Christmas Recipes, Quick and Easy, Chowders and Soups, Strengthen the Body, Coffee and Tea Cookies, Main Dishes, Beverages, No Baking, Around the World, Phyllo Pastry Pies, Lean recipes, Toppings and Creams, Side Dishes, Frying, Fish Dishes, Salads, Tips, Salty, Sweet, Sauces, Cakes, Easter Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes, Winter Stores.


Websajtovi o Zdravlju i Ishrani (Websites about Health and Nutrition)

Sav sadrzaj na ovoj stranici bice - izmesano, na engleskom i na srpskom. Websajtovi o hrani, namirnicama, ishrani i sve sto je slicno i povezano, koje ja inace koristim za izradu Dokumenata o odredjenim stvarima koje me interesuju. Ti dokumenti su u raznim programima za obradu podataka u vidu tabela, slajdova, pdf-a i slicno. Linkovi su sa fakulteta o Medicini iz Amerike, Engleske, Kanade, itd., kao i sa domacih web sajtova. Ovde sakupljam sva uradjena Dokumenta i pronadjena - tudja, jer ja toliko toga imam na Gugl Drajvovima da ni polje za pretragu ne moze da mi pomogne lol da pronadjem sta hocu.


All content on this page will be - mixed, in English and in Serbian. Websites about food, groceries, nutrition and everything similar and related, which I otherwise use to create Documents about certain things that interest me. These documents are in various data processing programs in the form of tables, slides, pdfs and similar. Links of faculties of Medicine from US, England, Canada, etc., as well as from domestic websites. Here I collect all the Documents I have made  and those found - by others, because I have so much on Google Drive that even the search field can't help me lol to find what I want.


You can find: 
  • Videos with kitchen tips,
  • Weight loss tips in a combination with different types of diets.
  • Eat healty section with news, ingredients glossary, healthy choices, etc.
  • How to live smarter section with Fitness and Wellness advices as well as Everyday Health tips such as How to Read Food Nutrition Labels, Ayurvedic Practices to Aid Digestion. - medicinski recnik. Pojam za pretragu "elevacija ruke". Definicija reci elevacija i kako uraditi vezbu.
Fizioterapeut je portal o fizikalnoj terapiji i rehabilitaciji. Saznajte novosti i zanimljivosti iz sveta medicine, fizikalne terapije, sporta i prehrane.

Glikemijski indeks namirnica

Glutenless je na srpskom jeziku. Ima sve vezano za ishranu bez glutena. Link koji delim vezan je za pojam izracunavanja kolicine makronutrijenata na dnevnom nivou sa primerom i savetima. 

Gerson Therapy - what to pay attention to when deciding to implement this type of diet.

Hranljivi sastojci (nutrijenti) to jest korisne materije kao sto su: makronutrijenti i mikronutrijenti, esencijalni i ne-esencijalni nutrijenti, bioloske funkcije nutrijenata, i drugo. Definicije i primere mozete naci na BiVits blogu.

Health Harvard - exercise and fitness for seniorsWhy is exercise so important for seniors? What are the best types of exercise? What if my exercise ability is limited? What exercises are best for heart health?

10 highly processed foods to exclude from your meals because they are linked to many Body Conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes type 2, etc according to the Doctors and Research Scientists.

Veggie guide with culinary tips and recipes. 
You can buy vegetables they grow on their farm if you are near 1300 harlem rd, richmond, tx 77406. - Health and Nutrition Videos, such as Friday Favorites: Which Coffee Is Healthier— Light Roast, Dark Roast, or Low Acid? , Books like How not to diet,  Audio podcasts - Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger,  free healthy eating guides and nutrition handouts.

National Library of Medicine - search term "cocoa butter benefits". Results (some): 
-Chocolate and chocolate constituents influence bone health and osteoporosis risk.
-Cocoa and chocolate flavonoids: implications for cardiovascular health.

Nutrition Information?

Nadji lek - pretrazite apoteke, pretrazite lekove, pretrazite dijetetske suplemente, pogledajte listu Dezurnih Apoteka u Srbiji.

My food data - recipe nutrition calculator.

OneFit.rsPojam pretrage - ugljeni hidrati. Sve o ugljenim hidratima (UH) na jednom mestu, dobro i jednostavno objasnjeno. Sadrzi listu "losih" - prostih UH. Kao i listu "dobrih" - slozenih UH. Neke od slozenih ugljenih hidrata su: smedji (braon tj.integralni) pirinac, heljda, socivo (crveno-narandzasto, zeleno, braon), kinoa, ovas-zrno, psenicno brasno od celog zrna, integralni hleb, krompir, batat (sladak krompir), cvekla, sargarepa, orasasti plodovi (orasi, lesnici, bademi, kikiriki, indijski orah, pistaci), mleko, voce - banana, jabuka, pomorandza, grejpfrut, bobicasto voce (brusnica, ribizla, grozdje, borovnica, jagoda, malina, kupina, dud, ogrozd, aronija, godzi-vucje bobice, acai bobice), lubenica, mango. Posetite njihov blog o ishrani.

Open Food Facts - search term - cuor di mela (mulino bianco- 300g barilla). Nutriscore, ecoscore, product images.

You can search for recipes by cuisines, ingredients and courses. On their food blog you can find different tips and tricks on how to preprare food, such as Types of pastas, Ketogenic diet, Best French bakeries, etc.
Among other things, they have Nutrition facts for ingredients used in the recipe. - pojam pretrage - heljda. Ali ima i o glikemijskom indeksu. Da li osobe sa dijabetesom tipa 2 mogu jesti heljdu? 

Sta jedem? - tabela sastojaka proizvoda. 
Pojam pretrage " 7days max".

  • Regulisanje telesne tezine uz pomoc kalkulatora Indeksa Telesne Mase (BMI) i kalkulatora Potrosnje Kalorija prema vrsti aktivnosti izrazenoj u minutima, a prema vasoj tezini. 
  • U sekciji Fizicka Aktivnost mozete pronaci tekstove kao sto su:
  • Kako da Sprecite upalu misica, Koje je najbolje vreme za treniranje u letnjem periodu tj.koju odecu obuci, koliko tecnosti unositi, kao i zasto trebate obratiti paznju na temperaturnu razliku izmedju prostorija u kojima boravite, pre pocetka bilo koje vrste aktivnosti na otvorenom prostoru, i druge.
Od drustvenih mreza imaju Youtube i TikTok.

University of Rochester Medical Center - herbs, vitamins and supplements.

WebMD Benefits of oranges, The Truth About Vitamin D’s Health Benefits, The Best Heart-Healthy FoodsSymptom Checker - This tool does not provide medical adviceExercise & Fitness

Wounds healing - food, vitamins and minerals.

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