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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Kardamom panakota sa zeleom od nara (Cardamom panna cotta with pomegranate jelly)

Sastojci: za žele od nara - 7 listića želatina (ili 11,66 g želatina mlevenog), 1 kašičica limunovog soka (sveže isceđenog), 100 g šećera u prahu, 250 ml nezaslađenog soka od nara (jedan veliki nar daje jednu čašu soka), 1 kasicica ruzine vodice (ili ekstrakt pomorandze ili ekstrakt limuna ili ekstrakt maline), semenke jednog nara, za panakotu - 300 ml cvrste pavlake 48% masnoće (ili slatke pavlake 38% masnoće), 200 ml punomasnog mleka, 6 mahuna kardamoma (malo izlomljene), 1 mahuna vanile (na pola), 2½ listića želatina (ili 4,16 g mlevenog želatina), 75 g šećera u prahu.


1. Želatin za žele potopiti u hladnu vodu 15 do 20 minuta. 

2. Pustiti da provri limunov sok i 300 ml vode na srednjoj vatri (4). 

3. Dodajte šećer i mešajte dok se ne rastvori. Uklonite sa vatre. 

4. Iscedite višak vode iz želatina, pa ga umešajte u sirup da se rastvori. 

5. Umešajte sok od nara i ružinu vodicu. Skloniti sa šporeta i ostaviti da se ohladi.

6. Podelite semenke nara u šest kalupa od 200 ml. 

7. Kada je žele na sobnoj temperaturi, podeliti između kalupa. Ohladite 2 sata.

8. U šerpu sipajte pavlaku i mleko, dodajte kardamom i vanila seme i zagrejte na laganoj vatri (2), mešajući. 

9. Pojačajte vatru na srednju (4) dovedite do ključanja i kuvajte dok se ne smanji za trećinu, 8-10 minuta. 

Ne dozvolite da proključa.

10. Želatin za panakotu stavite u činiju, prelijte vodom i ostavite da odstoji 15 do 20 minuta. 

11. Iscedite vodu, dodajte želatin u krem mešavinu sa šećerom i mešajte da se rastvori. Malo ohladiti.

12. Procedite u ciniju.

13. Preliti preko želea i ohladiti 6 sati ili preko noći da se stegne.

14. Prevrnuti na tanjir da semenke nara budu gore.

Ingredients: for pomegranate jelly - 7 gelatine leaves (or 11.66g gelatine granules), 1 tsp lemon juice (freshly squeezed), 100g powdered sugar, 250ml unsweetened pomegranate juice (one big pomegranate yields 1 cup juice), 1 tsp rosewater (orange extract, lemon extract or raspberry extract), seeds from one pomegranate, for the panna cotta - 300ml double cream 48% fat (or heavy cream 38% fat), 200ml whole milk, 6 cardamom pods (seeds lightly smashed), 1 vanilla pod (split), 2½ gelatine leaves (or 4.16g gelatine granules), 75g powdered sugar.


1. Soak the gelatine for jelly in cold water for 15 to 20 mins. 

2. Bring the lemon juice and 300ml water to the boil over a medium heat (4). 

3. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Remove from the heat. 

4. Squeeze the excess water from the gelatine, then stir it into the syrup to dissolve. 

5. Stir in the pomegranate juice and rosewater. Remove from the stove and leave to cool.

6. Divide the pomegranate seeds between six 200ml moulds. 

7. When the jelly is at room temperature, divide between the moulds. Chill for 2 hrs.

8. Pour the double cream and milk into a pan, add the cardamom and vanilla and warm over a low heat (2), stirring. 

9. Turn up the heat to medium (4) bring to a simmer and cook until it has reduced by a third, 8-10 mins. 

Don’t let it boil.

10. Put the gelatine for panna cotta in a bowl, cover with water and leave to soak for 15 to 20 mins. 

11. Squeeze the water out, add the gelatine to the cream mix along with the sugar and stir to dissolve. Cool slightly.

12. Strain into a jug.

13. Pour over the jelly and chill for 6 hrs or overnight to set. 

14. Turn upside down on the plate so the pomegranate seeds are on top.

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