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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pletenice od ruma i suvog grozdja (Rum and raisins braids)

Sastojci: za testo - 500g brasna, 20g svezeg kvasca, 3 kasike toplog mleka, 50g secera, 125ml kisele pavlake, 1 jaje, na vrh noza soli, 40g margarina (putera), 100g suvog grozdja, 80g badema (iseckan), 80g pistaca (iseckanih), margarine (puter) za podmazivanje pleha, za glazuru - 2 kasike ruma i 150g secera u prahu.

1) Potopiti suvo grozdje u mlaku vodu i sacekati da nabubri.
2) Kvasac izmrviti staviti u solju, dodati mleko, secer i 2 kasike brasna i ostaviti da nadodje.
3) U brasnu napraviti rupu u sredini, dodati nadosao kvasac, jaje, so, margarin i kiselu pavlaku. Zamesiti testo i ostaviti da nadodje.
4) Suvo grozdje ocediti, uvaljati u brasno i bademe; zatim dodati u testo i umesiti.
5) Podeliti na 3 dela, napraviti od svkog dela rolnu, a zatim upletite u pletenicu.
5) Pleh podmazite margarinom i stavite pletenicu.
6) Rernu zagrejte na 200C i pecite oko 30-40 minuta. Ako je kolac suve porumeneo, pokrijte ga aluminijumskom folijom.
Napomena: koliko tacno potrebno vremena da se kolac ispece zavisi od debljine testa i jacine vase rerne.
7) Kada je pletenica gotova, ostavite je u plehu 10 minuta, zatim izvadite i pustite da se hladi.
8) Izmesati secer u prahu sa rumom i premazati jos topao kolac. Posuti pistacima pre nego sto se glazura stegne i osusi.

Ingredients: for the dough - 500g flour, 20g of fresh yeast, 3 tablespoons of warm milk, 50g sugar, 125ml sour cream, 1 egg, on the top of knife salt, 40g margarine (butter), 100g of raisins, 80 almonds (finely chopped), 80g pistachio (finely chopped), margarine (butter) for greasing the pan, for the glaze - 2 tablespoons of rum and 150g powdered sugar.

1) Soak the raisins in warm water and wait until it swells.
2) In a cup put crumbled yeast, add milk, sugar and 2 tablespoons of flour and leave to rise.
3) Make a hole In the flour, in the middle, add risen yeast, egg, salt, margarine and sour cream. Knead the dough, cover with kitchen towel and leave it in warm place to rise.
4) Drain raisins, roll in flour and almonds, then add to the dough and then knead again.
5) Divide into 3 equal parts, each part develop in roll, then embroil in a braid.
5) Grease baking pan with margarine and place the braid.
6) Heat the oven to 200C and bake for about 30-40 minutes. If the cake becomes too much brown, cover with aluminum foil.
Note: exactly how much time is needed to bake the cake depends on the thickness of the dough and the strength of your oven.
7) When the braid is done, leave in pan 10 minutes, then remove and allow to cool.
8) Mix the powdered sugar with the rum and spread over still warm cake. Sprinkle with pistachios before glaze hardens and dries.

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