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Friday, April 2, 2021

UN dijeta (UN diet)

Ako zelite da pored izgubljenih kilograma promenite i nacin rada metabolizam UN dijeta je za vas. Promena metabolizma znaci da vam se izgubljeni kilogrami nece vracati.

UN dijeta – napomene

Posle 90 dana dijete obavezno napraviti pauzu od 90 dana. Nakon toga mozete sporvesti UN dijetu od 90 dana.

Obavezno piti 2 do 3 L vode na dan.

Kada zavrsite 7 puta po 4 dana dijete tj. 29.-tog dana imate vodeni dan. Celog dana pijete samo vodu.

Kafa i caj su dozvoljeni ali bez dodatka secera ili meda.

Sokove ne smete konzumirati jer su puni vestackin secera. U zamenu mozete piti frape.

Posle rucka obavezno jedna tableta koja sadrzi dnevnu dozu vitamina i minerala. Na primer, oligovit za trudnice (sadrzi dvanaest vitamina i sedam minerala). Iako niste trudnica mozete uzimati :) pored toga to vam je jeftinija varijanta u borbi protiv prehlade i gripa ili korone.

Oligovit za trudnice sastojci - vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin B6, pantotenska kiselina, vitamin B12, folna kiselina, biotin, vitamin C, kalcijum, gvozdjee, selen, cink, bakar, mangan i jod.

Pauza izmedju obroka - prvog dana je 4 sata, a drugog i treceg je 3 sata, za vreme vocnog dana pauza je 2 sata

Nemojte jesti 2 sata pre spavanja.

Moze se desiti da prvih desetetak dana ne izgubite nijedan kilogram ali onda pocne nagli gubitak.

Posle 90 dana dijete, jos 90 dana za dorucak se jede voce, dok za rucak i veceru regularan nacin ishrane. U ovom periodu trebalo bi da izgubite jos 3 kg sto je pokazatelj promene metabolizma. Ako se ne izgube, dijetu treba ponoviti sa pauzom od 90 dana.

Fizicka aktivnost - brza ili lagana setnja pola sata na dan, joga od 20 minuta, a kad steknete kodiciju mozete i tae bo. Teze vezbanje kao tae bo nemojte raditi na vocne i vodene dane.

UN dijeta se sastoji iz cetri dana koja se ponavljaju. Prvi dan je proeinski dan, drugi dan je skrobni, treci dan su ugljeni hidrati, a cetvrti dan je voce.

Redosled dana se ne sme menjati.

Proteinski dan - dorucak

Dve iste vocke (osim banane, jer je puna grozdjanog secera) ili 8 komada suvog voca.

Proteinski dan - rucak

Meso – bareno ili peceno meso (250g) ili 3 kuvana jaja ili nesto od mlecnih proizvoda ili soja.

Hleb – jedno parce integralnog hleba.

Salata – u neogranicenim kolicinama bez ulja.

Supa – obavezna (bez rezanaca) 250ml.

Napomena: ako konzumirate mlecne proizvode onda supa ne mora.

Nemojte mesati razlicite vrste proteina u jednom obroku, a ni u danu; vas digestivni trakt ce lakse svariti jednu vrstu proteina.

Proteinski dan - vecera

Isto sto i za rucak samo pola mere, bez supe i bez hleba.

Napomena: ako ste meso jeli za rucak jedete meso i za veceru ili ako ste za rucak jeli jaja i za veceru imate jaja.

Pauza izmedju obroka: 4 sata.

Skrobni dan - dorucak

Dve iste vocke (osim banane, jer je puna grozdjanog secera) ili 8 komada suvog voca.

Skrobni dan - rucak

Povrce - pasulj, grasak, pirinac, kinoa, amarant, krompir – kuvano uz dodatak zacina - so, vegeta, biber, kuvani paradajz) – pun tanjir.

Hleb – jedno parce integralnog hleba.

Salata - u neogranicenim kolicinama bez ulja.

Skrobni dan - vecera

Isto kao i za rucak samo pola mere ali bez hleba.

Pauza izmedju obroka: 3 sata.

Ugljeni hidrati dan - dorucak

Dve iste vocke (osim banane, jer je puna grozdjanog secera) ili 8 komada suvog voca.

Ugljeni hidrati dan - rucak

Kuvana testenina uz dodatak zacina - so, vegeta, biber, kuvani paradajz ili vegetarijanska pica ili slano pecivo - 3 kifle na primer.

Ugljeni hidrati - vecera

Dva tanja parceta torte ili 3 – 4 kolaca ili 3 – 4 kugle sladoleda. Plus jedno rebro cokolade za kuvanje.

Pauza izmedju obroka: 3 sata.

Vocni dan

Mesano voce – u neogranicenim koliciinama (osim banane).


Vocni dan - dorucak

Dve iste vocke (osim banane, jer je puna grozdjanog secera) ili 8 komada suvog voca.

Vocni dan - rucak

Bareno povrce i salata bez ulja.

Vocni dan - vecera

Pola mere barenog povrca i salata bez ulja.

Napomena: za uzinu izmedju rucka i vecere mozete uzeti voce (sem banane).

Pauza izmedju obroka: 2 sata.

If you want to change how your metabolism is working in addition to losing weight, the UN diet is for you. A change in metabolism means that the lost weight will not come back.

UN diet - notes

After 90 days of diet you must take a break of 90 days. You can then follow a 90-day UN diet again.

Be sure to drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day.

When you finish 7 times of 4 days of diet, ie on the 29th day, you have a water day. You only drink water all day.

Coffee and tea are allowed but without the addition of sugar or honey.

You should not consume juices because they are full of artificial sugar. In exchange you can drink frappe (smoothie).

After lunch, be sure to take one tablet that contains a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. For example, oligovite for pregnant women (contains twelve vitamins and seven minerals). Although you are not pregnant you can take it :) in addition it is a cheaper option in the fight against colds and flu or coronavirus.

Oligovit for pregnant women ingredients - vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, folic acid, biotin, vitamin C, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese and iodine.

Break between meals - the first day is 4 hours, the second and third is 3 hours, during the fruit day break is 2 hours.

Do not eat 2 hours before bedtime.

It can happen that you do not lose a single kilogram for the first ten days, but then a sudden loss begins.

After 90 days of diet, for another 90 days for breakfast fruit is eaten, while for lunch and dinner you can eat regular meals. During this period, you should lose another 3 kg, which is an indicator of a change in metabolism. If they are not lost, the diet should be repeated with a break of 90 days.

Physical activity - a quick or easy walk for half an hour a day, 20 minutes of yoga, and when you strengthen your body you can do tae bo. Do not work harder exercises as tae bo on fruit and water days.

The UN diet consists of four repetitive days. The first day is the protein day, the second day is starchy, the third day is carbohydrates, and the fourth day is fruit.

The order of the days can not be changed.

Protein day - breakfast

Two of the same fruit (except the banana, because it is full of grape sugar) or 8 pieces of dried fruit. Two oranges, 2 pears, 2 apples or 350g of small fruits like strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries.

Protein day - lunch

Meat - boiled or roasted meat (250g) or 3 boiled eggs or something from dairy products or soy dairy products.

Bread - one piece of whole wheat, rye or barley bread.

Salad - in unlimited quantities without oil.

Soup - mandatory (without noodles) 250ml.

Note: if you consume dairy products then leave out the soup.

Don’t mix different types of protein in one meal, nor in a day; your digestive tract will digest one type of protein more easily.

Protein day - dinner

The same as for lunch only half a measure, no soup and no bread.

Note: if you ate chicken meat for lunch you eat chicken meat for dinner as well or if you ate eggs for lunch then have eggs for dinner.

Break between meals: 4 hours.

Starch day - breakfast

Two of the same fruit (except the banana, because it is full of grape sugar) or 8 pieces of dried fruit. Two oranges, 2 pears, 2 apples or 350g of small fruits like strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries.

Starchy day - lunch

Vegetables - beans, peas, rice, quinoa, amaranth, potatoes - cooked with the addition of spices - salt, vegeta, pepper, cooked tomatoes) - full plate.

Bread - one piece of whole wheat, rye or barley bread.

Salad - in unlimited quantities without oil.

Starchy day - dinner

Same as for lunch only half a measure but without bread.

Break between meals: 3 hours.

Carbohydrates day - breakfast

Two of the same fruit (except the banana, because it is full of grape sugar) or 8 pieces of dried fruit. Two oranges, 2 pears, 2 apples or 350g of small fruits like strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries.

Carbohydrates day - lunch

Cooked pasta with the addition of spices - salt, vegeta, pepper, cooked tomatoes or vegetarian pizza or plain salty pastry - 3 rolls for example (no filling).

Carbohydrates - dinner

Two thin slices of cake or 3-4 sheet cakes or 3-4 scoops of ice cream. Plus one rib of cooking chocolate (tjis is a must).

Break between meals: 3 hours.

Fruit day

Mixed fruit - in unlimited quantities (except bananas).


Fruit day - breakfast

Two of the same fruit (except the banana, because it is full of grape sugar) or 8 pieces of dried fruit. Two oranges, 2 pears, 2 apples or 350g of small fruits like strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries.

Fruit day - lunch

Boiled vegetables and salad without oil.

Fruit day - dinner

Half a measure of boiled vegetables and salad without oil.

Note: for a snack between lunch and dinner you can take fruit (except bananas).

Break between meals: 2 hours.

Days after diet

Food groups divided by meals. You can eat both protein and carbohydrates and starch in one day, but NOT in the same meal. Vegetables are as neutral as ever. Potatoes, beans, etc. do not belong in vegetables and you can eat them at every meal.

You still eat fruit for breakfast. You can drink fresh squeezed juices.

The interval between meals remains the same.

Fruit day once a week. You can drink one cup of yogurt or oat, rye or barley flakes with fresh fruit juice.

The water day remains the same - once a month.

Physical activity as with the UN diet.

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