Sastojci: 800g krompira, 250g brasna, 60g putera, 1 jaje, ½ kasicice soli, za poh - 3 jaja, 250g prezli, za przenje - ulje.
1. Krompir oprati, oljustiti i opet oprati. Iseci na manje komade.
2. Staviti u serpu preliti vodom i kad prokljuca smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati 20 tak minuta.
Kad probodete lako viljuskom bez otpora krompir je kuvan.
3. Odmah ocediti.
4. Vrućem krompiru dodajte margarin i umutiti mikserom. 5. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
6. Staviti u frizider da se dobro ohladi.
7. Dodajte so i jaje, mutite kratko.
8. Dodati brašno i sjediniti.
Smesa treba da bude laka za oblikovanje valjaka. Ako nije, NEMOJTE dodavati brasno nego stavite u zamrzivac na kratko.
9. Odvojiti malo testa rukama, oklagijom formirati pravougaonik, staviti punjenje na sredinu, i oblikovati valjak - po sirini preklopiti testo da ne ispadne fil, a po duzini urolati da dobijete valjak.
Redjati na papir za pecenje.
10. Jaja umutiti. U drugu ciniju sipati prezle. Valjuske obloziti jajima. Zatim dobro ih uvaljati u prezle.
10. U tiganj stavite ulje i zagrejati na srednju temperaturu (4) i peci dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju sa svih strana.
Ingredients: 800g of potatoes, 250g of flour, 60g of butter, 1 egg, ½ teaspoon of salt, for coating - 3 eggs, 250g of breadcrumbs, for frying - oil.
1. Wash, peel and wash the potatoes again. Cut into smaller pieces.
2. Put in a pot, cover with water and when it boils, reduce to medium temperature (4) and cook for about 20 minutes.
When you pierce easily with a fork without resistance, the potato is cooked.
3. Drain immediately.
4. Add margarine to the hot potatoes and beat with a mixer.
5. Leave to cool.
6. Put it in the refrigerator to cool down.
7. Add salt and egg, beat briefly.
8. Add flour and mix well.
The mixture should be easy to shape into rolls. If it is not, DO NOT add flour, but put it in the freezer for a short time.
9. Separate some dough with your hands, form a rectangle with a rolling pin, put the filling in the middle, and form a roll - fold the dough across the width so that the filling does not fall out, and roll it lengthwise to get a roll.
Arrange on baking paper.
10. Beat the eggs. Pour the breadcrumbs into the second bowl. Coat the rolls with eggs. Then roll them well in breadcrumbs.
10. Put oil in a pan and heat it to medium temperature (4) and bake until golden on all sides.
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