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Friday, January 24, 2025

Vrste brasna i upotreba (Types of flour and use)





Vrste psenicnog brasna:

1. Belo pšenično brašno (tip 400, tip 500 i tip 550)

2. Polubelo pšenično brašno (tip 700 i tip 850)

3. Crno pšenično brašno (tip 1100 i tip 1600)

4. Brašno celog zrna pšenice. 

Oznaka tipa brašna ukazuje na količinu perifernog dela zrna, a što je tip brašna veći, brašno sadrži veću količinu perifernog dela zrna i tamnije je boje.

Bela brašna su bogatija skrobom i proteinima, a kod tamnijih brašna povećava se i udeo masti, mineralnih materija, vitamina i celuloznih vlakana.

Oznaka tipa brašna ukazuje na količinu pepela u brašnu, pa što je tip brašna veći, brašno sadrži veću količinu pepela i tamnije je boje.

Kada se govori o pepelu u brašnu, misli se na količinu minerala koje ono sadrži. Naime, nakon jakog zagrevanja uzorka brašna ostaje pepeo, a to su mineralni sastojci koji ne sagorevaju.

Većina brašna od žitarica traju oko šest meseci, a brašna od celih zrna oko tri meseca u dobro zatvorenom pakovanju na suvom, prozračnom i hladnom mestu.

Kad otvorite pakovanje, najbolje je proizvod čuvati u dobro zatvorenoj tegli. Ako proizvod ne nameravate potrošiti u preporučenom roku, čuvajte ga u frižideru, naročito tokom leta.

Prema krupnoći čestica belo pšenično brasno moze biti:

- glatko brašno 

- oštro brašno. 

Pšenično ekstra belo brašno T-400 koristi se za testa sa kvascem, strudle, krofne, kifle, hleb.

Tip 400 meko (glatko)  brasno koristi se za pripremanje peciva od finalnog fermentisanog testa kao što su strudle, krofne, mekike i pancerote, kiflice odnosno za ono testo u koje ide kvasac, te savijača od razvlačenog testa i domace testenine.

Tip 400 oštro psenicno brasno koristi se za pripremanje biskvitnih testa, torti i kore za pitu, lisnatih testa, prhkih kolača, za fina peciva, uštipke, krofne, njoke, mekike, palačinke i poslastice u koje ide prašak za pecivo.

Pomaže u zgušnjavanju raznih vrsta variva i sosova.

Za palacinke mozete koristiti ili belo meko ili belo ostro ili mesavinu ova dva.

Psenicno belo - glatko (meko) brasno T-500 koristi se za izradu kvasnih testa, slatkih i slanih peciva za pripremu raznih vrsta hleba i kolača od kiselog testa, za pripremanje i razvijanje pita. 

Upija dobro vodu, a hleb i pecivo se ne mrve kada se seku.

Tip 500 ostro brasno koristi se za pripremanje poslastica od fermentisanog testa, pice, kiflice, štrudle, hleb, kisela testa, kao i za pripremanje domaće testenine i sličnih proizvoda.

Za medenjake pomesati meko i ostro brasno.

Tip 550 brasno koristi se za izdradu pica, hleba, kolača, nudli, proizvoda od kvasnog testa i peciva.

Polubelo pšenično brašno (tip 700 i tip 850) upotrebljava se za izradu hleba i peciva.

Tip 700 brasno koristi se za izradu domaćeg hleba, ali i tankih testa za pite, gibanice i baklave, sto vazi i za Tip 850.

Polubelo brašno T-850 takođe može da se koristi za proizvodnju hleba ali je odlično i za proizvodnju peciva.

Crno pšenično brašno (tip 1100 i tip 1600) je kvalitetno brašno jer sadrži vitamine, minerale, kao i dijetetska vlakana. 

Crno brasno T-1100 može da se koristi za pripremu od kiselog testa (dizanog testa) - hleb ali je odlično i za pravljenje peciva, sto vazi i za Tip 1600.


Tip 1600 - hleb i peciva izrađena od ovog tipa brašna daju potpuniji osjećaj sitosti pa je ovaj proizvod idealan izbor za Vašu dijetu. Osim toga, zadržava svežinu duze od belog hleba. Obiluje vrijednim vitaminima, mineralima i vlaknima.

Graham brasno ili integralno brasno) od celog zrna pšenice sadrži sve delove očišćenog i samlevenog zrna pšenice uključujući omotač i klicu i bogato je dijetetskim vlaknima, vitaminima B grupe, E vitaminom, mineralima Na, K, Ca, Fe i ima povećan sadržaj proteina u odnosu na belo brašno. 

Graham brasno koristi se za pripremanje hleba i raznih vrsta peciva.

Pšenično integralno brašno se dobija mlevenjem celog zrna pšenice što mu daje veoma dobra nutritivna svojstva. Koristi se za jačanje imuniteta, prevencije srčanih oboljenja, bolesti jetre, žučne kese i zaštitnik je od raka debelog creva. Zbog prisustva silicijum-dioksida organizam čine otpornim na klice tuberkuloze.

Hleb od ovog brašna biće zbijeniji, a struktura će mu biti grublja. Preporučuje se da se meša s belim ili polubelim pšeničnim brašnom kako bi mu se poboljšala svojstva pri pečenju.

Mana integralnog brašna jest da se brže i lakše kvari u odnosu na belo, jer su očuvani proteini i masti (iz klice i opne) pa se preporučuje da se čuva u frižideru.

Bitno je prosejati brašno pre upotrebe i koristiti kvalitetan kvasac.

Namenska brašna su mlinski proizvodi koji su svojim kvalitetom prilagođena specifičnim zahtevima za određene vrste gotovih proizvoda. 

Mesavina razanog brasna za izradu specijalnih vrsta hleba i peciva i hrskavih biskvita.

Mesavina za heljdin mesani hleb  za pravljenje hleba od heljde.

Mesavina za speltin mesani hleb  za pravljenje hleba od spelte.

Durum brašno je pšenično brašno i se koristi za proizvodnju testenina. 

Nije pogodno za pripremu hleba i drugih proizvoda od kiselog testa.

Kada odlučite da pripremate torte i kolače a u receptu vam ne piše koji tip brašna da koristite, najbolje je da pomešate meko i oštro brašno.


Kukuruzno brašno upotrebljava se za pripremu hleba i peciva, tortilja, tradicionalnih jela.

Za pripremu hleba i peciva potrebno je da se meša sa pšeničnim brašnom jer ne sadrži gluten. 

Kukuruzno brašno prethodno staviti u vrelu vodu, ohladiti, a zatim umešati testo.

Ako kuvate kacamak nije potrebno dodavati druga brasna.


Kukuruzno brašno se mora mešati sa pšeničnim da bi se od njega mogao proizvesti hleb.Karakteristično za ovo brašno je sto sadrži puno masti ( 3,8 %), što otežava njegovo skladištenje, jer mast brzo užegne.

Vrste kukuruznog brasna:

1. Kukuruzno zuto brasno

2. Kukuruzno belo brasno


Od klica kukuruznog brasna pravi se skrob. Od drugih hranljivih materija, kukuruzne klice sadrže i veliku količinu liposolubilnih vitamina (posebno vitamina A). Tu je i masno ulje (oko 28 procenata), belančevine, inozitofosforne kiseline, glutamin, lecitin, gvanidin, šećer i mnogobrojne nutritivno značajne materije.

Kukuruzno ulje dobija se od klica zrelog kukuruza. Veoma je zdravo i obiluje fitosterolima, kao i gliceridima nezasićenih masnih kiselina.

Kukuruzno zuto brasno sadrzi hraniljive materije kao sto su:

ugljeni hidrati



dijetetska vlakna





vitamine grupe B i vitamin E, kao i vitamin A.

Žuto kukuruzno brašno pre svega sadrži više vitamina A u odnosu na belo kukuruzno brašno.

Studije kažu da se konzumacijom ovog tipa brašna može smanjiti rizik od karcinoma debelog creva i drugih funkcionalnih poremećaja rada creva. Budući da sadrži složene ugljene hidrate i dijetetska vlakna, sprečava višak kilograma i gojaznost. Dobar nutritivni sastav pospešuje antioksidantno dejstvo i doprinosi smanjenju oksidativnog stresa.

Sadrzi dosta ugljenih hidrata pa ga treba umereno koristiti jer je dobar za rad creva.

Kukuruzno žuto brašno se dobija mlevenjem celog zrna kukuruza tvrdunca. Bogato je ugljenim hidratima, proteinima i mastima kao i dijetetskim vlaknima. Sadrži mineralne materije najviše fosfor, kalijum i magnezijum i vitamin E, vitamine grupe B, i grupe A. Brašno je hranljivo za srce i krvni sistem a takođe i za tanko crevo. Zbog vlakana koje sadrži sprečava gojaznost.

Takođe ne sadrži gluten. 


Belo projino brašno sadrži veliku količinu različitih korisnih minerala, posebno vitamina E.

Kukuruzno belo brašno se dobija mlevenjem celog zrna belog kukuruza. Bogato je proteinima, ugljenim hidratima, mastima, vitaminima i mineralne materije od kojih najvise gvozđa, fosfora, magnezijuma i kalijuma. Redovnom upotrebom kukuruznog belog brašna jačamo srce, mišiće, kosti, poboljšava krvotok, smanjuje se količina otpadnih materija u organizmu pa samim tim ćelije debelog creva postaju jače. Vlakna u kukuruznom brašnu sprečavaju gojaznost.


Brasna od zitarica su:

1. Razano brasno

2. Ovseno brasno

3. Jecmeno brasno

4. Heljdino brasno

5. Proseno brasno

6. Speltino brasno

Raženo brašno se tržištu nalaze kao tip 750 - belo, tip 950 - polubelo, tip 1250 - crno i raženo brašno iz celog zrna. 

Raženo brašno tip 1250 visokovredan proizvod koji se odlikuje visokim sadržajem minerala i proteini raži su veće prehrambene vrednosti u odnosu na proteine psenice. 

Zbog manjeg sadržaja kvalitetnog glutena i veće enzimske aktivnosti poželjno je da se meša sa pšeničnim brašnom.

Ražano integralno brašno se dobija mlevenjem celog zrna raži. Bogato je mnogim hranljivim i korisnim sastojcima, kao što su proteini, masti, ugljeni hidrati, vitamini (B1,B2,B6,E), kalijum, fosfor, magnezijum, gvozđe, cink, jod kao i zasićene i nezasićene masne kiseline. Preporučljivo za one koji pate od arterioskleroze, bolesti vezanih za cirkulaciju krvi, arterijskog pritiska ili očvrsćavanja arterija, anemičnim osobama. Pomaže stvaranju mišića, zagreva, pomaže rastu noktiju, kose I kostiju, sadrži fluor za jačanje zubne gleđi.

Razano brasno se koristi za pripremu hleba, palacinki i testenina.

Raženo brašno ima niži glikemijski indeks od bijelog brašna, što znači da ne uzrokuje nagli porast razine šećera u krvi. To može biti korisno za osobe s dijabetesom ili one koji pokušavaju da regulisu nivo secera.

Razeno brasno je tvrdje i manje elasticno od belog brasna. 

Testo od raženog brašna:

-nema elastičnu strukturu, 

-teže je,

-manje naraste,

-lepi se,

-vlažnije je,

-kiselije je i 

-tamnije boje.

Raženi hleb je:

-manje zapremine,

-zbijene sredine,

-tamnije kore,

-kiselkastog i slatkastog ukusa,

-duže je svež.

Belančevine raženog brašna ne obrazuju lepak - gluten. Raženo brašno, zbog pentozana - seceri upija  više vode od pšeničnog, što čini  sredinu hleba vlažnijom i hleb dugo zadržava svežinu.

Pentozani su složeni šećeri- polisaharidi koji kao i skrob nisu slatki. Kada vežu vodu, pentozani postaju sluzasti (zovemo ih sluzi) i od njih  je testo lepljivo.


Ovseno brašno je dobro za snižavanje holesterola i ima antidijabetičko dejstvo. Ovseno brašno i ovsena kaša se ne razlikuju po nutritivnoj vrednosti jer se sastoje od istog početnog sastojka.  To znači da ovseno brašno sadrži klice, mekinje i endosperm što ga čini bogatim integralnim žitaricama.  

Ovseno integralno brašno se dobija mlevenjem ovsa (zobi). Svarljivost ovog proizvoda je vrlo laka. Preporučuje se onima koji imaju problema sa želucem. Pospešuje čvrstinu kostiju i zuba , utiče na uvećavanje broja crvenih krvnih zrnaca, potpomaže nervne aktivnosti i jačanje rada mozga, a obiluje i biljnim belančevinama potrebnim za rast pa se posebno preporučuje deci. Pomaže normalizovanje tiroidne funkcije, jača srčani mišić, pomaže otklanjanju zatvora. Pogoduje i bolesnicima i operisanima od želuca i creva jer ubrzava oporavak. Svakodnevnom upotrebom dijabetičari mogu smanjiti nivo šećera u krvi.

Ovseno brašno se danas znatno manje koristi zbog gorkog ukusa.Siromašno je lepkom, ali sadrži belančevinu avenin , koja ima veliku prehrambenu vrednost i korisna je za ljudsko zdravlje. Hleb od ovsenog brašna spravlja se uvek uz dodatak pšeničnog brašna.


Ječmeno brašno, dobijeno je od fino mlevenih zrna ječma, hranljiv je sastojak poznat po visokom sadržaju vlakana i blagom ukusu orašastih plodova.

Jecmeno brasno dobro je za hleb, palačinke, pa čak i kolačiće. Pored toga, ima niži sadržaj glutena u poređenju sa pšeničnim brašnom. Često se najbolje koristi u kombinaciji sa drugim brašnom.

Čuvati u hermetički zatvorenoj posudi na hladnom, tamnom i suvom mestu. Može se čuvati u frižideru (u hermetički zatvorenoj posudi) kako bi se produžio rok trajanja.

Ječmeno integralno brašno se dobija mlevenjem celog zrna ječma. Ono sadrži i do 35 odsto nezasićenih masnih kiselina koje smanjuju holesterol u krvi. Odličan je izvor rastvorljivih vlakana koji takođe utiče na sniženje nivoa holesterola u krvi i doprinose sprečavanju pojave raka creva. 

Upotreba ječmenog brašna pomaže u sprečavanju oboljenja koronarnih arterija i moždanog udara. Zahvaljujući velikom sadržaju hroma ječam reguliše šećer u krvi i koristi se za lečenje hepatitisa (zapaljenja jetre). Jača i izgrađuje krv, lako je svarljiv, smanjuje groznicu i unutrašnju toplotu, topi tumore i dobar je protiv raka.

Belančevine ječma ne stvaraju lepak pa se za proizvodnju hleba može koristiti samo u mešavini sa pšeničnim ili raženim brašnom.

HELJDINO BRASNO (bez glutena)

Integralno heljdino brasno idealno je za pravljenje testa za palačinke, za rezance, hleb, za pite i picu.

Samo zrno heljde je veoma bogato hranljivim sastojcima, visoko vrednim proteinima, antioksidansima, mikro elementima i prehrambenim vlaknima.

Sadrži 1.5 puta više vitamina B nego pšenica. Ne sadrži gluten i veoma je pogodno za decu i osobe koje imaju poremećaj probave. 

Heljdino brašno reguliše prisustvo holesterola, krvni pritisak i nivo šećera u krvi.

Svojstvo sastojka rutina je da štiti od radijacije i čuva kapilare i krvne sudove.

Rutin može smanjiti rizik od srčanih bolesti sprečavanjem stvaranja krvnih ugrušaka i smanjenjem upale i krvnog pritiska.

Ovo brašno se dobija mlevenjem zrna heljde. Heljda ne sadrži gluten. Sadrži proteine, masti, ugljene hidrate, minerale, sirova vlakna, vitamine naročito E, kalijum, kalcijum, fosfor, gvozđe, magnezijum, zasićene masne kiseline, selen… ona snaži i zagreva, povećava cirkulaciju u nogama i rukama, izgrađuje krv, doprinosi stvaranju jake konstitucije. Snižava visok krvni pritisak, leči zatvor, tuberkulozu. Heljdino brašno pomešano sa vodom pomaže u izbacivanju glista iz organizma. Fino heljdino brašno se koristi i kao bebi puder jer štiti od infekcije i neguje kožu.

PROSENO BRASNO (bez glutena)

Proseno brašno je bezglutensko i dobija se mlevenjem zrna prosa. Uz minerale i vitamine, ono sadrži veoma rastvorljivu silicijumovu kiselinu, neophodnu i zdravima i bolesnima. 

Proso pomaže pravilnom radu i hrani pankreas, slezinu i želudac. Posebno je blagotvoran kod dijabetesa i hipoglikemije, pa se široko primenjuje u dijetalnoj ishrani dijabetičara. Proso je izrazito bazna, odnosno alkalna žitarica pa se koristi ako se poremeti crevna flora prekomernom kiselom hranom ili se unište crevne bakterije prekomernim uzimanjem antibiotika. Proso je dobar kod tegoba sa kiselom krvi (acidoza), lošeg zadaha, upale kože, protiv taloženja štetnih materija kod reumatizma i gihta. 

Zbog obilja mineralnih sastojaka i lake svarljivosti proso je vrlo pogodan za osobe sklone kardiovaskularnim bolestima kao sto je ateroskleroza – jača srce. Ako se jede redovno, može pomoći da se smanji rizik nekih vrsta raka.


Speltino integralno brašno se dobija mlevenjem celog zrna spelte, koja važi za najstariju žitaricu a zove se jos i krupnik. Zbog visoke koncentracije vlakana speltino brašno pomaže u rešavanju digestivnih problema kao sto su zatvor, gasovi, nadutost, grčevi, dijareja, a takođe pomažu u smanjivanju nivoa opasnog LDL u krvi, tako što blokiraju apsorpciju holesterola iz hrane u organizam. Zbog visokog sadržaja gvozđa I bakra u svom sastavu bitno je za stvaranje crvenih krvnih zrnaca, ubrzava zarastanje rana i povećava energiju. Speltino brašno obiluje širokim spektrom minerala kao sto su cink, magnezijum, bakar, fosfor i selen koji su bitni za pravilan rast i razvoj kostiju. Redovnom upotrebom ovog brašna možete preduprediti nastanak osteoporoze i drugih bolesti koje slabe i degradiraju kosti. U ovom brašnu se nalazi i niacin veoma važan vitamin i to u velikim količinama koji je važan za rad žlezda u telu a posebno za proizvodnju polnih hormona.

Osobe osetljive na gluten moraju znati da u speltinom brašnu ima ovog proteina.

Spelta brašno je sličnog sastava kao obično pšenično brašno, ali s većim sadržajem dijetetskih vlakana i proteina. 

Gluten je lošijeg kvaliteta pa se pri pripremi hleba treba mešati sa psenicnim brašnom.



Psenicno, razano, speltino, ovseno, jecmeno.


Proseno, integralno, pirincano, heljdino, kukuruzno zuto i belo, brasno od leblebija, bademovo brasno, cia brasno.


Ovo brašno se dobija mlevenjem integralnog pirinča. To je bezglutenska namirnica bogata skrobom a siromašna belančevinama i mastima pa je zbog toga lako svarljiva. Pogodan je za bolesnike i rekonvalescente kao i za osobe osetljivih organa za varenje koji boluju od gastritisa, čira na želucu i dvanaestopalačnom crevu ili imaju višak ili manjak želudačne kiseline. Zbog bogatstva ugljenim hidratima, mineralima, a naročito vitaminom B- kompleksa, pirinač je blagodet za dobro funksionisanje nervnog sistema.


Imate iznad.


Brašno od leblebije se dobija mlevenjem proprženog zrna nauta (leblebije). Sadrži hranljive materije (proteine, masti, ugljene hidrate) mineralne soli (gvozđe, kalijum, fosfor, kalcijum,bakar) i vitamine (B1, B2, PP i C) polisaharide, masno ulje, lecitin, betain, kolin. Bogato je mononezasićenim i polinezasićenim masnim kiselinama. 

U ishrani se koristi kao dodatak supama i varivima i kao sredstvo za zgušnjavanje jela umesto zaprške. 


Brašno od badema ima visok sadržaj lipida i proteina. Ne sadži gluten pa ako patite od celikalije, ovo brašno je idealno za vas. Četvrtina šoljice ovog brašna sadrži 4,6 grama ugljenih hidrata, 5,2 grama proteina i 3 grama polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (koje štite naš mozak i srce). 

U 100 grama badema nalazi se 140% preporučene dnevne količine mangana, 75% magnezijuma, 60% bakra, 50% fosfora, 130% vitamina E i 51% vitamina B. 

Brašno od badema se dobro slaže sa voćem, povrćem, jajima, kokosovim mlekom, medom, crvenim mesom, živinskim mesom, ribom, kukuruzom i graškom. Koristi se za izradu finih pekarskih proizvoda u tipu peciva, fine biskvitna testa i makaronse.


Čia brašno se dobija mlevenjem čija semena. Sastavni je deo ishrane a koristi se i u medicinske svrhe. Odličan je izvor Omega 3 i Omega 6 masnih kiselina, minerala (posebno kalcijuma, gvožđa i magnezijuma), vitamina, proteina, vlakana i antioksidanata. Organizmu daje potrebnu energiju. Pošto je bogato proteinima, blagotvorno deluje na regeneraciju kože, zdravlje kose i noktiju. Pozitivno utiče kod mršavljenja jer ubrzava rad metabolizma, podstiče sagorevanje masti, oslobađa energiju, jača organizam, te pozitivno utiče na organe za varenje. Takođe hidrira organizam. Preporučena količina čia brašna je 3-5 kašičica (do 15 g) na dan.



Speltin griz, ovseni griz, jecmeni griz, razani griz.


Proseni, pirincani, integralni, heljdin.


Ovsene, razane, psenicne, speltine.



Koliko je tapioka brasno zdravo i da li je uopste zdravo procitajte u clanku dr Bojane Mandic - Tapioka zamka.

Brašno od tapioke (skrob od tapioke) izrađen je od suvog korena tropske biljke manioka (Manihot esculenta). Sadrži puno skroba. 

Poboljšava teksturu testa pa hlebu daje hrskavu koru. Zbog svoje izuzetno glatke i fine teksture koristi se za zgušnjavanje sosova, umaka i supa, pripremu pudinga, suflea. Velika prednost mu je i ta što dobro podnosi procese hlađenja pa se usled brzog hlađenja iz kuvanog jela ne izdvajaju naslage. Prirodno ne sadrži gluten, pa se preporučuje osobma osetljivim na gluten i obolelim od celijaklije.

Tapioka skrob ili tapioka brašno je bele boje i neutralnog ukusa, koje se dobija iz korena biljke kasava, poreklom iz Brazila. Portugalski i španski istraživači su je prvi put doneli u Evropu, odakle se proširila na Indiju, Afriku i Aziju.

S obzirom da je u pitanju skrob, gotovo 100% sastava čine ugljeni hidrati, bez zasićenih masti, proteina i natrijuma. 

Tapioka ne utiče na boju, miris i ukus jela, pa se može koristiti za slatka i slana jela i nalazi primenu u povećavanju gustine umaka, supa, preliva i fillova, kao i u pudinzima. Ima snažnu sposobnost zgušnjavanja, čak i na nižim temperaturama. Prednost tapioke u odnosu na npr. kukuruzni skrob je ta da prilikom zamrzavanja i odmrzavanja ne menja strukturu.

Koja su to BRAŠNA KOJA povečavaju MOĆ UPIJANJA VODE?U kojoj količini se dodaju?

Dodaju se u količini od 3% do 5%.


Soja nije žitarica već spada u uljarice, što znači da je bogata mastima .U zavisnosti koliko masti zaostaje u brašnu, razlikujemo:punomasno, malomasno i obezmašćeno sojino brašno.

Ovo brašno je izuzetno bogato belančevinama (max 65%). Svojstvo belančevina je da upijaju dvostruko veću kolicinu vode u odnosu na svoju masu.


Ovo brašno takodje dobro upija vodu.Njegovim dodavanjem poboljšava se mekoća i svežina hleba, a hleb dobija prijatan ukus.

Proizvodi se tako sto se krompir skuva, osuši a zatim samelje i proseje.

Krompirovo brašno se u letnjim mesecima krompirovo brašno se ne koristi.





Types of wheat flour:

1. White wheat flour (type 400, type 500 and type 550)

2. Semi-white wheat flour (type 700 and type 850)

3. Black wheat flour (type 1100 and type 1600)

4. Whole wheat flour.

The flour type label indicates the amount of the peripheral part of the grain, and the larger the type of flour, the greater the amount of the peripheral part of the grain and the darker the color.

White flours are richer in starch and proteins, while the proportion of fat, minerals, vitamins and cellulose fibers increases with darker flours.

The flour type label indicates the amount of ash in the flour, so the higher the type of flour, the more ash the flour contains and the darker the color.

When we talk about ash in flour, we mean the amount of minerals it contains. Namely, after strong heating of the flour sample, ash remains, which are mineral ingredients that do not burn.

Most cereal flours last about six months, and whole grain flours about three months in a well-sealed package in a dry, airy and cool place.

When you open the package, it is best to store the product in a tightly closed jar. If you do not intend to use the product within the recommended period, store it in the refrigerator, especially during the summer.

According to the particle size, white wheat flour can be:

- smooth flour

- hard flour.

Extra white wheat flour T-400 is used for yeast doughs, strudels, donuts, rolls, bread.

Type 400 soft (smooth) flour is used for preparing pastries from the final fermented dough such as strudels, donuts, fritters, panzerotti, rolls, or for dough that uses yeast, and puff pastry and homemade pasta.

Type 400 hard wheat flour is used for preparing sponge dough, cakes and pie crusts, puff pastry, shortcrust pastry, fine pastries, fritters - mekike, fried dough balls - ustipci, gnocchi, pancakes and desserts that use baking powder.

This flour helps thicken various types of stews and sauces.

For pancakes, you can use either white soft or white hard or a mixture of the two.

White wheat - smooth (soft) flour T-500 is used for making yeast doughs, sweet and savory pastries, for preparing various types of bread and sourdough cakes, for preparing and rolling out pies.

It absorbs water well, and bread and pastries do not crumble when cut.

Type 500 hard flour is used for preparing desserts made from fermented dough, pizza, rolls, strudel, bread, sourdough, as well as for preparing homemade pasta and similar products.

For gingerbread, mix soft and hard flour.

Type 550 flour is used for making pizzas, bread, cakes, noodles, yeast dough products and pastries.

Semi-white wheat flour (type 700 and type 850) is used to make bread and pastries.

Type 700 flour is used to make homemade bread, but also thin doughs for pies, white cheese pies - gibanice and baklava, which also applies to Type 850.

Semi-white flour T-850 can also be used for the production of bread, but it is also excellent for the production of pastries.

Black wheat flour (type 1100 and type 1600) is a quality flour because it contains vitamins, minerals, as well as dietary fiber.

Black flour T-1100 can be used to prepare sourdough (risen dough) - bread, but it is also excellent for making pastries, which also applies to Type 1600.

Type 1600 - bread and pastries made from this type of flour give a fuller feeling of fullness, so this product is an ideal choice for your diet. In addition, it keeps freshness longer than white bread. It is rich in valuable vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Graham flour or whole wheat flour) made from whole grain wheat contains all parts of the cleaned and ground wheat grain including the sheath and the germ and is rich in dietary fiber, B group vitamins, vitamin E, minerals Na, K, Ca, Fe and has an increased protein content in relation to on white flour.

Graham flour is used to prepare bread and various types of pastries.

Whole grain wheat flour is obtained by grinding the whole grain of wheat, which gives it very good nutritional properties. It is used to strengthen immunity, prevent heart diseases, liver and gallbladder diseases and is a protector against colon cancer. Due to the presence of silicon dioxide, they make the body resistant to tuberculosis germs.

Bread made from this flour will be denser, and its structure will be rougher. It is recommended to mix it with white or semi-white wheat flour to improve its baking properties.

The disadvantage of wholemeal flour is that it spoils faster and easier than white flour, because the proteins and fats (from the germ and membrane) are preserved, so it is recommended to keep it in the fridge.

It is important to sift the flour before use and use high-quality yeast.

Special purpose flours are milled products whose quality is adapted to specific requirements for certain types of finished products.

Mixture of sifted flour is for making special types of bread and pastries and crispy biscuits.

Mixture for buckwheat meat bread is for making buckwheat bread.

Mixture for spelt bread is for making spelt bread.

Durum flour is wheat flour and is used to make pasta.

It is not suitable for the preparation of bread and other sourdough products.

When you decide to prepare cakes and cookies and the recipe does not say which type of flour to use, it is best to mix soft and hard flour.


Corn flour is used to prepare bread and pastries, tortillas, and traditional dishes like proja - cornbread. 

To prepare bread and pastries, it needs to be mixed with wheat flour because it does not contain gluten.

Put the corn flour in hot water beforehand, cool it, and then mix the dough.

If you cook kacamak - polenta, it is not necessary to add other flours.


Corn flour must be mixed with wheat flour in order to make bread from it. The characteristic of this flour is that it contains a lot of fat (3.8%), which makes it difficult to store it, because the fat quickly goes rancid.

Types of corn flour:

1. Yellow corn flour

2. White corn flour

YELLOW CORN FLOUR (gluten free)

Starch is made from corn germ. Among other nutrients, corn sprouts also contain a large amount of liposoluble vitamins (especially vitamin A). There is also fatty oil (about 28 percent), proteins, inositol phosphoric acids, glutamine, lecithin, guanidine, sugar and numerous nutritionally significant substances.

Corn oil is obtained from ripe corn germs. It is very healthy and rich in phytosterols, as well as glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids.

Yellow corn flour contains nutrients such as:




dietary fiber





vitamins of group B and vitamin E, as well as vitamin A.

First of all, yellow corn flour contains more vitamin A compared to white corn flour.

Studies say that the consumption of this type of flour can reduce the risk of colon cancer and other functional bowel disorders. Since it contains complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, it prevents excess weight and obesity. A good nutritional composition enhances the antioxidant effect and contributes to the reduction of oxidative stress.

It contains a lot of carbohydrates, so it should be used in moderation because it is good for the bowels.

Yellow corn flour is obtained by grinding the whole grain of hard corn. It is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats as well as dietary fiber. It contains minerals, mainly phosphorus, potassium and magnesium and vitamin E, vitamins of group B and group A. Flour is nutritious for the heart and blood system and also for the small intestine. Due to the fiber it contains, it prevents obesity.

It also does not contain gluten.

CORN WHITE FLOUR (gluten free)

White corn flour contains a large amount of various useful minerals, especially vitamin E.

White corn flour is obtained by grinding the whole grain of white corn. It is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, most of which are iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Regular use of white corn flour strengthens the heart, muscles, and bones, improves blood flow, reduces the amount of waste materials in the body, and thus the cells of the large intestine become stronger. Fiber in corn flour prevents obesity.


Grain flours are:

1. Rye flour

2. Oat flour

3. Barley flour

4. Buckwheat flour

5. Millet flour

6. Spelt flour

Rye flour is available on the market as type 750 - white, type 950 - semi-white, type 1250 - black and whole grain rye flour.

Rye flour type 1250 is a high-value product characterized by a high content of Ca and Fe, and rye proteins have a higher nutritional value than wheat proteins.

Due to the lower content of quality gluten and higher enzymatic activity, it is preferable to mix it with wheat flour.

Rye integral flour is obtained by grinding the whole grain of rye. It is rich in many nutritious and useful ingredients, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E), potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, as well as saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Recommended for those suffering from arteriosclerosis, diseases related to blood circulation, arterial pressure or hardening of the arteries, anemic people. It helps build muscles, warms up, helps the growth of nails, hair and bones, and contains fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel.

Rye flour is used to make bread, pancakes, and pasta.

Rye flour has a lower glycemic index than white flour, which means it doesn't cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. This can be beneficial for people with diabetes or those trying to manage sugar levels.

Rye flour is harder and less elastic than white flour.

Rye flour dough:

-does not have an elastic structure,

-is heavier,

-rises less,


-is wetter,

-is more acidic and

-is darker in color.

Rye bread has:

-smaller volume,

-compact center,

-darker crust,

-sour and sweet taste,

-stays fresh longer.

The proteins of rye flour do not form glue - gluten. Due to pentosan - sugar, rye flour absorbs more water than wheat flour, which makes the middle of the bread more moist and keeps the bread fresh for a long time.

Pentosans are complex sugars - polysaccharides that, like starch, are not sweet. When they bind water, pentosans become slimy (we call them slime) and make the dough sticky.


Oat flour is good for lowering cholesterol and has an antidiabetic effect. Oat flour and oat flakes do not differ in nutritional value because they consist of the same initial ingredient. This means that oat flour contains germ, bran and endosperm, making it a rich whole grain.

Oat integral flour is obtained by grinding oats. The digestibility of this product is very easy. It is recommended for those who have stomach problems. It improves the strength of bones and teeth, increases the number of red blood cells, supports nerve activity and strengthens the brain, and is also rich in plant proteins necessary for growth, so it is especially recommended for children. It helps to normalize the thyroid function, strengthens the heart muscle, helps to eliminate constipation. It also benefits patients and those who have undergone stomach and intestinal surgery because it speeds up recovery. With daily use, diabetics can lower blood sugar levels.

Today, oat flour is much less used due to its bitter taste. It is poor in glue, but contains the protein avenin, which has great nutritional value and is beneficial for human health. Oat flour bread is always made with the addition of wheat flour.


Barley flour, obtained from finely ground barley grains, is a nutritious ingredient known for its high fiber content and mild nutty taste.

Barley flour is good for bread, pancakes and even cookies. In addition, it has a lower gluten content compared to wheat flour. It is often best used in combination with white or other flours.

Flour storage

Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark and dry place. It can be stored in the fridge (in an airtight container) to extend its shelf life.

Barley wholemeal flour

obtained by grinding whole grains of barley. It contains up to 35 percent of unsaturated fatty acids that reduce cholesterol in the blood. It is an excellent source of soluble fiber, which also lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and contributes to the prevention of colon cancer.

The use of barley flour helps prevent coronary artery disease and stroke. Thanks to its high chromium content, barley regulates blood sugar and is used to treat hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). It strengthens and builds blood, is easily digestible, reduces fever and internal heat, melts tumors and is good against cancer.

Barley proteins do not create glue, so it can only be used in a mixture with wheat or rye flour for bread production.

BUCKWHEAT FLOUR (gluten-free)

Integral buckwheat flour is ideal for making doughs for pancakes, noodles, bread, pies and pizza.

The buckwheat grain itself is very rich in nutrients, high-value proteins, antioxidants, microelements and dietary fiber.

It contains 1.5 times more vitamin B than wheat. It does not contain gluten and is very suitable for children and people with digestive disorders.

Buckwheat flour regulates the presence of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

The property of the ingredient rutin is that it protects against radiation and preserves capillaries and blood vessels.

Rutin can reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing blood clots and reducing inflammation and blood pressure.

This flour is obtained by grinding buckwheat grains. Buckwheat does not contain gluten. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, raw fibers, vitamins especially E, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, saturated fatty acids, selenium. It strengthens and warms, increases circulation in the legs and arms, builds blood, and contributes to the creation of a strong constitution. Lowers high blood pressure, cures constipation, tuberculosis. Buckwheat flour mixed with water helps expel worms from the body. Fine buckwheat flour is also used as baby powder because it protects against infection and nourishes the skin.

MILLET FLOUR (gluten-free)

Millet flour is gluten-free and is obtained by grinding millet grains. In addition to minerals and vitamins, it contains very soluble silicic acid, necessary for both healthy and sick people.

Millet helps the proper functioning and nourishes the pancreas, spleen and stomach. It is especially beneficial for diabetes and hypoglycemia, so it is widely used in the diet of diabetics. Millet is an extremely basic, i.e. alkaline, grain, so it is used if the intestinal flora is disturbed by excessively acidic food or the intestinal bacteria are destroyed by taking excessive antibiotics. Millet is good for problems with acidic blood (acidosis), bad breath, inflammation of the skin, against the deposition of harmful substances in rheumatism and gout.

Due to the abundance of mineral ingredients and easy digestibility, millet is very suitable for people prone to cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis - it strengthens the heart. If eaten regularly, it can help reduce the risk of some types of cancer.


Spelt integral flour is obtained by grinding the whole grain of spelt, which is considered the oldest cereal and is also called krupnik. Due to the high concentration of fiber, spelt flour helps to solve digestive problems such as constipation, gas, flatulence, cramps, diarrhea, and also helps to reduce the level of dangerous LDL in the blood, by blocking the absorption of cholesterol from food into the body. Due to the high content of iron and copper in its composition, it is essential for the formation of red blood cells, accelerates the healing of wounds and increases energy. Spelt flour is rich in a wide range of minerals such as zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and selenium, which are essential for proper bone growth and development. Regular use of this flour can prevent osteoporosis and other diseases that weaken and degrade bones. This flour also contains niacin, a very important vitamin in large quantities, which is important for the work of the glands in the body and especially for the production of sex hormones.


Chickpea flour is obtained by grinding fried chickpeas. Contains nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), mineral salts (iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper) and vitamins (B1, B2, PP and C), polysaccharides, fatty oil, lecithin, betaine, choline. It is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

In food, it is used as an addition to soups and stews and as a thickening agent instead of sprinkling. You can make pizza dough.


Almond flour has a high lipid and protein content. It does not contain gluten, so if you suffer from celiac disease, this flour is ideal for you. A quarter cup of this flour contains 4.6 grams of carbohydrates, 5.2 grams of protein and 3 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids (which protect our brain and heart).

Almond flour goes well with fruits, vegetables, eggs, coconut milk, honey, red meat, poultry, fish, corn and peas. It is used to make fine bakery products in the form of pastries, fine biscuit dough and macarons.


Chia flour is obtained by grinding chia seeds. It is an integral part of nutrition and is also used for medicinal purposes. It is an excellent source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, minerals (especially calcium, iron and magnesium), vitamins, proteins, fibers and antioxidants. It gives the body the necessary energy. Since it is rich in proteins, it has a beneficial effect on skin regeneration, hair and nail health. It has a positive effect on weight loss because it accelerates metabolism, promotes fat burning, releases energy, strengthens the body, and has a positive effect on the digestive organs. It also hydrates the body. The recommended amount of chia flour is 3-5 teaspoons (up to 15 g) per day.



Spelt semolina, oat semolina, barley semolina, rye semolina.


Millet, rice, integral, buckwheat.


Oatmeal, rye, wheat, spelled.



How much tapioca flour is healthy and whether it is healthy at all, read in the article Dr. Bojana Mandic - Tapioca trap.

It is only in serbian language but it says that tapioca flour is not that much healthy as they say.

Tapioca flour (tapioca starch) is made from the dry root of the tropical cassava plant (Manihot esculenta). Contains a lot of starch.

It improves the texture of the dough and gives the bread a crispy crust. Due to its extremely smooth and fine texture, it is used for thickening sauces, dips and soups, preparing puddings and soufflés. Its big advantage is that it tolerates cooling processes well, so due to rapid cooling, deposits are not separated from the cooked food. It does not naturally contain gluten, so it is recommended for people sensitive to gluten and suffering from celiac disease.

Tapioca starch or tapioca flour is white in color and has a neutral taste, which is obtained from the root of the cassava plant, originally from Brazil. Portuguese and Spanish explorers brought it to Europe for the first time, from where it spread to India, Africa and Asia.

Considering that it is starch, almost 100% of the composition consists of carbohydrates, without saturated fats, proteins and sodium.

Tapioca does not affect the color, smell and taste of food, so it can be used for sweet and salty dishes and is used to increase the density of sauces, soups, dressings and fillings, as well as in puddings. It has a strong thickening ability, even at lower temperatures. The advantage of tapioca over, for example, cornstarch is that it does not change its structure when frozen and thawed.

What are the FLOURS THAT increase the POWER OF WATER ABSORPTION? In what quantity are they added?

They are added in the amount of 3% to 5%.


Soybean is not a grain but belongs to oilseeds, which means that it is rich in fat. Depending on how much fat remains in the flour, we distinguish: full-fat, low-fat and defatted soy flour.

This flour is extremely rich in proteins (max 65%). The property of proteins is that they absorb twice the amount of water compared to their weight.


This flour also absorbs water well. Its addition improves the softness and freshness of the bread, and the bread acquires a pleasant taste.

It is produced by boiling, drying and then grinding and sifting potatoes.

Potato flour is not used in the summer months.

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