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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kako napraviti sirup za kasalj od meda i djumbira (How to make honey and ginger cough syrup)

Napomena: nije za bebe i decu mladju od 2 godine.

Sastojci: 250g meda, 250ml vode, 125ml sok od svezeg limuna, 1/2 kasicice djumbira u prahu, rendana kora od 2 limuna.

1. U serpici pomesati vodu, rendanu koru od limuna i djumbir. Na srednjoj temperaturi (4) pustiti da prokljuca.

2. Smanjiti na nisku temperaturu (2) i krckati oko 5 minuta. Skloniti sa sporeta i procediti, a serpicu temeljno isprati vodom.
3. U serpicu staviti med i na niskoj temperaturi (2) zagrejati med, pazeci da ne prokljuca. Skloniti sa sporeta.

4. Pomesati med, sok od limuna i procedjenu vodu od kore od limuna i djumbira. Promesati dok ne dobijete gust sirup.

5. Sipati u cistu teglu sa hermetickim poklopcem.

Cuvati u frizideru do 2 meseca.

Upotreba: za decu od 2 do 5 godina, koristite 1/2 do 1 kasicice svaka 2 sata. Za decu od 5 do 12 godina, koristiti 1-2 kasicice svaka 2 sata. Za decu stariju od 12 godina i odrasle, koristite 1 do 2 kasike svaka 4 sata.

Predlog: ako mozete priustiti koristite manuka med UMF.

Note: not for babies and children under 2 years old.

Ingredients: 250g of honey, 250ml of water, 125ml of fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of powdered ginger, grated rind of 2 lemons.


1. Mix water, grated lemon peel and ginger in a saucepan. Let it boil at medium temperature (4).

2. Reduce to low temperature (2) and simmer for about 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and strain, and rinse the pot thoroughly with water.

3. Put the honey in a saucepan and heat the honey at a low temperature (2), taking care not to boil it. Remove from the stove.

4. Mix honey, lemon juice and filtered water from lemon peel and ginger. Stir until you get a thick syrup.

5. Pour into a clean jar with an airtight lid. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

Usage: for children from 2 to 5 years, use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon every 2 hours. For children aged 5 to 12, use 1-2 teaspoons every 2 hours. For children over 12 years old and adults, use 1 to 2 scoops every 4 hours.

Suggestion: if you can afford it, use manuka honey UMF.

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