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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pekmez od drenjina (Cornelian cherry jam)

Sastojci: 2 kg drenjina (zrelih), 1 kg šećera.


1. Drenjine oprati i propasirati.

2. Dodati 500g šećera, promesati i staviti da se kuva na srednjoj temperaturi (4) mesajuci.

3. Kada počne da se zgušnjava dodati ostatak šećera i kuvati dok se secer ne otopi i sve se lepo sjedini.

4. Vreo pekmez sipati u zagrejane tegle. Ostaviti da se ohladi na sobnoj temperaturi.

5. Sutradan povezati ili celofanom i gumicom dobro pricvrstiti ili poklopcem.

Ingredients: 2 kg of cornelian cherry (ripe), 1 kg of sugar.


1. Wash and puree the cornelian cherries.

2. Add 500g of sugar, mix and cook at medium temperature (4) stirring.

3. When it starts to thicken, add the rest of the sugar and cook until the sugar dissolves and everything is well combined.

4. Pour hot jam into warm jars. Leave to cool at room temperature.

5. The next day, close it well with cellophane and a rubber band or cover it with a lid.

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