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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Kako pohovati meso (How to fry meat)

Mozete pohovati meso i povrce. Od mesa, sve sto volite, svinjsko ili junece meso, ribu. Od povrca, tikvice, patlidzan, paprike, karfiol, pecurke, articoke, crni luk, boranija, krompir, mladi luk, prokelj, zelene masline, brokoli, asparagus. 

1) Meso koje nameravate da pohujete narezite na parcice jednake debljine.
2) Kako bi meso bilo mekano, potrebno ga je omeksati kuhinjskim cekicem, ali pre toga odrezak stavite u cvrstu kesicu za zamrzavanje i onda ga "istucite".
3) Zatim odreske lagano posusite papirnatim ubrusima.
4) Sastojke za paniranje pripremite u odvojenim posudama. Meso najpre umocite u brasno. Lagano odrezak stresite kako bi uklonili visak brasna. Isto vazi i nakon umakanja u jaja.
5) Važno je sastojcima za paniranje prekriti cijelu povrsinu namirnice koju nameravate da pohujete.
6) Ako niste sigurni je li masnoca dovoljno vruca za pohovanje, napravite jednostavan test – u zagrejanu masnocu ubacite malo prezli i kad se pocnu prziti, odnosno cvrcati, znaci da je postignuta dovoljno visoka temperatura za pohovanje.
7) Nakon pohovanja, odreske stavite na papirnate ubruse kako bi upili visak masnoce.

Različite vrste paniranja

Becki nacin – meso ili povrce uvaljati u psenicno belo brasno, zatim u razmucena jaja i na kraju u prezle.
Milanski nacin – meso ili povrce uvaljati u psenicno belo brasno, zatim u razmucena jaja i na kraju u prezle pomesane s parmezanom.
Pariski nacin – meso ili povrce uvaljati u psenicno belo brasno, zatim u razmucena jaja i odmah se stavlja prziti u dobro zagrejanu masnocu.
Paniranje ribe, povrca i pecurki – umociti ribu u mesavinu od brasna, jaja, piva, ulja i soli (koja je konzistencije poput smese za palacinke) i stavite dase przi na zagrejanu masnocu.

Prezle se mogu zameniti susamom, semenkama suncokreta ili kornflejksom koje pohovanoj namirnici daju ekstra hrskavost.

Ako zelite laganiju smesu za paniranje, umesto jajeta koristite samo belanac, a psenicno brasno zamenite integralnim.

You can cook meat and vegetables. Of meat, whatever you like, pork or beef, fish. Vegetables, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, cauliflower, mushrooms, artichokes, onions, green beans, potatoes, spring onions,  brussel sprouts, green olives, broccoli, asparagus.

1) Cut the meat you intend to cook into slices of equal thickness.
2) To keep the meat soft, it needs to be softened with a kitchen hammer, but before that, place the steak in a sturdy freezer bag and then "beat" it.
3) Then lightly dry the steaks with paper towels.
4) Prepare the frying ingredients in separate bowls. Dip the meat into the flour first. Shake the steak lightly to remove excess flour. The same applies after dipping in eggs.
5) It is important that the panning ingredients cover the entire surface of the food you intend to fry.
6) If you are not sure if the fat is hot enough to cook, do a simple test - put a little breadcrumbs in the heated fat and when it begins to fry or sizzle, it means that a high temperature for cooking is reached.
7) After frying, place the steaks on paper towels to absorb excess fat.

Different type of frying

Viennese way - roll meat or vegetables into the wheat flour, then into the beaten eggs and finally in breadcrumbs.
Milanese way - roll the meat or vegetables into the wheat flour, then into the beaten eggs and finally i mixed with Parmesan cheese.
Paris way - roll the meat or vegetables into the wheat flour, then into the beaten eggs, and immediately fry in well-heated fat.
Frying fish, vegetables and mushrooms - dip the fish into a mixture of flour, eggs, beer, oil and salt (which is a consistency like a crepes mix) and fry on hot fat.

Breadcrumbs can be replaced with sesame or sunflowers seeds or cornflakes, which give the fried food extra crispiness.

If you want a lighter frying mixture, use egg whites instead of egg and replace the whole wheat flour with an integral one.

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