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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rolat od piletine (Chicken roll)

Ingredients for the dough - 1/2 l milk, 3 tablespoons of flour, 4 eggs, salt, for the filling - 1 chicken, 1-2 onions, 2 eggs, 2 sour cream. 

1. For the dough - Cook flour in the milk, like cream and mix until it has cooled. 
2. Add salt, well-beaten egg yolks, after that add well-beaten egg whites.
3. Bake dough at 200 C degrees in greased and floured baking pan. 
4. Baked dough put in the napkin (cloth) and twist roll. When cooled fill each. 
5. For the filling - cook the chicken in the soup, separate meat from bones and cut into small pieces (or grind). 6. Sauté onion, add chicken. 
7. Whisk egg yolks and egg whites separately and add 1 sour cream. 
8. Mix, pour over the dough, and then wrap into a roll. 
9. Spread the second coat with 1 sour cream. 
10. Put in preheated oven at 200 C degrees and bake for 10-15 minutes. 

Sastojci: za testo - 1/2 l mleka, 3 kasike brasna, 4 jaja, malo soli, za fil - 1 kokoska, 1-2 glavice crnog luka, 2 jaja, 2 kisele pavlake. 
Priprema: 1. za testo - u mleku skuvati brasno, kao krem i mesati dok se ne ohladi. 
2. Dodati so, umucena zumanca, a zatim umucena belanca. 
3. Testo peci na 200 stepeni u podmazanom i pobrasnjenom plehu. 
4. Peceno testo staviti na salvet (krpu) i uviti rolat. Kada se ohladi filovati. 
5. Za fil - skuvati kokosku u supi, meso odvojiti od kostiju i iseckati na komadice (ili samleti). 
6. Proprziti luk, dodati piletini. 
7. Posebno umutiti zumanca i belanca i dodati 1 kiselu pavlaku. 
8. Izmesati, preliti preko testa, i ponovo zaviti u rolat. 
9. Rolat premazati drugom kiselom pavlakom 
10. Staviti u zagrejanu rernu na 200 stepeni i peci 10-15 minuta.

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