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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Mesavine cajeva (Tea blends)

Kako osusiti kore limuna?

Miks 1 - kamilica, lavanda i kora susenog limuna.


1) U ciniji pomesati 100g kamilice, 50g lavande.

2) Staviti u dobro zatvorenu staklenu teglu.

3) Jednu kasiku mesavine preliti sa 250ml vode Promesati. dodati 1 kasiku susenog limuna. Ostaviti da stoji 15 minuta. Procediti.

Miks 2 - kamilica, kora susenog limuna i djumbir.


1) U solju staviti 20g kamilice, 1 kasicicu svezeg rendanog djumbira ili 1/2 kasicice mlevenog, 1 kasiku limuna.

2) Preliti sa 250ml vode. Ostaviti da stoji 15 minuta. Procediti.

Miks 3 - nana, kora susenog limuna i djumbir.


1) U solju staviti 30g nane, 1 kasicicu svezeg rendanog djumbira ili 1/2 kasicice mlevenog, 1 kasiku limuna.

2) Preliti sa 250ml vode. Ostaviti da stoji 15 minuta. Procediti.

Miks 4 - lavanda, nana i kora susenog suseng limuna.


1) U ciniji pomesati 50g nane, 50g lavande.

2) Staviti u dobro zatvorenu staklenu teglu.

3) Jednu kasiku mesavine preliti sa 250ml vode. Promesati. Dodati 1 kasiku limuna. Ostaviti da stoji 15 minuta. Procediti.

How to dry lemon peel?

Mix 1 - Chamomile, lavender and dried lemon peel.


1) In a bowl mix 100g chamomile, 50g lavender.

2) Put in a well sealed glass jar.

3) Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 250ml of water. Add 1 tbsp of dried lemon peel. Stir. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Drain.

Mix 2 - chamomile, dried lemon peel and ginger.


1) Put 20g of chamomile in mug. Add 1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger or 1/2 teaspoon ground and 1 tablespoon of lemon peel. Stir.

2) Pour over 250ml of water. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Drain.

Mix 3 - peppermint, dried lemon peel and ginger.


1) Put in mug 30g of peppermint, 1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger or 1/2 teaspoon of ground, 1 tbsp of lemon peel.

2) Pour over 250ml of water. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Drain.

Mix 4 - lavender, peppermint and dried lemon peel.


1) In a bowl mix 50g of peppermint, 50g of lavender.

2) Put in a well sealed glass jar.

3) Pour 1 tbsp of the mixture with 250ml of water. Stir. Add 1 tbsp of lemon peel. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Drain.

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