Christmas Recipes, Quick and Easy, Chowders and Soups, Strengthen the Body, Coffee and Tea Cookies, Main Dishes, Beverages, No Baking, Around the World, Phyllo Pastry Pies, Lean recipes, Toppings and Creams, Side Dishes, Frying, Fish Dishes, Salads, Tips, Salty, Sweet, Sauces, Cakes, Easter Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes, Winter Stores.



Argentinsko punjeno testo (Argentine empanada)

Brzi hleb sa pivom (Quick bread with beer)

Biskvit sa sirom (Cheese biscuit)
Brza pita sa sirom ili mesom (Quick cheese or meat pie)
Brzi kajmak (Quick cheese spread)
Brza pogaca (Quick bread)

Cufte od spanaca i sira (Meatballs with spinach and cheese)

Domace slane korpice (Homemade salty baskets)

Engleski mini hlepcici (English mini breads)
Egipatski hleb od jecma (Egyptian barley bread)

Glazirana sargarepa (Glazed carrots)
Gratinirani karfiol (Gratinated cauliflower)
Gibanica (Phyllo pastry pie)

Hleb od razi, psenice i prosa (Rye seeds, wheat and millet bread)
Hleb s maslinama (Bread with olives)
Hlepcici sa slaninom (Mini breads with bacon)

Integralni hleb (Integral bread)

Intergralne spagete za visok krvni pritisak (Integral spaghetti for high blood pressure)
Integralne zemicke (Integral bread rolls)

Jaja u sosu od paradajza (Eggs in tomato sauce)
Juneca pasteta (Beef pate)

Kineski przeni rezanci sa povrcem (Chinese fried noodles with vegetables)

Krompir punjen slaninom i krem sirom (Potatoes stuffed with bacon and cream cheese)
Kuvane cufte od spanaca (Cooked spinach balls)
Knedle od krompira sa mesom (Potato dumplings with meat)
Kako napraviti hleb bez kvasca (How to make bread without yeast)
Karfiol sa besamel sosom (Cauliflower with bechamel sauce)
Kore za pitu (Pie crust)
Krekeri filovani sirom (Crackers filled with cheese)
Kuglice od jagnjetine (Lamb meatballs)
Kikiriki stanglice (Peanut bars)

Letnje pihtije (Summer aspic)
Lazanja s povrcem (Lasagna with vegetables)
Lazanje s tikvicama i krem sirom (Lasagna with zucchini and cream cheese)

Makarone sa slaninom i prazilukom (Macaroni with bacon and leek)

Makarone sa piletinom i kackavaljem (Macaroni with chicken and yellow cheese)

Namaz od paprika (Spread peppers)
Namazi od margarina (Spreads with margarine)

Omlet s travama (Omelette with herbs)
Omlet sa aromaticnim biljem (Omelette with aromatic herbs)

Pljeskavice od pasulja (Beans burgers)

Pljeskavice od spanaca (Spinach burgers)
Proso kasa (Millet porridge)
Pohovana pileca prsa (Fried chicken breasts)
Pljeskavice sa tikvicama i biljem (Patties with zucchini and herbs)
Pirinac sa blitvom u rerni (Rice with swiss chard in the oven)
Palacinke od kelerabe (Kohlrabi pancakes)
Pecen krompir sa kremom od mirodjije (Baked potatoes with dill cream)
Pohovane tikvice (Fried zucchini)
Pecurke punjene praizlukom (Mushrooms stuffed with leeks)
Punjen paradajz (Stuffed tomato)
Pijani patlidzan (Drunk eggplant)
Pita od tune 2 (Tuna pie 2)
Perece s pivom (Beer pretzels)
Przene knedle sa sirom (Fried dumplings with cheese)
Punjeni jecmeni hleb (Stuffed barley bread)
Punjeni trouglovi (Filled triangles)
Pogacice sa prsutom (Muffins with prosciutto)
Predjelo od jaja i mesa (Eggs and meat appetizer)
Palacinke sa spanacem (Spinach crepes)
Pesto od blitve (Swiss chard pesto)
Pekarske kifle (Bakery rolls)
Palacinke - osnovni recept (Crepes - basic recipe)

Rolovani pileci zalogaji (Rolled chicken bites)

Razani hleb (Rye bread)
Rolat od sunke (Ham roll)
Rezanci sa sirom (Noodles with cheese)
Riblja pasteta (Fish pate)
Rolne od sunke (Ham rolls)
Rolat od spanaca (Spinach rolls)
Rolat sa sunkom (Roll with ham)

Stapici lososa sa grilovanim povrcem (Grilled salmon sticks with grilled vegetables)

Slani kolac sa pesto sosom (Salty cake with pesto sauce)
Slani krekeri sa susamom (Salty sesame crackers)
Slani krekeri sa belim vinom (Salty crackers with white wine)
Slane kocke od piletine (Salty chicken squares)
Sendvic od plavog patlidzana (Eggplant sandwich)
Spanac sa belim lukom (Spinach with garlic)
Slani krekeri sa sirom i kremom od spanaca (Salted crackers with cheese and spinach cream)
Seljacki omlet (Peasant Omelet)
Stapici sa jogurtom i semenkama (Bars with buttermilk and seeds)
Stapici sa sirom i celerom (Cheese and celery sticks)
Stanglice sa sirom (Cheese sticks)
Sos od senfa i majoneza (Mustard and mayonnaise sauce)
Slani stapici sa krompirom (Salted sticks with potatoes)
Spanski kolac od badema sa kruskama (Spanish almond cake with pears)
Savijaca od mesa (Meat strudel)
Slani puzici (Salty snails)

Tuna pljeskavice sa senfom (Tuna patties with mustard)

Torta od spanaca i sargarepe (Spinach and carrots cake)
Testo sa kvascem (Dough with yeast)

Ustipci sa koprivom (Fritters with nettles)

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