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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sladoled sa jogurtom i slatkom pavlakom (Ice cream with buttermilk and heavy cream)

Sastojci: 500g jagoda (neociscenih), 400g ananasa (bez soka), 300g sljiva (bez kostica, iseckane na kocke), 1 L slatke pavlake, 1 L jogurta, 400g grckog jogurta, 400g secera u prahu, 1 kasika gustina (ravna) ili brasna (belo, obicno), 1 + 1/2 kasika arome vanile, 1 + 1/2 kasika arome ruma.

1a) Jagodama nozem odseci vrhove. Oprati ih i ocediti. Izgnjeciti ih viljuskom (skroz ili ostaviti komadice) ili usitniti stapnim mikserom. 
1b) Sljive ako su smrznute, staviti u serpu, naliti vodu da prekrije sljive za 2 -3 cm i na visokoj vatri kuvati dok ne omeksaju, oko 7 -8 minuta. Ocediti. Vodu sacuvati za pice, na primer. Ostaviti da se sljive ohlade, pa iseci na kocke. Sljive, ako su sveze, oprati, izvaditi kostice, iseci na kockice. 
1c) Ananas, ako je iz konzerve, ocediti od soka. Ako je ananas na kolutove, iseci na kockice. Ananas, ako je svez, oljustiti, pa iseci na kockice. Sok od ananasa sacuvati za pice.
2) Jagode staviti u serpicu. Dodati gustin (brasno) i skoro stalno mesajuci kuvati 3 minuta. Pustite da baci 2-3 kljuca pa promesate. Skloniti sa sporeta i ostaviti da se ohladi na sobnoj temperaturi.

Procitati napomenu 1.

3) U vanglu sipati slatku pavlaku. Dodati jogurt, grcki jogurt, secer u prahu. Mikserom mutiti 3 minuta. Bice gusto ali ne cvrsto kao za tortu.
4) Zavisno koje arome i zelite dodati i koje ukuse zelite, podelite osnovu za sladoled na tri dela.

Procitati napomenu 2.

5) U jedan deo dodati kasiku arome vanile. Mikserom mutiti nekoliko sekundi da se sjedini. U drugi deo dodati 1 kasiku arome ruma. Mikserom mutiti nekoliko sekundi da se sjedini. U treci deo dodati po pola kasike arome vanile i ruma. 

6a) Jagoda-vanila - u jedan deo osnove za sladoled dodati jagode. Kasikom promesati. Mozete skroz promesati, a mozete ostaviti prosarano. 
6b) Sljiva-vanila-rum - u drugi deo staviti sljive. Kasikom promesati.
6c) Ananas-vanila - u treci deo staviti ananas. Kasikom promesati.
7) Sipati u plasticne posude sa poklopcem ili u vanglice koje cete pokriti providnom folijom.
8) Staviti u zamrzivac na najmanje 3 sata. 

Procitati napomenu 3.

Napomena 0: slatka pavlaka sadrzi secer u sebi. Pavlaka za kuvanje ne sadrzi secer i obicno se koristi za spremanje slanih jela. A moze se koristiti i za slatke poslastice uz dodavanje secera. Takodje, slatka pavlaka kada se umuti je gusca od pavlake za kuvanje. 

Napomena 1: bolje je da koristite slatku pavlaku nego pavlaku za kuvanje. Ja sam imala pola pola. Pola litra slatke pavlake, pola litra pavlake za kuvanje. Sreca vangla je manja pa sam iz dva puta mutila. Osnovu za sladoled sa slatkom pavlakom sam mutila 3 minuta na brzini 1. Osnovu za sladoled sa pavlakom za kuvanje cak 12 minuta na brzini 1. Pri tom sam stavila 300g secera u prahu (nisam imala vise 😁). I jos je bila retka. 

Napomena 2: ja sam osnovu za sladoled sa slatkom pavlakom podelila na 1/3 + 2/3. Jednu trecinu sam ostavila sa strane. U 2/3 sam dodala jagode. Osnovu za sladoled sa slatkom pavlakom sam pravila od 500ml slatke pavlake, 200g grckog jogurta, 500ml jogurta i 100g secera u prahu. Dodala sam 1 kasiku arome vanile. 
Drugu osnovu za sladoled sa pavlakom za kuvanje sam pravila sa 500ml pavlake za kuvanje, 200g grckog jogurta, 500ml jogurta, 300g secera u prahu. Dodala sam 1/2 kasike arome vanile i 1 kasiku arome ruma. Takodje, sam podelila na 1/3 + 2/3. Jednu trecinu sam spojila sa jednom trecinom osnove za sladoled sa slatkom pavlakom. 

Napomena 3: ako imate vecu kolicinu sladoleda, u recimo jednoj ili dve posude, vreme zamrzavanja se produzava za jedan sat. Takodje, ako je posuda u kojoj je sladoled, uza a dublja, treba vise vremena za zamrzavanje. 

Ingredients: 500g strawberries (unpeeled), 400g pineapple (no juice), 300g plums (pitted, diced), 1 L sweet heavy cream, 1 L yogurt, 400g greek yogurt, 400g powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch (flat) or flour (white, plain), 1 + 1/2 teaspoon vanilla flavor, 1 + 1/2 teaspoon rum flavor.

1a) Cut off the tops of strawberries with a knife. Wash them and drain. Mash them with a fork (completely or leave pieces) or chop with a stick mixer.
1b) Plums, if frozen, put in a pot, pour water to cover the plums by 2 -3 cm and cook on high heat until soft, about 7-8 minutes. Drain. Save water for drinks, for example. Leave the plums to cool, then cut them into cubes. Plums, if fresh, wash, remove the stones, cut into cubes.
1c) Drain the pineapple, if it is from the can, from the juice. If the pineapple is in rings, cut into cubes. If the pineapple is fresh, peel it, then cut it into cubes. Save pineapple juice for drinks.
2) Put strawberries in a bowl. Add cornstarch (flour) and cook almost constantly, stirring, for 3 minutes. Let it toss 2-3 keys and stir. Remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature.

Read note 1.

3) Pour heavy cream into the bowl. Add buttermilk, greek yogurt, powdered sugar. Stir with a mixer for 3 minutes. It will be thick but not firm as for a cake.
4) Depending on which flavors you want to add and which flavors you want, divide the ice cream base into three parts.

Read note 2.

5) Add a spoonful of vanilla aroma to one part. Stir with a mixer for a few seconds to combine. In the second part, add 1 tablespoon of rum aroma. Stir with a mixer for a few seconds to combine. In the third part, add half a tablepoon of vanilla and half a tablepoon of rum aroma.

6a) Strawberry-vanilla - add strawberries to one part of the ice cream base. Stir with a spoon. You can stir it completely or you can leave it streaked.
6b) Plum-vanilla-rum - put plums in the second part. Stir with a spoon.
6c) Pineapple-vanilla - put pineapple in the third part. Stir with a spoon.
7) Pour into plastic containers with lids or into plastic bowls that you will cover with transparent foil.
8) Put in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Read note 3.

Note 0: Heavy cream contains sugar. Cooking heavy cream does not contain sugar and is usually used to prepare savory dishes. And it can also be used for sweet treats with the addition of sugar. Also, sweet heavy cream when whipped is thicker than sour cooking heavy cream.

Note 1: it is better to use sweet heavy cream than heavy cream for cooking. I had half and half. Half a liter of sweet heavy cream, half a liter of cooking heavy cream. Luckily, bowl is smaller, so I mixed up twice. I stirred the ice cream base with heavy cream for 3 minutes at speed 1. Ice cream base with heavy cream for cooking 12 minutes at speed 1. I added 300g of powdered sugar (I didn't have any more. And it was still rare.

Note 2: I divided the ice cream base with sweet heavy cream into 1/3 + 2/3. I left one third aside. In 2/3 I added strawberries. I made the base for ice cream with sweet heavycream from 500ml of sweet heavy cream, 200g of greek yogurt, 500ml of buttermilk and 100g of powdered sugar. I added 1 tablespoon of vanilla flavoring.
The second base for ice cream with cooking heavy cream I made with 500ml of cooking heavy cream, 200g of greek yogurt, 500ml of buttermilk, 300g of powdered sugar. I added 1/2 tablespoon of vanilla flavor and 1 tablespoon of rum flavor. Also, I divided it by 1/3 + 2/3. I combined one-third with one-third of the sweet heavy cream ice cream base.

Note 3: if you have a larger amount of ice cream, in say one or two bowls, the freezing time is extended by one hour. Also, if the container in which the ice cream is, is deeper, it takes longer to freeze.

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