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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Cupavci (Ragged square cakes)

Sastojci: za biskvit - 6 jaja (sobne temperature), 380g brašna, 200g šećera, 160ml mleka (sobne temperature), 150ml ulja, 10g praška za pecivo, 20g vanilin šećera, 1 kasicica vanila ekstrakta, za glazuru - 400ml mleka, 300g crne čokolade, 100g margarina, 2 kasike ruma, za premazivanje - dzem, za oblaganje - 250g kokosovog brasna.


1. Pažljivo odvojiti žumanca od bjelanaca. Pomesati brasno i prasak za pecivo.

2. U jednu posudu stavite žumanca, šećer, vanilin šećer i vanila ekstrakt pa mikserom mutiti sve dok smesa ne postane svetložuta i glatka.

3. Malo po malo dodavati ulje, a potom i mleko.

4. Dodavati brasno postepeno i mesati.

5. Penasto umutiti belanca pa dodati prethodnoj smesi i sjediniti.

6. Kalup za pečenje premažite margarinom ili puterom i posuti brašnom. Sipati smesu.

7. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C. 30 do 40 minuta. Peceno je kada se odvoji od ivica i po vrhu dobijei zlatno žutu boju. 8. Izvadite iz rerne i pustite da se potpuno ohladi.

9. Biskvit preseci po dužini.

10. Donji deo premazati dzemom, poklopite i lagano pritisnite da se spoje.

11. Pokriti biskvit cistom kuhinjskom krpom i ostaviti 30 minuta.

12. Iseci na kocke.

13. Čokoladu izlomiti na kockice, stavitu posudu, dodati mleko, margarin ili puter i rum te zagrevatu na srednje jakom vatri (5) dok se čokolada ne otopi i poveže s ostalim sastojcima. 14. Sada kocku po kocku nabodite na štapić za ražnjiće ili cackalicu i umočite u glazuru i zatim uvaljajte u kokos.

Ingredients: for sponge cake - 6 eggs (room temperature), 380g flour, 200g sugar, 160ml of milk (room temperature), 150ml of oil, 10g of baking powder, 20g of vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, for the glaze - 400ml of milk, 300g of dark chocolate, 100g of margarine or butter, 2 tablespoons of rum, for coating - jam, for coating - 250g coconut flour.


1. Carefully separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Mix flour and baking powder.

2. Place egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl and beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes light yellow and smooth.

3. Little by little add oil, and then milk.

4. Add flour gradually and stir.

5. Whip the egg whites until foamy, then add to the previous mixture and combine.

6. Coat the baking pan with margarine or butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour the mixture.

7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30 to 40 minutes. It is baked when it separates from the edges and turns golden yellow on top.

8. Remove from the oven and let it cool completely.

9. Cut the biscuit lengthwise.

10. Coat the lower part with jam, cover and gently press them together.

11. Cover the biscuit with a clean kitchen towel and leave for 30 minutes.

12. Cut into cubes.

13. Break the chocolate into cubes, place in a saucepan, add milk, margarine or butter and rum and heat on medium heat (5) until the chocolate melts and combines with the other ingredients.

14. Now stick one cube at a time on a skewer stick or toothpick and dip it in the glaze and then roll it in coconut.

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