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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Pasterizovanje zimnice - voce i povrce (Pasteurization of winter storage - fruits and vegetables)

Slaba ili jaka marinada?

Postoje slabe i jake marinade. Slabe su one koje imaju manje od 1,5 odsto najčešće sirćetne kiseline. Jake su one kod kojih je udeo kiseline veći od 1,5 odsto. Zimnica čija marinada sadrži manje od dva odsto kiseline treba biti pasterizovana i pakovana u hermetički zatvorenu ambalažu jer inače može doći do kvarenja proizvoda.

Udeo soli ne bi smeo da bude ispod tri odsto na ukupnu količinu, ako želite da imate stabilan, dugotrajniji proizvod. Marinade najčešće sadrže od tri do pet odsto soli. 

Do razvoja mikroorganizama neće doći ako proizvod skladištite na temperaturi od nula do 15°C. 

Ako ste napravili slabiju marinadu ili pak želite da imate što dugotrajniji proizvod, zimnicu je potrebno pasterizovati, a to znači, izložiti je temperaturi iznad 80 i više stepena, kroz određeno vreme. 

Vreme i temperatura pasterizacije zavise od vrste proizvoda. Nije isto da li pasterizujete sitne kornišone krastavce ili pak one velike. Da li je to tanko narezana ili čitava cvekla. 

Načini pasterizacije

Treba podsetiti da se pasterizacija može obaviti kuvanjem gde je važno vrelu smesu izliti u tegle i odmah zatvoriti i preokrenuti kako bi se stvorio vakuum. Pritom pazite da zbog vreline smese ne dođe do pucanja tegli. Kako do toga ne bi došlo, smesu možete da sipate malo po malo ili prethodno zagrejati tegle u rerni (sterilizacija). 

Pasterizovati možete i tako što ćete tegle napunjene zimnicom (najčešće kod kišeljenja povrća) staviti u veću posudu sa hladnom vodom na čije ćete dno staviti kuhinjsku krpu. Tegle bi trebalo da budu uronjene do 2/3 svoje visine. Važno je da se ne dodiruju kako ne bi došlo do pucanja. Vodu u posudi zajedno sa teglama treba kuvati sve dok voda oko njih ne provri i kuvati još oko 15 minuta. Isključiti i ostaviti boce da se ohlade zajedno sa vodom.

Drugi način je pasterizacija u rerni. 

U slučaju da želite da pasterizujete zimnicu koja je već vruća (na primer dzem) tada zagrejte rernu na 160°C. Napunjene i dobro zatvorene tegle stavite u pliću posudu te nalijte do tri centimetara vode. Pazite da se ne dodiruju. Kada uočite dizanje mehurića u teglama, isključite rernu i ostavite da se potpuno ohlade u njima. U slučaju hladne zimnice, postupak je isti, osim što tegle treba staviti u hladnu rernu, a tek je onda zagrevati na 160°C jer bi inače moglo doći do pucanja.  

Ne valja ni predugo pasterizovati zimnicu.

Svako duže izlaganje visokoj temperaturi može uticati na smanjenje kvaliteta i nutritivne vrednosti proizvoda. Treba napraviti dobar balans, a kako istovremeno ne bi došlo do kvarenja.

Kada je reč o slatkoj zimnici, kao na primer, kompotu i sličnim proizvodima, šećer je prirodni konzervans jer sprečava rast mirkoorganizama koji ne podnose visoke koncentracije šećera.

Uvek koristite novu ambalažu

Kada je reč o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti proizvoda, jednako važnu ulogu ima i higijena. Za izradu zimnice sve posuđe i pribor operite u deterdžentu pa isperite vrelom vodom. Dezinfikujte površinu na kojoj radite i nakon svake radnje dobro operite ruke. Takođe, ambalaža koju koristite mora biti čista i osušena. 

I novu, kupljenu ambalažu je potrebno dobro oprati vrelom vodom i osušiti pre stavljanja sadržaja zimnice u nju. Čak i potpuno nova može imati minimalne nečistoće.

Ako pravite zimnicu samo za svoje domaćinstvo, možete koristiti već polovne tegle, ali poklopci neka budu novi. 

Umesto konzervansa začinsko bilje

Začini kao što su ruzmarin, komorač, list lovora, zrna crnog bibera, belog luka i drugi koji pripadaju vrsti začinskog bilja poboljšavaju ukus i služe kao prirodni konzervans. 

Weak or strong marinade?

There are weak and strong marinades. Weak are those that have less than 1.5 percent of acetic acid. Those with an acid content of more than 1.5 percent are strong. Winter storage whose marinade contains less than two percent acid should be pasteurized and packed in hermetically sealed packaging, otherwise the product may spoil.

The share of salt should not be below three percent of the total amount, if you want to have a stable, long-lasting product. Marinades usually contain three to five percent salt.

The development of microorganisms will not occur if you store the product at a temperature of zero to 15°C.

If you have made a weaker marinade or you want to have a product that lasts as long as possible, it is necessary to pasteurize it, which means exposing it to a temperature above 80 degrees and more, for a certain period of time.

The time and temperature of pasteurization depend on the type of product. It is not the same whether you pasteurize small pickles or large ones. Is it thinly sliced or whole vegetable.

Ways of pasteurization

It should be remembered that pasteurization can be done by cooking, where it is important to pour the hot mixture into jars and immediately close and invert to create a vacuum. While doing so, make sure that the heat of the mixture does not cause the jars to crack. To prevent this from happening, you can pour the mixture little by little or preheat the jars in the oven (sterilization).

You can also pasteurize by placing jars filled with cold water (most often when pickling vegetables) in a large container with cold water, at the bottom of which you will place a kitchen towel. The jars should be submerged up to 2/3 of their height. It is important that they do not touch each other to avoid cracking. The water in the container together with the jars should be boiled until the water around them boils and boiled for another 15 minutes. Switch off and leave the bottles to cool together with the water.

Another way is pasteurization in the oven.

In case you want to pasteurize winter food that is already hot (for example jam), then heat the oven to 160°C. Place the filled and tightly closed jars in a shallow container and pour up to three centimeters of water. Make sure they don't touch each other. When you notice bubbles rising in the jars, turn off the oven and let them cool completely in them. In the case of a cold winter storage, the procedure is the same, except that the jars should be placed in a cold oven, and only then heated to 160°C, otherwise it could crack.

It's not a good idea to pasteurize the winter storage for too long.

Any prolonged exposure to high temperature can reduce the quality and nutritional value of the product. A good balance should be made, so that at the same time there is no spoilage.

When it comes to sweet winter foods, such as compote and similar products, sugar is a natural preservative because it prevents the growth of microorganisms that cannot tolerate high concentrations of sugar.

Herbs instead of preservatives

Spices such as rosemary, fennel, bay leaves, black peppercorns, garlic and others belonging to the herb family improve taste and serve as a natural preservative.

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