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Monday, January 13, 2025

Rolat kora sa kiselom pavlakom (Crust roll with sour cream)

Sastojci: 6 jaja, 6 kašika brašna, 2 ½ kašika ulja, malo soli, 10g praška za pecivo, 115ml kisele pavlake


0. Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo.

1. Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca.

2  Umutiti belanca.

3. Umutiti zumanca.

4. Pomesati umucena belanca sa umucenim zumancima, brašnom, solju, uljem i kiselom pavlakom. Sve dobro sjedinite.

5. Pleh namazati margarinom i posuti brasnom.

6. Sipati smesu i ravnomerno je razliti po plehu.

7. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 20 minuta. 

Kora je gotova kada dobije zlatnu boju. 

8. Izvaditi iz rerne, uviti je i obložite mokrom krpom kako biste je kasnije jednostavnije filovali. Ostavite da se ohladi.

9. Ohladjenu koru filovati.

Ingredients: 6 eggs, 6 tablespoons of flour, 2 ½ tablespoons of oil, a little salt, 10g of baking powder, 115ml of sour cream 


0. Mix flour with baking powder. 

1. Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. 

2 Beat the egg whites. 

3. Beat the egg yolks. 

4. Mix the beaten egg whites with the beaten egg yolks, flour, salt, oil and sour cream. Combine everything well. 

5. Spread the baking pan with margarine and sprinkle with flour. 

6. Pour the mixture and spread it evenly on the tray. 7. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 20 minutes. The crust is ready when it turns golden. 

8. Take it out of the oven, roll it up and cover it with a wet kitchen cloth to make it easier to fill later. Leave to cool. 

9. Fill the cooled crust.

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