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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hleb od razi, psenice i prosa (Rye seeds, wheat and millet bread)

Sastojci: 150g razi, 150g psenice, 30g proso (oljusten), 50g semenki bundeve, 20g kvasca (svezeg) ili 7g suvog + 50ml vode + malo secera, 2 kasike mekinja, 2 kasike suncokretovih semenki, 2 kasike susama, 1/2 kasicice soli, komadic masti. 

1) Raz i psenicu potopiti u vodu, u posebnim posudama i ostaviti da stoji 48h. Proso potopiti u vodu i ostaviti da stoji 12h.
2) Staviti u cediljku i isprati. Ocediti. Potopiti kvasac u malo mlake vode i secera. Ostaviti 15 minuta da nadodje. Ako koristite svez kavasac izgnjeciti ga viljskom i promesati. Mekinje preliti sa 200ml mlake vode i ostaviti da stoji 10 minuta. Ocediti. Semenke suncokreta i susam malo preprziti. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
3) Samleti raz i psenicu u blenderu ili na masini za meso (dva puta). 
4) Pomesati raz i psenicu. dodati mekinje, sunkoret semenke, susam i semenke bundeve. Promesati. Dodati proso, kvasac i so. Zamesiti rukom, Smesa ce biti mekana. 
5) Ukljuciti rernu na 220 C. Kalup za hleb namazati mascu i sipati pola smese i prekriti mokrom krpom. Drugu polovinu sipajte u drugi pleh podmazan mascu i prekrite mokrom krpom. Dok se rerna greje ostaviti smesu da naraste. Kad se rerna ugrejala staviti da se pece. Kad je hleb pecen (proverite tako sto cete da zabodete cackalicu u sredinu, ako nema testa na njoj hleb je pecen) izvaditi iz pleha i umotati u cistu kuhinjsku krpu i ostaviti da se ohladi. 

Ingredients: 150g rye seeds, 150g wheat seeds, 30g millet (peeled), 50g pumpkin seeds, 20g yeast (fresh) or 7g dry + 50ml water + a little sugar, 2 tablespoons of bran, 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds, 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds, 1/2 tsp salt, a piece of lard.

1) Submerge rye seeds and wheat seeds in water, in separate bowls and allow to stand for 48 hours. Soak the millet in water and let stand for 12 hours.
2) Put in a strainer and rinse. Drain. Soak the yeast in lukewarm water and sugar. Allow 15 minutes to rest. If using fresh yeast, mash it with a fork and stir. Pour over the bran 200 ml of lukewarm water and let stand for 10 minutes. Drain. Sunflower seeds and sesame fry a little in a frying pan. Allow it cool.
3) Rye and wheat seeds process in blender or food processor or on a meat machine (twice).
4) Mix the rye and wheat seeds. Add bran, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. Mix well. Add millet, yeast and salt. Knead with your hand, the mixture will be soft.

5) Turn the oven on to 220 C. Grease the bread baking pan with lard and put half of the mixture and cover with a wet cloth. Pour the other half into the second pan greased with lard and cover with a wet cloth. While the oven is heating, allow the mixture to grow. When the oven is heated, place it to bake. When the bread is baked (check by sticking the toothpick in the center, if there is no dough on it, the bread is baked) remove from the pan and wrap in a clean kitchen cloth and allow to cool.

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