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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Slavki kolac (Saint day cake)

Sastojci: za testo: 600g mekog brasna T400 +75g za mesenje, 25g svezeg kvasca ili 15g suvog, 100g + jos malo margarina ili 100ml ulja, 230ml mleka, 130ml vode, 2 jaja, 1 zumanca, 5g soli, za dekoraciju - 150g brasna, 30g of gustina, 3g soli, 100-110ml vode.

1) U solju stavite mlako mleko, izmrvljen kvasac, 2 kasike brasna i ostavite 15 minuta da nadodje. Od jednog jajeta odvojte zumance od belanca.
2) U ciniji pomesati brasno i so. U sredini napravite rupu. Dodati jedno jaje, 2 zumanca, vodu i kvasac i zamesiti testo.

Napomena: ako koristite ulje umesto margarina, dodati ulje kad i jaja i vodu.

3) Na brasnom posutu povrsinu stavite testo i uz dodavanje malo brasna i malo margarina mesite testo. Ponovite postupak. Testo je gotovo kada se margarina sjedini sa testom i dobijete meko i glatko testo. 

4) Testo podeliti na 2 dela. Zapravo, odvojte jednu trecinu testa. Jedinu trecinu testa podeliti na dva dela. Od oba dela, napraviti duguljaste okrugle trake, da napravite pletenicu. Spojiti vrhove testa i preplitati jedan kraj preko drugog da dobijete pletenicu. 
5) Serpu namazati margarinom, staviti papir za pecenje i namazati ga margarinom, namazati dno i ivice.
6) Pletenicu staviti u serpu, u krug oko serpe.
7) Ostali deo testa (2/3) podelite na 5 delova. Od svakog dela napravite duguljaste okrugle trake koje cete malo rastanjiti sa oklagijom, da dobijete pravougaonik sirine oko 3cm. Svaku traku urolajte u puza. 8) Poredjati u serpu 4 puza a peti staviti u sredinu.
9) Ostavite da stoji 45 minuta.
10) Penasto umutite belance.
11) Sve premazati belancetom.
12) Pomesati brasno, so i gustin. Postepeno dodavati vodu i zamesiti testo. Ostaviti sa stoji pola sata. Dobicete tvrdje testo.
13) U prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C peci slavski kolac oko 45 do 60 minuta.
14)  Praviti ukrase. Pet pecata, krst, grozd, knjiga, ptica, ruza, bure, klas zita, cvetovi.
Odvojte jedan deo testa i razvite oklagijom na debljinu oko 0.5 - 0.8cm. 

Za pecat, utisnite u testo i nozem isecite u kvadrat oko otiska.

Za krst, od istog testa izrezite nozem krst.

Za grozd, odvojte malo testa i napravite oblik kupe. Blago stanjite kupu. Od jos jednog dela testa napravite dugugastu okruglu traku. Iseci na sitne delove od kojih cete napraviti kuglice. Svaku kuglicu uz pomc malo vode poredjajte ("zalepite") na valjak da dobijete grozd. Od jednog dela testa opet napravite duguljastu okruglu traku za drsku. Sa malo vode zalepite na siru stranu valjka na sredinu. Ako nemate modlu za list, od malo testa nozem isecite u obliku kapljice, Svaku kapljicu tupom stranom noza napravite linije kao na listu. Sa malo vode zalepite listove (dva) na drsku.

Za knjigu, od istog testa (onog razvijenog :) ), isecite dva pravouganika, jedan za 0.8cm siri od drugog. Stavite manji pravougaonik na veci i na sredini sa tupom stranom noza napraviti (utisnuti) sredinu knjige. Levu i desnu stranu gornjeg pravougaonika malo savite u polukrug. Sa strane svake vidljivog dela gornjeg pravougaonika vrhom noza ili cackalicom zasecite da dobijete efekat vise stranica. Cackalicom na povrsini napravite tekst u vidu talasa. Krajeve leve i desne strane gornjeg pravougaonika premazite vodom i zalepite za korice knjige.

Za pticu napravite lopticu od jednog dela testa. A od drugog, malo deblji duguljasti valjak. Obavijte valjak oko loptice s jedne strane a sa druge ukrstite. Prstima malo izvucite testo na loptici tj.glavi ptice da joj naoravite kljun, a cackalicom napravite oci. Ukrstene krajeve zasecite nozem da napravite rep a sa strane da napravite krila.

Za ruzu, na razvijenom testu sa cepom napravite manje krugove. Prvi krug savite na pola, pa oko njega redjajte ostale krugove (sest) da dobijete ruzu.

Za bure, napravite valjak, od testa napravite delju duguljastu traku pa nozem isecite krajeve da budu ravni. Po duzini nozem zaseci sa malim razmacima da dobijete efekat dasaka. Od malog dela testa napraviti dve trake u obliku uzeg pravougaonika i sa malo vode zalepiti dole i gore preko dasaka. Cackalicom bocnuti na svaku traku sa malim razmakom da dobijete eksere.

Za klas zita, od testa napraviti duguljastu okruglu traku. Jedan kraj malo kruznim pokretima stanjite. Makazicama (oprane i obrisane alkoholom) zasecite po povrsini da dobijete efekat zita. 

Za cvetice, od testa poklopcem od flase napravite 6 manjih krugova. Na jedan krug koji je u sredini sa malo vode zalepite preostalih 5 krugova ili napravite od testa kapljice pa coskove sa malo vode prelepite jednim krugom. Za listice takodje napravite u obliku kapljice a cackalicom napravite linije kao na listicima.

15) Izvaditi kolac iz rerne. Premazati belancetom donji deo ukrasa i "zalepiti". Vratiti u rernu na jos oko 15 minuta da se ukrasi osuse.

Ingredients: for the cake - 600g soft flour T400 + 75g for kneading, 25g fresh yeast or 15g dry, 100g + a little more margarine or 100ml oil, 230ml milk, 130ml water, 2 eggs, 1 egg yolk, 5g salt; for the decoration: 150g of flour, 30g of corn starch, 3g salt, 100-110ml water.

1) Put lukewarm milk, crumbled yeast, 2 tablespoons of flour in the mug and leave for 15 minutes to rise. Separate the egg yolk from the egg white from one egg.

Note: if you are using oil instead of margarine, add oil at the same time eggs and water.

2) In a bowl, mix flour and salt. Make a hole in the middle. Add one egg, 2 egg yolks, water and yeast and knead the dough.
3) Place the dough on the floured surface and add a little flour and a little margarine and jknead the dough. Repeat the procedure. The dough is ready when the margarine is combined with the dough and you get a soft and smooth dough.
4) Divide the dough into 2 parts. In fact, set aside one-third of the dough. Divide one third of the dough into two parts. From both parts, make oblong round strips, to make a braid. Join the tops of the dough and intertwine one end over the other to get a braid.
5) Spread the pot with margarine, put baking paper and spread it with margarine, grease the bottom and edges.
6) Put the braid ina a pot, in a circle around the pot.
7) Divide the rest of the dough (2/3) into 5 parts. From each part, make oblong round strips that you will squeeze a little with the rolling pin, to get a rectangle about 3 cm wide. Roll each strip into a snail.
8) Arrange 4 snails in the pot and put the fifth in the middle.
9) Let stand for 45 minutes.
10) Whisk the egg whites until foamy.
11) Coat everything with egg white.
12) Mix flour, salt and corn starch. Gradually add water and knead the dough. Leave to stand for half an hour. You will get a harder dough.
13) In a preheated oven at 180 C, bake the saint cake for about 45 to 60 minutes.
15) Make decorations. Five seals, a cross, a bunch of grapes, a book, a bird, a rose, a barrel, a wheat ear, flowers.

Separate one part of the dough and roll it out to a thickness of about 0.5 - 0.8 cm.

For seal, press into the dough and cut into a square around the print with a knife.

For the cross, cut a cross from the same dough with a knife.

For the bunch  of grapes, take a little dough and make a cone shape. Slightly press the cone. Make an oblong round strip from another part of the dough. Cut into small pieces from which you will make balls. Arrange each ball with the help of a little water ("glue") on a cone to get a bunch of grapes. From one part of the dough, again make an oblong round strip for the handle. Glue the handle to the middle of cone with a little water. If you do not have a leaf mold, from developed dough cut like a drop with a knife. Make lines on each drop with the blunt side of the knife as on the leaves. Glue the leaves (two) to the handle with a little water.

For the book, from the same dough (the one developed :)), cut two rectangles, one 0.8 cm wider than the other. Place a smaller rectangle on the larger one and make (imprint) in the middle of rectangle with the blunt side of the knife. Bend the left and right sides of the upper rectangle slightly in a semicircle. Cut from the side of each visible part of the upper rectangle with the tip of a knife or a toothpick to get the effect of several pages. Use a toothpick on the surface to make the text in the form of waves. Coat the ends of the left and right sides of the upper rectangle with water and glue them to the book cover (lower rectangle).

For the bird, make a ball out of one piece of dough. And from the other, a slightly thicker oblong roller. Wrap the roller around the ball on one side and cross on the other. Using your fingers, pull out the dough on the ball, ie the head of the bird, to make its beak, and make eyes with a toothpick. Cut the crossed ends with a knife to make a tail and on sides to make wings.

For the rose, make smaller circles on the developed dough with a bottle cap. Fold the first circle in half, then arrange the other circles (six) around it to get a rose.

For the barrels, make a roller, make a thick oblong strip of dough and cut the ends with a knife to make them flat. Cut along the length with a knife at small gap to get the effect of boards. From a small part of the dough, make two strips in the shape of a narrow rectangle and glue them down and up over the boards with a little water. Prick with a toothpick on each strip with a small gap to get nails.

For a wheat ear, make an oblong round strip of dough. Thin one end slightly in circular motions. With scissors (washed and wiped with alcohol) cut the surface to get the effect of grain.

For the flowers, make 6 smaller circles from the dough with a bottle cap. Glue the remaining 5 circles on one circle in the middle with a little water or make drops from the dough and stick the corners with a little water in one circle. For the leaves also make in the form of a drop and with a toothpick make lines as on the leaves.

15) Remove the cake from the oven. Coat the lower part of the decoration with egg white and "glue" to the cake. Return to the oven for another 15 minutes or so to dry.

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