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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Pileca kobasica (Chicken sausage)

Sastojci: 2 kg pilecih bataka + karabataka (bez kozice), 10 zrna bibera + 1 kasicica mlevenog bibera, 3 lista lovora (suvog), 2 sargarepe, 1 glavica crnog luka, 2 kasicice soli, voda, 30g zelatina (u prahu), 300ml supe (u kojoj se kuvalo meso, ohladjene, sobne temperature), 1 kasicica slatke aleve paprike, 2 kasike soka od cvekle (sveze iscedjenog).

Potrebno: stapni mikser ili secko ili blender, plasticna flasa od 2 L.


0) Plasticnoj flasi iseci "vrat" (suzeni deo iseci, do sireg dela).
1) Sargarepu i crni luk oljustiti.
2) U serpu staviti sargarepu, crni luk, list lovor i 10 zrna bibera. Preko poredjati pilece meso. Dodati 1 kasicicu soli. Sipati vodu da pokrije meso. Poklopiti i na niskoj temperaturi (2) krckati 4 sata. Ako je potrebno dodati vode u toku kuvanja.

3) Ostaviti da se malo ohladi. 
4) Skinuti meso sa kostiju. Iscepkati na manje komade.
5) U ciniji pomesati zelatin i 150ml supe. Dobro promesati i ostaviti da nabubri.
6) U serpicu staviti zelatin i kratko zagrejati da se otopi.
7) Dodati 150ml supe i promesati. Preliti preko mesa.
8) Dodati 1 kasicicu soli, 1 kasicicu bibera, slatku alevu papriku i sok od cvekle. Stapnim miikserom (ili u secku) sve usitniti.
9) Kasikom sipati u plasticnu flasu. Povremeno udarati dnom flase o sto da izadje vazduh. 
10) Staviti providnu foliju preko otvorenog dela i do pola flase (pritisnuti rukama sa strane flase). 
11) Ostaviti u frizideru preko noci.
12) Nozem pazljivo skinuti flasu sa kobasice.

Ingredients: 2 kg chicken legs (without skin), 10 peppercorns + 1 teaspoon ground pepper, 3 bay leaves (dry), 2 carrots, 1 onion, 2 teaspoons salt, water, 30g gelatin (powder), 300ml of soup (in which the meat was cooked, chilled, at room temperature), 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika, 2 teaspoons of beet juice (freshly squeezed).

Required: stick mixer or chopper or blender, 2 L plastic bottle.


0) Cut the "neck" of the plastic bottle (cut the narrow part to the wider part).
1) Peel the carrots and onion.
2) Put carrots, onion, bay leaf and 10 peppercorns in a deeper pot. Arrange the chicken over. Add 1 teaspoon of salt. Pour water to cover the meat. Cover and simmer on low heat (2) for 4 hours. If necessary add more water during cooking.
3) Allow to cool slightly.
4) Remove the meat from the bones. Cut into smaller pieces.
5) In a bowl, mix gelatin and 150ml of soup. Stir well and allow to swell.
6) Put gelatin in a saucepan and heat briefly to dissolve.
7) Add 150ml of soup and stir. Pour over meat.
8) Add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, sweet paprika and beet juice. Chop everything with a stick mixer (or in a chopper or in blender).
9) Pour into a plastic bottle with a spoon. Occasionally hit the bottom of the bottle against the table to let out air.
10) Place the transparent foil over the open part and up to half of the bottle (press with your hands on the side of the bottle).
11) Leave in the fridge overnight.
12) Carefully remove the bottle from the sausage with a knife.

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