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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Kako napraviti italijansku svinjsku kobasicu? (How to make Italian pork sausage?)

Blago zacinjena italijanska kobasica

Sastojci: 180g svinjske plecke bez koske (ako je meso sa vrlo malo masnoce dodati slaninu), 150g slanine (beli deo), 38.5g soli (sitna), 8g seme komoraca, 8g seme korijandera, 6.5g crni biber, 4 cena belog luka (sitno iseckana ili samlevena), 10g aleve slatke paprike u prahu, prirodna svinjska creva (prirodno soljena creva).


1. Iseci meso na manje komade da moze da stane u masinu za mlevenje mesa. Iseci slaninu na manje komade.

2. Zacine, sve sem, aleve slatke paprike staviti u serpu i prziti na srednjoj temperaturi (4) povremeno mesajuci, 2 do 3 minuta. Samleti zacine u secku dok ne dobijete prah.

3. Dodati so i alevu slatku papriku mlevenim zacinima i promesati kasikom.

4. Dodati zacine i beli luk mesu i promesati rukom.

5. Na masini za mlevenje mesa, na sitnije ili krupnije, samleti svinjsku plecku i slaninu zajedno. Staviti malo mesa pa malo slanine i onda samleti.

6. Meso mesiti ili rukom ili u mikseru za meso. Ako koristite mikser znacete da je gotovo kad vam se meso zalepi za prste. Ako mesite rukom trebace vam vise vremena.

7. Mesenjem mesa temperatura je porasla pa morate da stavite u zamrzivac da se ohladi tj. delimicno smrzne do ispod 30 C.

8. Razdvojiti prstima pocetak creva i pustiti vodu da tece kroz crevo. Zatim rukom istisnuti vodu dok ne dodjete do kraja creva.

9. Namestiti dodatak za kobasice. Navuci svinjsko crevo na nastavak, ostavljajuci 10cm da visi. Staviti mleveno meso u masinu, okretati rucku jednom rukom, a drugom polako izvlaciti kobasicu kako se puni. Nemojte previse puniti  sabijati, ali ni ostavljati prazan prostor.  Dopuniti mesom i ponoviti postupak. Pred kraj ostaviti par cm od creva prazno.

10. Zavezati veci kraj creva u cvor. Na razdaljinu koju zelite od oko 10cm, uhvatiti obema rukama kobasicu i prvo utisnuti prstima kao da hocete da ih razdvojite, a zatim uvijajte u suprotnim smerovima. Ponoviti postupak dok ne dodjete do kraja kobasice.

11. Iseci makazama na istanjenim, savijenim delovima i svaki kraj vezati u cvor.

12. Svaku kobasicu izbusiti cackalicom da ne bi pukla tokom przenja ili pecenja u rerni.

13. Kobasice mozete ili odmah ispeci ili zamrznuti do 3 meseca. 

Napomena: ovako pripremljene kobasice nisu dobre za susenje jer sadrze masocu. Ako zelite da susite kobasice onda nemojte dodavati slaninu i uklonite masnocu sa mesa.

Mildly seasoned Italian sausage

Ingredients: 180g of boneless pork shoulder (if the meat is very low-fat, add bacon), 150g of bacon (white part), 38.5g of salt( fine), 8g of fennel seeds, 8g of coriander seeds, 6.5g of black pepper, 4 cloves of garlic (finely chopped or minced), 10g of sweet paprika powder, natural pork intestines (naturally salted intestines).


1. Cut the meat into smaller pieces so that it can fit in the meat grinder. Cut the bacon into smaller pieces.

2. Put all the spices, except the sweet paprika, in a pan and fry at medium temperature (4), stirring occasionally, for 2 to 3 minutes. Grind the spices until you get a powder.

3. Add salt and ground sweet paprika to the ground spices and mix with a spoon.

4. Add spices and garlic to the meat and mix by hand.

5. Grind pork shoulder and bacon together on a meat grinder, finer or coarser. Put some meat and some bacon and then grind.

6. Knead the meat either by hand or in a meat mixer. If you use a mixer, you'll know it's done when the meat sticks to your fingers. If you knead by hand, you will need more time.

7. By kneading the meat, the temperature has increased, so you have to put it in the freezer to cool down, i.e. it partially freezes to below 30 C.

8. Separate the beginning of the hose with your fingers and let the water flow through the hose. Then squeeze out the water by hand until you reach the end of the hose.

9. Put the sausage accessory. Thread the pork hose onto the extension, leaving 10 cm hanging. Put the minced meat in the machine, turn the handle with one hand, and slowly pull out the sausage with the other as it fills. Do not overfill and compact, but do not leave empty space either. Add meat and repeat the process. Towards the end, leave a few cm of the hose empty.

10. Tie the larger end of the hose into a knot. At the desired distance of about 10 cm, grab the sausage with both hands and first press with your fingers as if you want to separate them, then twist in opposite directions. Repeat the process until you reach the end of the sausage.

11. Cut with scissors on the thinned, bent parts and tie each end in a knot.

12. Pierce each sausage with a toothpick to prevent it from bursting during frying or baking in the oven.

13. You can either bake the sausages immediately or freeze them for up to 3 months.

Note: sausages prepared this way are not good for drying because they contain fat. If you want to dry sausages, then do not add bacon and remove the fat from the meat.

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