u cediljku i drzite 10 - 20 sekundi (10 za breskve, 20 za kajsije) u kipucoj vodi, a zatim odmah u hladnu vodu na isto toliko sekundi, pa sa rukom ili nozem skinite koru.
Sterilizacija kompota u elektricnim rernama
  • Tegle staviti na resetku u rernu, ukljuciti rernu i ostaviti  da tegle u njoj stoje oko pola sata, naravno kada se dostigne odredjena temperatura od 100 stepeni. Nakon odredjenog vremena za sterilizaciju (navedeno u receptu)rernu iskljuciti a tegle ostaviti da stoje u njoj dok se sasvim ne ohlade.

Preparing fruit and jars for compote

Jars for compote

  • Patent jars are best, but plain jars can also serve, sealed with parchment paper or double cellophane.
  • Before using jars you need to wash them throughly.
Preparing fruit
  • Put fruits in the water in which you put - on every liter on top of knife citric acid, so the fruit not become black when peeling.
  • To make it easier to remove the apricot and peach peel, put them in a sieve and hold for 10 - 20 seconds (10 for peaches and 20 for apricots) in boiling water, then immediately in cold water for the same amount of seconds, than remove peel with hand or with a knife.
Sterilization of compote in electric oven
  • Place jars on the grid in the oven, turn on the oven and leave jars to stand in it for about half an hour, of course, when it reaches a certain temperature which is 100 degrees. After a certain amount of time to sterilize jars (specified in the recipe), turn oven off and let jars stand until they are completely cool.