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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Slano punjeno testo (Salty stuffed dough)

Sastojci: 1 kg mekog brasna (Tip 400),  275ml mleka (mlakog), 10g svezeg kvasca, 1 kasicica secera, 80ml ulja, 1 jaje, za fil: 300g kackavalja, 200g sunke, 180g kisele pavlake, 50g ili 100g kecapa (opciono). za premaz: 1 jaje, 1 kasika ulja,  2 kasike vode.


1) Pomesati u solji mleko, kvasac, secer i 1 kasiku brasna. Promesati i ostaviti 15 minuta da nadodje. Umutiti jaja u odvojenim tanjirima. Kackavalj izrendati. Sunku iseci na kockice. 

2) U ciniju staviti 300g brasna, kvasac, ulje, umuceno jaje. Promesati pa postepeno dodavati brasno dok mesate testo kasikom. Kad vise ne mozete da mesate kasikom, prebaciti testo na pobrasnjenu podlogu i uz povremeno dodavanje ostatka brasna mesite testo. 

3) Kad testo prestane da se lepi za prste, rukama formirati deblji pravougaonik. Posuti sa malo brasna. Preklopiti 1/3 testa, s desne strane ka sredini. Zatim preklopiti 1/3 testa, s leve strane ka sredini. Preklopiti jos jednom. Okrenuti testo za 90 stepeni, rukama rastanjiti u deblji pravouganik i ponoviti postupak (2 puta) sa dodavanjem malo brasna i preklapanjem. Testo mesiti kruznim pokretima da formirate loptu*. Testo staviti u ciniju, pokriti krpom i ostaviti 1 sat da nadodje na toplom mestu.

4) Kratko premesiti testo i podeliti na 4 dela. Ostaviti da stoje 15 minuta, da odmore. 

5) Za fil - pomesati kiselu pavlaku, sunku i kackavalj. Ako zelite mozete podeliti na 2 dela, pa u jedan deo dodati 50g kecapa ili u sve dodati 100g kecapa. Promesati da se sve sjedini.

6) Razviti testo na debljinu od oko 0.8cm. Na svaki deo testa staviti po malo fila i zamotati**. 

7) Pleh namazati sa malo margarina. Staviti papir za pecenje. Pleh mozete nakon premazivanja margarinom malo posuti brasnom (umesto papira za pecenje). Poredjati testo u pleh sa razmakom od oko 1 cm sa svih strana. 

8) Drugom umucenom jajetu, dodati ulje i vodu. Promesati i premazati kiflice i ostaviti 15 minuta da odstoje, da nadodju.

9) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C dok ne porumene, oko 35 do 40 minuta. 

Napomena 0: ako su vam kiflice odozgo malo tvrde, poprskati sa vodom i prekriti krpom. Ostaviti da se tako ohlade. Pa izvaditi iz pleha. Ako vam je pleh manji, i treba vam da dalje pecete, izvaditi kifilice iz pleha, poredjati na posluzavnik, poprskati vodom, pokriti i ostaviti da se ohladi.

*Napomena 1: pogledati slike ispod teksta na engleskom kako formirati loptu.

*Napomena 2: pogledati slike ispod teksta na engleskom kako zamotati testo. 

Ingredients: 1 kg soft flour, 275ml milk (lukewarm), 10g fresh yeast, 1 teaspoon sugar, 80ml oil, 1 egg, for filling: 300g cheese, 200g ham, 180g sour cream, 50g or 100g ketchup (optional), 1 egg, 1 tbsp oil, 2 tbsps water.


1) In a cup mix milk, yeast, sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and leave for 15 minutes to rise. Beat eggs in separate plates. Shredd yellow cheese. Cut the ham into cubes.

2) Put 300g of flour, yeast, oil, beaten egg in a bowl. Stir and gradually add the flour while mixing the dough with a spoon. When you can no longer mix with a spoon, transfer the dough to a floured surface and occasionally add the rest of the flour to knead the dough.

3) When the dough stops sticking to your fingers, form a thicker rectangle with your hands. Sprinkle with a little flour. Fold 1/3 of the dough, from the right side to the middle. Then fold 1/3 of the dough, from the left side towards the middle. Fold once more. Turn the dough by 90 degrees, spread it into a thicker rectangle with your hands and repeat the procedure (2 times) with the addition of a little flour and folding. Knead the dough in a circular motion to form a ball*. Put the dough in a bowl, cover with a cloth and leave for 1 hour to rise in a warm place.

4) Knead the dough shorthly and divide into 4 parts. Leave to stand for 15 minutes, to rest.

5) For the filling - mix sour cream, ham and cheese. If you want, you can divide it into 2 parts, then add 50g of ketchup to one part or add 100g of ketchup to all of mixture. Stir to combine everything.

6) Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 0.8cm. Put a little filling on each part of the dough and wrap *.

7) Spread a little margarine on the baking sheet. Put baking paper. You can sprinkle a little flour on the baking tray after coating it with margarine (instead of baking paper). Arrange the dough in a baking tray with a distance of about 1 cm on all sides.

8) To another beaten egg, add oil and water. Stir and coat the dough wraps and let stand for 15 minutes, to rise.

9) Bake in a preheated oven at 180C until golden brown, about 35 to 40 minutes.

Note 0: if your rolls are a little hard on top, spray with water and cover with a cloth. Allow to cool. Then take it out of the tin. If your pan is smaller, and you need to bake further, take the rolls out of the pan, arrange them on a plastic tray, sprinkle with water, cover and leave to cool.

* Note 1: see pictures below in English how to form a ball.

* Note 2: see pictures below in English how to wrap the dough

Za fil (For the filling)

Mesanje sastojaka za testo (Mixing dough ingredients)

Korak 3 (Step 3)

Testo drzati levom rukom, sa strane, a desnim dlanom, sa desne strane pogurati testo ka sredini. Zatim okrenuti testo na u suprotnom smeru kazaljki na satu i ponoviti postupak desnom rukom (Hold the dough with your left hand, on the side, and with your right palm, push the dough towards the middle with your right hand. Then turn the dough counterclockwise and repeat the procedure with your right hand.)

Korak 4 (Step 4)

Svaku loptu podeliti na 2 dela i rastanjiti na debljinu oko 0,5 do 0.8 cm (Divide each ball into 2 parts and spread to a thickness of about 0.5 to 0.8 cm)

Ispod su prikazani razvijeni razni oblici testa i zamotavanje sa filom (Below are the various forms of dough developed and wraping with the filling.)

Riba (Fish)

Puz (Snail)

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