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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Kako ocistiti avokado? (How to clean an avocado?)

Potrebno: avokado, pola limuna (moze smrznut), noz, rukavica.


1) Sacekati da se limun odmrzne.

Ako je avokado zreo - nije tesko.


2) Postoje dva nacina da se testira da li je avokado zreo. Prvi - palcem pritisnete koru i ako blago, skoro jedva da primetite, prst upada, zreo je. Kad kazem "upada" nije to kao kod prezelog voca - npr. kajsija ili sljiva. Ako Vam to nije dovoljno (kao meni), predjite na drugi nacin. Prstom uklonite s vrha - "kraj drske". Ako je unutrasnjost zelenkasta, avokado je i zreo i dobar. A ako je braonkast, bacite ga.

Ako nije zreo - mozda neki drugi put vise o tome.

3) Nozem zasecite po duzini avokada, skroz ukrug. Skoro do kostice. 

4) Sa obe ruke - npr. leva odozdo, desna odozgo, okrenite kao da otvarate teglu. Gornji deo ce da se odvoji. 

5) Prstima pogurajte tj.zabodite prste do kostice i izvadite je.

6) Zasecite nozem po avokadu na nakoliko mesta po duzini i sirini, zavisno od velicine avokada. Pazite da ne isecete i koru. Ali ako se to desi - nije strasno. 

7) Kasicicom izdubite, do kore, komadice avokada.

8) Stavite ih u ciniju. Mozete preliti sokom od limuna odmah. Izgnjeciti viljuskom pa preliti sa malo soka od limuna. Promesati.

Sok od limuna sluzi da avokado ne bi postao braon. 

Napomena: ne potapati avokado u vodu. 

FDA (en. U.S. Food and Drug Administration) kaze da se bakterije i gljivice nalaze na povrsini avokada koji stoji u vodi duze vremena. FDA je odgovorna za zastitu javnog zdravlja.

Izvor: - na engleskom.

9) Najbolje je pojesti istog dana kada se i oljusti. Mozete ga drzati u frizideru do sutradan.

Needed: avocado, half a lemon (can be frozen), knife, glove.


1) Wait for the lemon to thaw.

If the avocado is ripe - it is not difficult.


2) There are two ways to test whether an avocado is ripe. The first - you press the peel with your thumb and if you slightly, almost barely notice, your finger falls in, it is ripe. When I say "falls in", it's not like overripe fruit - eg apricot or plum. If that is not enough for you (like me), go to another way. With your finger, remove from the top - the "end of the handle". If the inside is greenish, the avocado is both ripe and good. And if it's brownish, throw it away.

If it is not ripe - maybe some other time more about that.

3) Cut the avocado lengthwise with a knife, all the way around. Almost to the bone.

4) With both hands - eg left from below, right from above, turn as if opening a jar. The upper part will separate.

5) Push with your fingers, i.e. stick your fingers to the pit and take it out.

6) Cut the avocado with a knife in several places along the length and width, depending on the size of the avocado. Be careful not to cut the peel. But if that happens - it's not terrible.

7) Scoop out the avocado pieces with a spoon, up to the skin.

8) Put them in a bowl. You can pour lemon juice over it immediately. Mash with a fork and pour over a little lemon juice. Stir.

The lemon juice serves to prevent the avocado from turning brown.

Note: do not submerge the avocado in water.

The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) says that bacteria and fungi are found on the surface of avocados that have been in water for a long time. The FDA is responsible for protecting public health.


9) It is best to eat it the same day it is peeled. You can keep it in the fridge until the next day.










slika 10 je na pocetku recepta (picture 10 is at the beginning of the recipe)






Zanimljivost: ako ste citali ili gledali video gde Vam savetuju da nozem udarite po kostici i da pazite da ne otfikarite prste - nema potrebe. Mozda mozete i kasicicom da obidjete oko kostice, sve do mesa avokada. Pokusala sam reckavim nozem da tresnem po kostici ali bezuspesno. Cak sam probala da rezanjem uvucem noz u kosticu i opet nista. Na kraju sam izvadila prstima.

Interesting thing: if you have read or watched a video where they advise you to hit the pit with a knife and to be careful not to cut your fingers - there is no need. Maybe you can use a spoon to go around the pit, all the way to the flesh of the avocado. I tried to hit the pit with a knife, but without success. I even tried to insert the knife into the bone by cutting, and again nothing. In the end, I took it out with my fingers.

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