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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Testo sa kvascem (Dough with yeast)

Sastojci: brasno, suvi kvasac, svezi kvasac, bade, orasi, suvo grozdje, mleko, secer, jaja, margarin ili mast (masnoca).

1) Vazno je da svi sastojci za testo, pre mesenja, imaju sobnu temperaturu, zato ih bar jedan sat pre pocetka stavite na sto.
2) Ako koristite suvi kvasac, odmah ga pomesajte sa brasnom i svim ostalim dodacima za testo.
3) Ako testo sadrzi vecu kolicinu masnoce ili dodatke badema, lesnika i slicnih jezgrastih plodova u raznim oblicima, bolje je da suvi kvasac prethodno potopite u malo mlakog mleka i ostavite 10 minuta, pa tek onda pomesajte sa ostalim sastojcima za testo.
4) Svezi kvasac treba da potopite u malo mlakog mleka, uz dodatak 1 kasicice secera i 1-2 kasike brasna. Ostavite ga 15 minuta da stoji.
5) U meduvremenu, prosejte brasno i od njega napravite "brdasce" sa "kraterom" u sredini. U to udubljenje ulijte nadosao kvasac, dodajte jaja i eventualno masnocu (sobne temperature), po potrebi zacine i secer.
6) Testo mesite tako, sto od spoljnih ivica ka unutrasnjem krateru postepeno dodajete sve vise brasna koje se sjedinjuje sa mekom masom. Testo mesite rukama sve dok ne postane glatko i sjajno. Povremeno udarite testom po radnoj povrsini, da bi se istisnuli i poslednji mehurici vazduha i postigla maksimalno fina struktura.
7) Ovako umeseno testo ostavite 30 minuta, pokriveno kuhinjskom krpom, da naraste, a zatim ga ponovo premesite.
8) Ako recept za pripremu testa sadrzi badem, orahe ili suvo grozdje, oni se dodaju na kraju jer bi testo posivelo.
9) Testo koje se nalazi u podmazanom i brasnom posutom plehu ne stavljate odmah u rernu, vec sacekajte jos 15 minuta da ponovo naraste.

Ingredients: flour, dry yeast, fresh yeast, almonds, walnuts, raisins, milk, sugar, eggs, margarine or lard (fat).

1) It is important that all ingredients for the dough, before kneading, are at room temperature, so at least one hour before the start put them on the table.
2) If using dry yeast, combine it immediately with flour and all other additions for the dough.
3) If the dough contains a significant amount of fat or additives like almond, hazelnut and similar nuts in various forms, it is better to pre-soak the dry yeast in a little lukewarm milk and leave for 10 minutes, and then combine with other ingredients for the dough.
4) Fresh yeast soak in a little lukewarm milk, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1-2 tablespoons of flour. Allow it to stand for 15 minutes.
5) In the meantime, sift flour, and make the "hill" with "crater" in the middle. In this hollow, pour in risen yeast, add the eggs and possibly fat (at room temperature), if necessary, spices and sugar.
6) Knead the dough thus, from the outer edges to the inner crater gradually adding more flour that merges with a soft mass. Knead the dough with hands until it becomes smooth and glossy. Occasionally hit the dough on the working table, to push out the last air bubbles and to achieve maximum fine structure.
7) This kneaded dough leave for 30 minutes, covered with kitchen towel, to rise, and then knead the dough again.
8) If the recipe for the preparation of the dough contains almonds, walnuts and raisins, you should add them at the end, because the dough will become gray.
9) When the dough is in greased and with flour sprinkled baking pan do not put in the oven immediately, wait another 15 minutes to rise again.

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