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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Coko kocke od piva (Chocolate cubes from beer)

Sastojci: 250ml tamnog piva, 125g brasna, 120g margarina (neslanog, sobne temeprature), 125g rogaca (mlevenog ili u prahu), 250g secera, 60g cokolade za kuvanje, 1 belance, 1 kasicica vanila ekstrakta, prstohvat soli; za glazuru: 6 kasika margarina (neslanog), 250g secera u prahu.


0) Umutiti belance.

1) U serpicu sipati pivo i pustiti da kljuca, na srednje niskoj vatri (5) dok ne dobijete oko 80ml (trecinu pocetne kolicine piva). 

2) U serpicu staviti margarin, rogac i cokoladu (na kocke) i otopiti na srednje niskoj temepraturi (3). Ostaviti da se malo ohladi, oko jedan minut.

3) Dodati 60ml piva, belance, vanila ekstrakt i so. Promesati.

4) Dodati brasno i mesati oko 45 sekundi, neprekidno.

5) Rernu ugrejati na 160 C. U pleh za hleb staviti papir za pecenje. Sipati u pleh i peci oko 45 minuta. Izvaditi iz rerne i ostaviti da se ohladi.

6) Za glazuru - mikserom umutiti margarin i secer u prahu. Dodati 20ml piva i promesati.

7) Izvaditi kolac iz pleha, iseci na kocke i preliti glazurom.

Ingredients: 250ml dark beer, 125g flour, 120g margarine (unsalted, room temperature), 125g carob (ground or powdered), 250g sugar, 60g cooking chocolate (black chocolate, unsweetened), 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, a pinch of salt; for the glaze: 6 tablespoons of margarine (unsalted), 250g of powdered sugar.

0) Whisk the egg white.
1) Pour beer into a saucepan and let it simmer, over medium heat (5) until you get about 80ml (a third of the initial amount of beer).
2) Put margarine, carob and chocolate (in cubes) in a bowl and melt at a medium low temperature (3). Allow to cool slightly, about one minute.
3) Add 60ml of beer, egg white, vanilla extract and salt. Stir.
4) Add flour and mix for about 45 seconds, constantly.
5) Preheat the oven to 160 C. Put baking paper in the bread pan. Pour into a baking pan and bake for about 45 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
6) For the glaze - beat the margarine and powdered sugar with a hand mixer. Add 20ml of beer and stir.
7) Take the cake out of the baking bread pan, cut it into cubes and pour the glaze over it.

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