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Friday, March 26, 2021

Kako napraviti mocarelu? (How to make mozzarella?)

Sastojci: 4 L hladnog mleka 3.2 % (nepasterizovanog), 8g limunske kiseline (limuntus) + 250ml hladne destilovane ili prokuvane vode, 1.6ml sirila (sirista) + 60ml destilovane ili prokuvane vode, 1 kasicica soli, rasol (za hladjenje mocarele) - 3 kasike soli, 3 kasike surutke, 1 L veoma hladne vode.


1) Rastvoriti sirilo u hladnoj vodi. Rastvoriti limunsku kiselinu u hladnoj vodi.

2) Sipati rastvorenu limunsku kiselinu serpu. Dodati mleko.

3) Polako zagrejati do 32 C (mleko pocinje sa se polako siri - zgrusava). Ako vidite da se sir ne siri zagrejte ga to 35 ili do 38 C.

4) U serpu sipati vodu i zagrejati do 80 C.

5) Kada mleko dostigne temperaturu od 32 C skloniti sa sporeta i dodati sirilo. Promesati od dna do vrha 30 sekundi. Poklopiti i ostaviti 5 minuta. Treba da izgleda kao da se sir odvojio od surutke. Ako je sir previse mekan ili ako je surutka mlecna (nije vodenasta nego ima vise mleka), ostavite da stoji jos 30 minuta.

6) Iseci sir na kocke oko 3 cm. Vratiti na sporet i zagrejati do 43 C i lagano mesajte siri sa kutlacom. Skloniti sa sporeta i mesati polako 5 minuta.

7) U serpu staviti cediljku. Sa resetkastom kasikom izvaditi sir iz surutke i stavite u cediljku. Kada ste sve izvadili vratiti surutku u serpu. Staviti cediljku preko serpe sa surutkom. Dodati pola kasicice soli. Savijati sir da se dobro ocedi. Ako dobro ocedite sir sada mocarela ce biti suvlja.

8) Staviti rukavice. Iseci sir na 3 cm kocke. U serpu sa vrelom vodom iz koraka 4) staviti parcice sira. Morate brzo da radite, pritiskajte kocke sira zajedno i savijajte jos dokje u vreloj vodi. Kad se kocke sira pocnu da stapaju izvaditi iz vode i rastezati. Ako se sir ne rasteze,nego se mrvi proveriti temperaturu vode (80 C) i ponovo potopiti kocke sira u vodu, pa rastezati. U pocetku ce biti grudvasto ali kako rastezete i savijate preko samog sira postace gladak. Razvlaciti nekoliko puta. Ako se sir ohladio raspadace se, vratite nazad u vodu i ponovite postupak. Kada se bude rastezalo kao karamel i stvori se sjaj sir je gotov. Oblikujte u kuglu.

9) Pomesati vodu, so i surutku. Promesati. Staviti mocarelu da se ohladi i zadrzi oblik.

Predlog: mozete napraviti mladi sir.

Ingredients: 4 L of cold milk 3.2% (unpasteurized), 8g of citric acid (granulated or powder) + 250ml of cold distilled or boiled water, 1.6ml of rennet + 60ml of distilled or boiled cold water, 1 teaspoon of salt, brine (for cooling mozzarella) - 3 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons whey, 1 L very cold water.


1) Dissolve the rennet in cold water. Dissolve citric acid in cold water.

2) Pour the dissolved citric acid in the pot. Add milk.

3) Slowly warm to 32 C (milk starts to curdle slightly). If you see that the cheese is not forming curd, warm it to 35 or 38 C.

4) Pour water into the pot and heat to 80 C.

5) When the milk reaches a temperature of 32 C remove from the stove and add rennet. Stir from bottom to top for 30 seconds. Cover and leave for 5 minutes. It should look like the cheese has separated from the whey. If the cheese is too soft or the whey is milky (not watery but more milky), let it stand for 30 minutes.

6) Cut the cheese into cubes about 3 cm. Return to the stove and heat to 43 C and gently stir the cheese with a ladle. Remove from the stove and stir slowly for 5 minutes.

7) Put a strainer in the pot. Remove the cheese from the whey with slotted spoon and place in a strainer. When you have removed everything, put the whey back in the pot. Put a strainer over the pot with a whey. Add half a teaspoon of salt. Fold cheese to drain well. If you strain the cheese well now, the mozzarella will be drier.

8) Put on gloves. Cut cheese into 3 cm cubes. In a hot water from step 4), place the cheese slices. You have to work fast, press the cheese cubes together and fold more while in hot water. When the cheese cubes begin to blend, remove from the water and stretch. If the cheese does not stretch, if it is crumble check the water temperature (80 C) and re-soak the cheese cubes in water, then stretch. It will be lumpy at first but as you stretch and fold over the cheese itself it will become smooth. Stretch a few times. If the cheese has cooled down, return to water and repeat in the process. When it is stretched like caramel and the gloss is created, the cheese is done. Shape into a ball.

9) Mix water, salt and whey. Stir. Put mozzarella to cool and retain shape.

Suggestion: you can make farmer cheese.

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