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Monday, September 3, 2012

Kompot od sljiva (Plum compote)

Sastojci: 3kg sljiva (zdrave, zrele i cvrste), 500g secera na 1 L vode, vode po potrebi, 5g konzervansa.

1) Sljive oprati, skinuti peteljke i poredjati u tegle jednu do druge.
2) Naliti jednu teglu hladnom vodom da bi seprocenila  potrebna kolicina sirupa.
3) Za sirup kuvati vodu sa secerom dok ne prokljuca.
4) Kipucim sirupom nalivati postepeno sljive u teglama.
5) Kada se sirup ohladi, sipati u sud u kome se kuvao, ponovo zagrejati do kljucanja, pa ponovo preliti sljive u teglama.
Napomena: zagrevanje sirupa i prelivanje tegla ponoviti jos dva puta.
6) Nakon toga poprasiti sljive konzervansom, povezati tegle pa izvrsiti sterilizaciju, i to toplom vodom prema vec datom uputstvu, odnosno pet minuta od trenutka kada voda pocne da kljuca.

Ingredients: 3kg plum (healthy, ripe and firm), 500g of sugar to 1 liter of water, water as needed, 5g preservatives.

1) Wash plums, remove the stalks and align into jars one next to each other.
2) Pour cold water to calculate required amount of syrup.
3) For the syrup, cook sugar and water, until boiling.
4) Pour boiling syrup gradually over plums in jars.
5) When the syrup has cooled, pour back in the pot in which it was cooked, bring to boil again, then pour over plums again in jars.
Note: warming syrup and pouring in jars repeat two more times.
6) After that sprinkle plums with preservative, seal with parchment paper or double cellophane and sterilize jars, with warm water, according to the instructions already given - five minutes from the moment when the water starts to boil.

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