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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lazanje s palacinkama ili lisnatim testom (Lasagna with crepes or puff pastry

Ingredients: 10 ready-made crepes or 1 larger or 2 smaller packs of puff pastry, the filling - 500g minced meat, 1-2 onions, salt, pepper, 100g of ketchup, the dressing - 2 sour cream (2x200g), 1/2 l milk, 200g shredded cheese (or crumble feta cheese), 3 tablespoons of flour, salt.

1. Sauté meat and onions as for the moussaka, at the end add ketchup, stir and remove from heat.
2. Arrange pancakes in deep pot or long pan (in two places pancakes) and fill each one.
3. For the dressing - mix all ingredients and pour over the lasagna.
4. Put into oven and bake at 200 C degrees for 15 minutes.

Puff pastry - larger package divided into 4 portions, smaller divided into two, and fill each and pour over dressing. Put into oven and bake at 200 C degrees for half an hour or until baked (depending on oven).

Sastojci: 10 gotovih palacinki ili 1 vece ili 2 manja pakovanja lisnatog testa, za fil: 400g mlevenog mesa, 1-2 glavice crnog luka, so, biber, 100g kecapa, za preliv - 2 kisele pavlake, 1/2 l mleka, 200g kackavalja (feta sir), 3 kasike brasna, vegeta.

1. Proprziti meso i luk kao za musaku, na kraju dodati kecap, izmesati i skloniti sa sporeta.
2. Redjati palacinke u duboku serpu ili u duzu tepsiju (na dva mesta palacinke) i filovati svaku.
3. Za preliv - sir izrendati, dodati ostale sastojke i preliti preko lazanje.
4. Staviti u rernu i peci na 200 stepeni oko 15 minuta.

Lisnato testo - ako je vece pakovanje podeliti na 4 dela, ako je manje podeliti na 2, pa filovati i preliti prelivom. Staviti u rernu i peci na 200 stepeni oko pola sata ili dok ne bude ispeceno (zavisno od rerne).

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