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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Kako pripremiti brokoli (How to prepare broccoli)

Brokoli je bogat vitaminom C, folnom kiselinom i vlaknima.

Na isti nacin mozete pripremiti i karfiol.

Kako pripremiti i ocistiti brokoli

Ako ste kupili brokoli u prodavnici, dobro isprati vodom. Ako imate brokoli iz vase baste, potopite u slanu vodu na 10 minuta, a zatim dobro isperite vodom.

Isecite glavnu drsku brokolija, jer taj deo je tvrdji i nije ukusan. Iseci jestivi deo drski do krune brokolija (koje mozete sitno iseckati i dodati u corbe). Iseci cvetove brokolija na manje ili vece komade, zavisno za sta ih koristite. Za salatu mozete iseci na manje, a umakanje na vece delove.

Kako pripremiti i ocistiti brokoli 2

Potrebno: 1 brokoli, 1 kasicica soli.


Brokoli dobro isprati vodom. Nozem seci cvetove brokolija i ujedno skidati listove sa glavne drske. Kada odvojite sve cvetove brokolija, staviti u vanglu, dodati so, naliti tekucom vodom, pokriti tanjirom i ostaviti da stoji 30 minuta. Na svakih 10 minuta promesati. Nakon pola sata, brokoli dobro isprati tekucom vodom.

Brokoli na pari

Sastojci: cvetovi jednog brokolija.


1. U serpu sipati 5 cm vode, staviti resetku za kuvanje na pari, poklopiti i na srednjoj temperaturi (4) pustiti da prokljuca. 
2. Staviti cvetove brokolija, poklopiti i kuvati na pari 4-5 minuta.
3. Skinuti poklopac (da brokolija prestane da se kuva a i da ne bude gnjecav), skloniti sa sporeta.

Upotreba: jela iz tepsije, tople salate, kao prilog preliven maslinovim uljem zacinima (beli luk, bosiljak, timijan).

Dinstani brokoli

1 brokoli
, 2 kasike maslinovog ulja, prstohvat soli.


1. Opran i iseckan brokoli osusite papirnim ubrusom. 
2. U tiganj, staviti ulje i na srednjoj temperaturi (4) pustiti da se ugreje.
3. Dodati cvetove brokolija i promesati. Posoliti po ukusu.
4. Nakon 1 minuta dodati drske brokolija i dinstati brokoli, povremeno mesajuci, dok ne postane svetlo zelen i mekan, oko 3 minuta. 

kao prilog sa zacinima (beli luk, bosiljak, timijan).

Brokoli pecen u rerni

Sastojci: 1 brokoli, 3-4 kasike maslinovog ulja, 1/4 do 1/2 kasicice soli (zavisno koliko je velik brokoli).


1. Oprane i iseckane cvetove brokolija (sa jestivim drskama) osusite papirnim ubrusom i stavite u ciniju. Dodati ulje i so i promesati, da se cvetovi brokolija obloze uljem.
2. U pleh staviti alu foliju, poredjati cvetove brokolija u jedan red i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 25 do 30 minuta tj. dok ne postane hrskav. 

Upotreba: tople i hladne salate, kao prilog sa zacinima (beli luk, bosiljak, timijan).

Blansirani Brokoli

Sastojci: 1 brokoli, 1 kasicica soli, kocke leda ili ledena voda iz frizidera.


1. U serpu sipati hladnu vodu i dodati kocke leda ili samo sipati ledenu vodu.
2. U drugu serpu sipati vodu, dodati so i pustiti da prokljuca. 
3. Kad se pojave mehurici, staviti drske brokolija i kuvati 2 do 3 minuta. Zatim staviti cvetove brokolija i kuvati jos 1 do 1.5 minuta.
4. Resetkastom kasikom izvaditi cvetove i drske brokolija i odmah spustiti u ledenu vodu, da se prekine proces kuvanja.

Upotreba: povrce za umakanje, jela iz tepsije, hladne salate.

Blansirani Brokoli 2 - drske i cvetovi zajedno

Sastojci: 1 brokoli, ledena voda iz frizidera.


1. U serpu sipati ledenu vodu i staviti na stranu na sporetu.
2. U drugu serpu sipati vodu i pustiti da prokljuca. 
3. Kad se pojave mehurici, staviti pripremljen brokoli i kuvati do 3 minuta. 

4. Resetkastom kasikom izvaditi brokoli i odmah spustiti u ledenu vodu, da se prekine proces kuvanja.
5. Nakon 3 minuta izvaditi brokoli i ocediti od vode.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and fiber.

How to prepare and clean the broccoli

You can prepare cauliflower the same way.

If you bought broccoli at the store, rinse well with water. If you have a broccoli from your garden, soak in salt water for 10 minutes, then rinse well with water.

Cut the main stem of broccoli, because this part is tougher and not tasty. Cut the edible part of the stem to the crown of broccoli (which you can finely chop and add to the chowder). Cut flowers of broccoli into smaller or larger pieces, depending on what you will use them for. For the salad you can cut in smaller, a for dipping in bigger parts.

How to prepare and clean the broccoli 2

Needed: 1 broccoli, 1 tsp salt.


Rinse well broccoli with water. Cut broccoli flowers with knife and also remove the leaves from the main stem. When you remove all the broccoli flowers, put it in the bowl, add salt, pour with running water, cover it with a plate and leave it for 30 minutes. Stir broccoli flowers every 10 minutes with spoon or fork. After half an hour, rinse broccoli again with running water.

Steamed Broccoli

Ingredients: flowers from one broccoli.


1. In saucepan, pour 5 cm of water, put the steamer basket, cover and at medium temperature (4) allow to boil.
2. Place the flowers of broccoli, cover and steam 4-5 minutes.
3. Remove the cover (to stop the cooking broccoli and not to be soggy), remove from the stove.

Use: dishes from the casserole, warm salads, as a side dish topped with olive oil and spices (garlic, basil, thyme).

Sauteed broccoli

Ingredients: 1 broccoli, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of salt.


1. Wash and chop broccoli then pat dry with paper towel.
2. In a frying pan, put the oil on medium heat (4) and let it heat up.
3. Add broccoli flowers and mix well. Add salt to taste.
4. After 1 minute add broccoli stems and cook broccoli, stirring occasionally, until bright green and tender, about 3 minutes.

Use: as a side dish with spices (garlic, basil, thyme).

Broccoli baked in the oven

Ingredients: 1 broccoli, 3-4 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 to 1/2 tsp salt (depending on the size of the broccoli).


1. Wash and chop broccoli flowers (with stems) then pat dry with paper towel and place in a bowl. Add oil and salt and stir to coat broccoli with oil.
2. In baking pan put aluminum foil, arrange the flowers of broccoli in one row and bake in preheated oven at 200 C for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until it becomes crispy.

Use: warm and cold salads, as a side dish with spices (garlic, basil, thyme).

Blanched Broccoli

Ingredients: 1 broccoli, 1 teaspoon of salt, ice cubes or ice water from the refrigerator.


1. In saucepan pour cold water and add ice cubes or just pour ice water.
2. In another saucepan, pour water, add salt and let it boil.
3. When bubbles appear, put the broccoli stems and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then put the flowers and cook for another 1 to 1.5 minutes.
4. With slotted spoon remove the flowers and stems and immediately submerge into ice water to terminate the cooking process.

Use: vegetables for dipping, dishes from the casserole, cold salads.

Blanched Broccoli 2 - stems and flowers together

Ingredients: 1 broccoli, cold water from the fridge.


1. Pour the cold water into the pot and set aside on the stove.
2. In the second pot, pour the water and let it boil.
3. When bubbles appear, put prepared broccoli and cook for up to 3 minutes.
4. With slotted spoon remove the broccoli and immediately submerge into cold water, to stop the process of cooking.
5. After 3 minutes, remove the broccoli and strain from the water.

How to prepare and clean the broccoli 2

Blanched Broccoli 2 - stems and flowers together

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