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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Kako napraviti kefir od mleka? (How to make milk kefir?)

Kefir od zrna kefira

Za pripremu kefira blagog ukusa koristite 5-10g zrna kefira na litar mleka. Sve iznad toga dace kefir jačeg ukusa koji će se brže fermentisati. 

Aktivacija suvih kefir zrnaca - mleko menjajte svaka 24 sata dok zrnca ne počnu uzgajati mleko i stvarati kefir. Može proći 3 do 7 dana da kefirna zrnca postanu potpuno aktivna.

Sastojci: 500ml punomasnog mleka (sobne temperature), 1/2 kasicice kefir zrna.


1. Staviti zrna kefira u teglu.

2. Dodati mleko ostavljajući oko 6cm prostora za teglu koju cete prekriti krpom. Pokriti teglu ili s nekoliko slojeva papirnatih ubrusa ili s nekoliko papirnatih filtera za kafu. Osigurajte gumenom trakom kako biste sprečili ulazak buba ili prašine. 

Pokrijte teglu gazom i pričvrstite gumicom. Nemojte zašrafljivati poklopac na teglu jer nakupljanje ugljenog dioksida iz fermentirajućih zrna može uzrokovati stvaranje pritiska u tegli, a u ekstremnim slučajevima uzrokovati pucanje tegle.

3. Stavite na toplo (od18 do 29°C), tamno mesto. Ostavite 18-24 sata da se fermentise. 

Kada se mleko zgusne dobili ste kefir. Možda se ucvrstio i odvojio, pri čemu su se stvorili džepovi sirutke – to je normalno. Ako se vaše mleko nije fermentisalo nakon 48 sati, procedite zrnca i pokušajte ponovo sa svežom količinom (to se ponekad događa kada koristite nova kefirna zrnca, kada osvežavate osušena kefirna zrnca ili kada koristite zrnca koja su bila ohlađena).

4. Procediti kefir kroz plasticno sito u staklenu ciniju mesajuci drvenom kasikom.

Stavite ga u frizider kako biste zaustavili dalju fermentaciju, jer ukus može postati prilično jak ako ne mozete odmah da ga procedite. U naredna 48 sata ga morate procediti.

5. Možete ga popiti odmah ili ga ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi nekoliko sati kako bi ukus bio jači.

6. Začinite kefir dpdavanjem svežeg voća (70g), čokolade (1 kasika kakaa u prahu), ekstrakta vanile (¼ kasicice) ili urmi (1 urma bez koštice).

7. Isperite teglu, vratite zrna (nemojte ih ispirati), ponovo napunite mlekom i ponovite postupak ako zelite da napravite jos kefira.

Saveti prilikom pravljenja kefira (Tips for making kefir)

Kako mogu znati da je gotovo?

Odnos zrna i mleka kao i temperatura utiču na to koliko će brzo mleko postati kefir. Stavite teglu na toplo mesto, ali ne na sunce. 

Ako se razdvoji na urdu i surutku, ne brinite jer se lako može ponovno pomešati. Protresite teglu ili promesati kefir da se sjedini i nastavite. Ako se to događa redovno, počnite ranije proveravati svoj kefir.

Teže je ustanoviti s obranim mlekom (mleko sa manje masti, 1 % ili 0.5 %) koje daje puno mekši kefir. Probodite kasikom ako niste sigurni da li se zgusnulo i pomirišite – ako miriše malo na jogurt ili blago na sir, gotovo je.

U početku može proći i do 48 sati da se mleko zgusne. Možete reći da je gotovo jer će se mlijeko stvrdnuti, baš kao i jogurt. Mogu se pojaviti džepovi surutke; ne brinite to je normalno i pomešace se tokom ceđenja.

Mleko će brže fermentirati na višim temperaturama, a sporije na nižim.

Koju vrstu mleka da koristiti?

Koristite punomasno organsko mleko za najbolji ukus. Bilo koje sveže mleko kao sto su kozje, kravlje ili ovcje. Nemojte koristiti dugotrajno UHT (ultra-pasterizovano) ili sterilizovano mleko. Što je mleko veće masnoće, kefir je gušći. Pasterizovano mleko sadrži neke neškodljive bakterije koje se mogu razviti na niskim temperaturama i na kraju promeniti ukus mleka – sto može učiniti kefir čudnim ukusom i da se zgruša pre nego što se stegne.

Možete koristiti homogenizovano ili nehomogenizovano mleko, ali se kod visokomasnih varijanti nehomogenizovanog mleka ponekad zrnca zaglave u kremu i mleko se neće stvrdnuti –tako da cete morati da promešati ili protresete nekoliko puta dok fermentise.

Možete koristiti domace mleko - sveze pomuzeno. 

Nemojte koristiti domace mleko ako ste trudni.

Kako čuvati kefir i koliko dugo traje?

Nakon što se procedi, kefir držite u frizideru. To će usporiti fermentaciju mikroba. Rok upotrebe 7 dana i čvrsto pokriveno

Između serija pravljenja kefira, držite zrna u mleku u manjoj tegli na sobnoj emperaturi do nedelju dana ili do tri nedelje u frizideru. Promenite mleko ako ih još uvek ne koristite ili će "umreti od gladi".

Kefirna zrnca su živi organizmi i postupno će rasti. Kad se udvostruče, što može trajati dve ili tri nedelje uz svakodnevno dosipavanje mleka, izvadite polovinu i dajte ih prijatelju ili ih zamrznite. Ako ne uklonite višak, kefir ce promeniti ukus.

Oprema za pripremu kefira

Koristite staklene posude jer tada možete vidjeti što se događa; drvenu kasiku za mesanje kefira pri cedjenju i plasticnu cediljku.

Oprema za pravljenje kefira mozete oprati u masini za posudje ili u vrućoj vodi sa sapunom a zatim dobro isprana pre nego što počnete.

Kefir from kefir grains

To prepare kefir with a mild taste, use 5-10g of kefir grains per liter of milk. Anything above that will give kefir a stronger taste that will ferment faster.

Activation of dry kefir grains - change the milk every 24 hours until the grains start growing milk and creating kefir. It may take 3 to 7 days for the kefir grains to become fully active.

Ingredients: 500ml of whole milk (room temperature), 1/2 teaspoon of kefir grains.


1. Put kefir grains in a jar.

2. Add milk, leaving about 6 cm of space for the jar, which you will cover with a cloth. Cover the jar with either several layers of paper towels or several paper coffee filters. Secure with a rubber band to prevent bugs or dust from entering.

Cover the jar with cheesecloth and secure with a rubber band. Do not screw the lid on the jar as carbon dioxide build-up from the fermenting grains can cause pressure to build up in the jar and in extreme cases cause the jar to burst.

3. Place in a warm (from 18 to 29°C), dark place. Leave for 18-24 hours to ferment.

When the milk thickens, you have kefir. It may have solidified and separated, creating pockets of whey - this is normal. If your milk has not fermented after 48 hours, strain the grains and try again with a fresh amount (this sometimes happens when you use new kefir grains, when you refresh dried kefir grains, or when you use grains that have been cooled).

4. Strain kefir through a plastic sieve into a glass bowl, mixing with a wooden spoon.

Put it in the fridge to stop further fermentation, as the taste can get quite strong if you can't strain it right away. You must strain it in the next 48 hours.

5. You can drink it immediately or leave it at room temperature for a few hours so that the taste is stronger.

6. Spice up kefir by adding fresh fruit (70g), chocolate (1 tablespoon of cocoa powder), vanilla extract (¼ teaspoon) or dates (1 pitted date).

7. Rinse the jar, return the grains (do not rinse them), refill with milk and repeat the process if you want to make more kefir.

Tips for making kefir

How do I know it's done?

The ratio of grains to milk as well as the temperature affect how quickly the milk will become kefir. Place the jar in a warm place, but not in the sun.

If it separates into curds and whey, don't worry as it can easily be mixed again. Shake the jar or stir the kefir to combine and continue. If this happens regularly, start checking your kefir earlier.

It is more difficult to determine with skimmed milk (milk with less fat, 1% or 0.5%), which gives a much softer kefir. Pierce it with a spoon if you are not sure if it has thickened and smell it - if it smells a little like yogurt or slightly like cheese, it's done.

In the beginning, it can take up to 48 hours for the milk to thicken. You can tell it's done because the milk will harden, just like yogurt. Whey pockets may appear; don't worry it's normal and it will mix during the straining.

Milk will ferment faster at higher temperatures and slower at lower temperatures.

What kind of milk to use?

Use organic whole milk for the best taste. Any fresh milk such as goat's, cow's or sheep's milk. Do not use long-term UHT (ultra-pasteurized) or sterilized milk. The higher the fat in the milk, the thicker the kefir. Pasteurized milk contains some harmless bacteria that can grow at low temperatures and eventually change the taste of the milk - which can make kefir taste strange and curdle before it sets.

You can use homogenized or non-homogenized milk, but with high-fat varieties of non-homogenized milk, sometimes the grains get stuck in the cream and the milk will not harden - so you will have to stir or shake it several times while it ferments.

You can use homemade milk - freshly milked.

Do not use homemade milk if you are pregnant.

How to store kefir and how long does it last?

After straining, keep the kefir in the refrigerator. This will slow down the microbial fermentation. Shelf life 7 days and tightly covered

Between batches of making kefir, keep the grains in milk in a small jar at room temperature for up to a week or up to three weeks in the refrigerator. Change the milk if you are not using them yet or they will "starve".

Kefir grains are living organisms and will grow gradually. When they double in size, which can take two or three weeks with daily addition of milk, take out half and give them to a friend or freeze them. If you don't remove the excess, kefir will change its taste.

Kefir preparation equipment

Use glass containers because then you can see what's going on; a wooden spoon for stirring kefir during straining and a plastic strainer.

Equipment for making kefir must be washed in a dishwasher or in hot soapy water and then rinsed well before you start.

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