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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Kako zamrznuti I odrmznuti voce? (How to freeze and defrost fruit?)

1) Za pripremu zimnice treba koristiti najkvalitetnije voce koje je sveze I neosteceno. Manja ostecenja se moraju ocistiti, da se cela zimnica ne bi pokvarila. 
2) Voce se pre zamrzavanja moze posuti secerom ili preliti secernim sirupom. Za pripremu sirupa na 1 L vode dodati 3 kg seccera I sok od 3 limuna. Sacekati da se secer otopi. Kuvati na laganoj temperaturi. Penu koja se skupi treba pokupiti. Voce staviti u tegle I ostaviti 2 cm prazno. Svo voce treba da bude pokriveno sirupom.
3) Voce se preliva vrelim sirupom.    
4) Kod pasterizacije voce se zagreva u rerni u dobro zatvorenoj tegli na 75-100 C. 
5) Voca koja su najbolja zamrzavanje su breskve, dinje, jagode, kajsije, kupine, limun, maline, pomorandze, ribizle, tresnje I visnje bez kostica, sljive. Jabuke I kruske se ne zamrzavaju a mogu se cuvati u kompotu.  

Breskve I kajsije – oprati. Staviti u cediljku uroniti u serpu sa vrelom vodom, a zatim u serpu sa hladnom vodom. Ocediti, oljustiti I izvaditi kostice. Preliti secernim sirupom I spakovati u plasticne kutije. Ja sam kajsije zamrzavala bez secernog sirupa I bile su ok za kompot.

Dinje – oprati, oljustiti I ocistiti od semenki. Iseci na kocke posuti secerom I sokom od limuna. Poredjati u plasticne kutije I zamrznuti.

Jagode, kupine I maline – oprati, ocediti I posuti secerom tj. dobro ih uvaljati u secer. Poredjati na posluzavnik I brzo zamrznuti, a onda spakovati u kese I vratiti u zamrzivac. Ja sam jagode zamrzavala bez secera I odlicne su za kompot.

Limun I pomorandze – dobro oprati I obrisati. U kese pakovati po jedan komad svakog voca I zamrznuti.

Tresnje I visnje – oprati i izvaditi kostice. U plasticnu kutiju staviti secer da pokrije dno, staviti red voca, pa opet red secera do se kutija ne napuni. Zavrsiti sa redom secera.

Sljive – oprati I izvaditi kostice. Posuti secerom tj. dobro uvajati u secer ili preliti secernim sirupom. Ja sam sljive zamrzavala bez secera I super cool su za kompot. 

Kako odmrznuti voce za upotrebu?

Svo odmrznuto voce gubi dobar izgled, pa ga treba brzo upotrebiti. Za kompot staviti odmah u vodu I kuvati. Za kolace samo malo odmrznuti, a zatim odmah upotrebiti. Ako cete jesti voce, staviti u staklenu ciniju I odmrzavati na sobnoj temperaturi. 

Saveti za pripremu dzemova

1) Za pripremu dzemova birajte sasvim zrelo I zdravo voce. Dodatak secera zavisi od kiselosti samog voca. Za pripremu dzema obicno se stavlja 750g na 1 kg voca. Dzem je gotov kada varjacom povucete po dnu serpe, sredini serpe, a za njom ostaje vidljiv trag. 
2) Kuvan dzem se sipa u oprane I tople tegle (sterilisane), koje se stavljaju rernu na 80 C da se odozgo uhvati korica. Kada se potpuno ohlade (u rerni) povezuju se celofanom umocenim u alkohol (ili rum), uviju u cebe I ostave do sutra dan da se potpuno ohlade. 
3) Kad je dzem, pekmez ili marmelada skuvana I sipana u tegle, obavezno tegle okrenuti naopacke, da stoje na poklopcu. Tako se moraju drzati u frizideru nakon otvaranja, da se ne bi pokvarilo. 

1) The best quality fruit, fresh and intact, should be used for winter preparation. Minor damage must be cleaned to prevent the entire winter stores from breaking.
2) Fruit can be sprinkled with sugar or topped with sugar syrup before freezing. To prepare syrup on 1 L of water add 3 kg of sugar and juice of 3 lemons. Wait for the sugar to melt. Cook at low temperature. Foam should be removed. Fruit put in jars and leave 2 cm empty. All the fruit should be covered with syrup.
4) Fruit is topped with hot syrup.
5) In pasteurization, the fruit is heated in an oven in a well-sealed jar at 75-100 C.
6) The best freezing fruits are peaches, melons, strawberries, apricots, blackberries, lemons, raspberries, oranges, currants, sour cherries and cherries pitted. Apples and pears do not freeze and can be stored in compote.

Peaches and apricots - wash. Place in a strainer and submerge in a pot with hot water and then in a pot with cold water. Drain, peel and remove pit. Pour over with sugar syrup and pack in plastic boxes. I freezed apricots without sugar syrup and they were ok for the compote.

Melons - wash, peel and clean seeds. Cut into cubes sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice. Sort in plastic boxes and freeze.

Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries - wash, drain and sprinkle with sugar, ie roll them well in sugar. Sort on a tray and freeze quickly, then pack in bags and return to the freezer. I frozed strawberries with no sugar and they are great for compote.

Lemon and Oranges - wash and wipe well. Pack one piece of each fruit into the bags and freeze.

Sour cherries and cherries - wash and remove the pits. Put sugar in the plastic box to cover the bottom, place a layer of fruit, and again the layer of sugar until the box is full. Finish with a layer of sugar.

Plums - wash and remove the pits. Sprinkle with sugar, ie mix well with sugar or drizzle with sugar syrup. I frosted the plums without sugar or sugar syrup and they are super cool for the compote.

How to defrost fruit for use?

All thawed fruit is losing its good appearance and should be used quickly. Put in compote immediately in water and cook. For cookies just defrost a little and then use immediately. If you are going to eat the fruit, place in a glass jar and defrost at room temperature.

Jam preparation tips

1) For the preparation of jams, choose perfectly ripe and healthy fruit. The addition of sugar depends on the acidity of the fruit itself. For the preparation of jam, 750g per 1 kg of fruit is usually placed. The jam is done when you drag the wooden spoon down the bottom of the pot, in the middle of the pot, and a trace is visible behind it.
2) The cooked jam is poured into washed and warm jars (sterilized), which are placed in an oven at 80 C to catch the crust from above. When completely cooled (in the oven), they are tied up with cellophane dipped in alcohol (or rum), wrapped in blankets and left until the next day to cool completely.

3) When jam, jam or marmalade is cooked and poured into jars, be sure to turn the jars upside down to stand on the lid. This is how they must be kept in the fridge after opening to prevent it from spoiling down.

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