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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ratluk oblande (Turkish delight wafers)

Sastojci: 500g secera, 500g seckanog ratluka, 200g mlevenih oraha, sok i kora od jednog limuna, 2 kore oblandi, 250ml vode.

1. Uspinovati secer dodati ratluk.
2. Kad se ratluk istopi dodati orahe, sok i koru od limuna.
3. Staviti jedan list oblande na tacnu ili posluzavnik, rasporediti fil ravnomerno, preklopiti drugom oblandom. Prekriti najlon kesom i poredjati knjige.
4. Ostaviti da se stegne i seci zeljene oblike.

Ingredients: 500g sugar, 500g Turkish delight (chopped), 200g ground walnuts, juice and rind of one lemon, 2 wafer sheets, 250 ml of water.

1. Cook sugar and water. Add Turkish delight. Stir constantly, until you get smooth mass.  
2. Add  walnuts, lemon juice and grated lemon peel.
3. Place one wafer sheet on a tray, spread filling evenly, cover with another. Put the plastic bag over and arrange the books.
4. Allow to tighten and cut into desired shapes.

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