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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Kako zamrznuti i odmrznuti povrce? (How to freeze and thaw vegetables?)

Kako zamrznuti I odmrznuti povrce?

Osnovni saveti: 
1) Povrce treba dobro oprati, ocistiti I iseci na krupnije komade da bi se sacuvao vitamin C. 
2) Povrce je najbolje kratko blansirati pre zamrzavanja, da bi se unistile bakterije od kojih nastaje kvarenje. Povrce se spusta u vrelu vodu a kada ponovo dolijete vodu, vreme blansiranja se racuna od trenutka kada voda prokljuca. 
3) Nakon toga treba prekinuti proces kuvanja tako sto se povrce ohladi u hladnoj vodi, ili u ciniju sipati hladnu vodu I potopiti povrce onoliko minuta koliko se blansiralo ili pod mlazom hladne vode. 
4) Zatim povrce ocediti, osusiti I spakovati u kese za zamrzavanje. Prilikom pakovanja u kese potrudite se da izduvate/izbacite sto vise vazduha iz kese. Jednom odmrznuto povrce ne zamrzavati ponovo. 

Kako I koliko dugo blansirati povrce?

Boranija – oprati I iseci vrhove. Ostaviti je celu, a ako je duza iseci na pola. Blansirati 3 minuta. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Ocediti, obrisati. Spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh) i zamrznuti. Smrznutu boraniju mozete cuvati do 8 meseci.

Cvekla – dobro oprati, pa ispeci u rerni. Oljustiti I iseci na kolutove. Spakovati u kese I zamrznuti. Ako blansiranje cveklu pre zamrzavanja, za manje cvekle trebace vam 30 minuta za vece 50-60 minuta. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Obrisati. Spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh) i zamrznuti. 

Grasak – ocistiti I oprati. Blansirati 2-3 minuta. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Ocediti, obrisati, spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh) I zamrznuti.  

Karfiol – oprati, ocistiti karfiol i razdvojiti na cvetove. Nakon toga stavite cvetove u ciniju i posolite sa jednom kasikom soli (ako imate jednu glavicu karfiola, ako imate vise slobodno stavite vise ili ako radite iz vise puta stavite ponovo kasiku soli), poklopite tanjirom i ostavite da stoji pola sata. Na svakih 10 minuta promesajte cvetove..
U prokljucalu vodu dodati I blansirati 3 minuta. Ako blansirate na pari onda 5 minuta. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja, stavljanje u hladnu vodu na 3 ili 5 minuta zavisno koji ste metod izabrali. Obrisati cistom krpom, a na drugoj cistoj i suvoj krpi ostaviti da se osusi. Spakovati u kese I zamrznuti. Prilikom pakovanja u kese potrudite se da izduvate/izbacite sto vise vazduha iz kese. 

Keleraba – oprati, ocistiti I iseci na rezanca, komade ili kriske. Blansirati 3 minuta. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Ocediti, obrisati I spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh) I zamrznuti. 

Kelj – oprati I ocistiti srednju zilu. Blansirati 3 minuta pokriveno. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Otresti visak vode i osusiti. Poredjati listove kelja na posluzavnik i zamrznuti. Spakovati u kese (izbaciti visak vazduha) i zamrzuti.

Kupus – oprati, ocistiti od korena koji se ne zamrzava, I razdvojiti na listove kupus. Oprati pod mlazom vode i otresti visak vode. Spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh) I zamrznuti. 

Listovi celera, mirodjije I persuna – oprati I sitno iseckati. Staviti u podudu za led, preliti vodom I zamrznuti. Spakovati zamrznute kockice u kese I zamrznuti. 

Paprike – sveze paprike oprati, ocistiti od semenki, opet oprati I obrisati I pakovati u kese, stavljajuci jednu u drugu. Pecene paprike ostaviti da se ohlade, zatim spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh) I zamrznuti.  

Patlidzan – oprati, odseci krajeve I iseci na kolutove. Vodu posoliti I dodati sok od jednog limuna. Blansirati 1 minut. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Ocediti, osusiti, spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh) I zamrznuti.

Pecurke – oprati pecurke u hladnoj vodi. Iseci krajeve drski. Vece pecurke iseci na polovine ili cetvrtine. Potopiti u mesavinu 500 ml vode sa 1 kasicicom soka od limuna, na 5 minuta. Ocediti. Na malo ulja ili margarina proprziti pecurke 5 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi. Spakovati u kese (izbaciti vazduh koliko mozete) I zamrznuti. Pecurke mozete i obariti na pari. Takodje ih potopite u mesavinu vode i soka od limuna. Vreme barenja - za cele pecurke i polovine 5 minuta, za kape i cetvrtine 4 minuta i za isecene na kriske 3 minuta. Poredjati pecurke na posluzavnik i zamrznuti. Spakovati u kese (izbaciti visak vazduha) i zamrzuti.

Praziluk – oprati, ocistiti tako sto cete iseci zeleni deo. Samo beli deo se moze zamrznuti. Blansirati 5 minuta. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Spakovati u kese I zamrznuti. 

Spanac – oprati I ocistiti. Blansirati 2 minuta. Obavezno prekinuti proces kuvanja. Spakovati u kese I zamrznuti. 

Sargarepa – oprati, ocistiti I ponovo oprati. Iseci na vece komade. Spakovati u kese I zamrznuti. 

How to freeze and thaw vegetables?

Basic tips:
1) Vegetables should be well washed, cleaned and cut into larger pieces to preserve vitamin C.
2) It is best to blanch the vegetables briefly before freezing in order to destroy the bacteria causing the spoilage. The vegetables are lowered into boiling water and when you refill the water, the blanching time is calculated from the moment when the water boils.
3) After that, the cooking process should be stopped by cooling the vegetables in cold water for as many minutes as blanched or under running cold water.
4) Then drain the vegetables, dry them and pack them in freezer bags. When packing in bags, make sure to push out as much air as possible from the bag. Don't freeze vegetables once thawed.

How and for how long to blanch vegetables?

Green beans - wash and cut tops. Leave it whole, and if longer cut in half. Blanch for 3 minutes. Be sure to stop the cooking process. Drain, wipe. Pack in bags (expel air) and freeze. You can store frozen beans for up to 8 months.

Beetroots - wash well and bake in the oven. Peel and cut into rings. Pack in bags and freeze. If blanching beetroots before freezing, smaller beets will take you 30 minutes to cook, for larger 50-60 minutes. Be sure to stop the cooking process. Drain and wipe. Pack in bags (expel air) and freeze.

Peas - clean and wash. Blanch for 2-3 minutes. Be sure to stop the cooking process. Drain, wipe, pack in bags (expel air) and freeze.

Cauliflower - wash, clean cauliflower and split into flowers. Then put the flowers in the plastic bowl and salt with 1 tbsp of salt (if you have one head of cauliflower, if you have more freely put more, or if you work repeatedly, add more salt), cover with a plate and let stand for half an hour. Mix the flowers every 10 minutes.
Add and blanch in boiling water for 3 minutes. If you are steaming then 5 minutes. Be sure to stop the cooking process, putting in cold water for 3 or 5 minutes, depending on which method you choose. Wipe clean with a clean cloth and allow it to dry on another clean and dry cloth. Pack in bags and freeze. When packing in bags, make sure to push out as much air as possible from the bag.

Kohlrabi - wash, clean and cut into noodles, chunks or slices. Blanch for 3 minutes. Be sure to stop the cooking process. Drain, wipe and pack in bags (expel air) and freeze.

Kale - wash and clean the midgut (the root). Blanch 3 minutes covered. Be sure to stop the cooking process. Shake off excess water and dry. Arrange the kale leaves on a platter and freeze. Pack in bags (expel excess air) and freeze.

Cabbage - wash, clean from the root that is not for freezing, and split into cabbage leaves. Wash under water and shake off excess water. Pack in bags (expel air) and freeze.

Celery and parsley leaves, dill  - wash and chop. Put in ice cube trays, pour over water and freeze. Pack frozen cubes in bags and freeze.

Peppers - wash fresh peppers, peel and remove seeds, rinse and wipe again and pack in bags, putting in one another. For the baked peppers, allow to cool, then pack in bags (expel air) and freeze.

Eggplant - wash, cut off the ends and cut into rings. Add salt to the water and add the juice of one lemon. Blanch for 1 minute. Be sure to stop the cooking process. Drain, dry with paper or kitchen towel, pack in bags (expel air) and freeze.

Mushrooms - wash mushrooms in cold water. Cut the ends. Cut larger mushrooms in halves or quarters. Soak them in mixture of 500 ml of water with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice for 5 minutes. Drain. Fry the mushrooms with a little oil or margarine for 5 minutes. Allow it cool. Pack in bags (expel as much air as you can) and freeze. You can also steam the mushrooms. Also dip them in a mixture of water and lemon juice. Blacnh time - for whole mushrooms and halves 5 minutes, for caps and quarters 4 minutes and for slices 3 minutes. Arrange the mushrooms on a platter and freeze. Pack in bags (expel excess air) and freeze.

Leek - wash, clean by cutting the green part. Only the white part can be frozen. Cut in half lengthwise. Wash again between sheets. Balance for 1 minute. Be sure to interrupt the cooking process. Pack in bags and freeze.

Spinach - wash and clean. Blanch for 2 minutes. Be sure to stop the cooking process. Pack in bags (expel air) and freeze.

Carrot - wash, clean and re-wash. Cut into larger pieces. Pack in bags and freeze.

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