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Friday, January 17, 2025

Lesnik bombice sa napolitankama i eurokremom (Hazelnut balls with wafers and eurocream)

Sastojci: 400g napolitanki, 400g eurokrema ili nutele, 200g lešnika (seckanih), 150g mlevenog obicnog keksa, 1 kasicica cimeta (u prahu), 10g vanilin šećera, za glazuru - 150g cokolade za kuvanje, 3 kašike ulja, za dekoraciju -  lešnici (seckani).


1. Napolitanke samleti u blenderu.

2. Dodati lešnik, keks, cimet, vanilin šećer i eurokrem. 

3. Mesati kaškom da se sjedini. 

4. Zatim mesiti rukom.

5. Uzimati kašikom smesu i oblikovati kuglice. 

6. Poredjati na papir za pecenje i ostaviti u frizider na 30 minuta.

7. Na pari otopiti čokoladu sa uljem.

8. Umakati kuglice u otopljenu cokoladu.

9. Poredjati na plasticnu tacnu prekrivenu papirom za pecenje.

10. Posuti kuglice seckanim lesnicima pre nego se cokolada stegne.

Ove bombice mozete puniti celim lesnicima ili visnjama.

Ingredients: 400g wafers, 400g of eurocream or nutella, 200g of hazelnuts (chopped), 150g of ground plain biscuits, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (powdered), 10g of vanilla sugar, for glaze - 150g of cooking chocolate, 3 tablespoons of oil, for decoration - hazelnuts (chopped).


1. Grind wafers in a blender.

2. Add hazelnuts, plain biscuits, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and eurocream or nutella.

3. Stir with a spoon to combine.

4. Then knead by hand.

5. Take the mixture with a spoon and shape it into balls.

6. Arrange on baking paper and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

7. Melt chocolate with oil over steam.

8. Dip the balls in melted chocolate.

9. Arrange on a plastic tray covered with baking paper.

10. Sprinkle the balls with chopped hazelnuts before the chocolate hardens.

These balls you can fill with whole hazelnuts or sour cherries.

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