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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Puter kolacici (Butter cookies)

Sastojci: 750g putera ili margarina (sobne temperature), 450g šećera u prahu, 6 jaja, 60g kisele pavlake, 30g vanilin secera, 15g praška za pecivo, 1.3 kg brašna, za crveno testo - ekstrakt jagode i crvena boja za kolače, 60g brašna, za limun testo - sok i kora od jednog limuna, 30g brašna, za braon testo - 1 kasika kakaoa, 4g cimeta, 1 kasika brašna, za orasaste plodove testo - 100g mlevenih orasastih plodova, 1 kašika brašna, za kokos testo - 2 kasike kokosovog brasna, 1 kasika brasna, za spajanje i ukrasavanje - 300g bele čokolade + 90ml slatke pavlake, 150g crne čokolade + 45ml slatke pavlake, 150g crne čokolade + 3 kasike ulja, kokosovo brasno, eurokrem, dzem, orasasti plodovi (mleveni).

1. Pomesati puter ili margarin i šećer u prahu i dobro umutiti mikserom.
2. Dodati zatim i jaja i vanilin secer i opet umutiti.

3. Pomesati 400g brašna i prašak za pecivo i mikserom opet sve umutiti.
4. Dodati ostatak brašna i rukom umesiti testo. Testo ce biti mekano i lepljivo.
5. Podeliti na 6 delova.
6. Nakon svakog dodavanja za svaku vrstu testa, rukom premesite testo dok se sastojci ne sjedine.
7. Staviti u kesu, spljostiti malo rukma i staviti u frižider na 3 sata.
8. Oklagijom razvuci svako testo na debljinu 3mm ako spajate kolacice, i na 5mm ako ih ne spajate.
9. Modlom vaditi oblike zavisno kakve imate. 

Mozete na primer casom vaditi vece krugove a cepom od piva ili neke druge flase manje krugove tako da dobijete oblik tocka. Mozete isto uraditi sa cvetom. Mozete napraviti valjak debljine 1 do 1.5cm i oblikovati u potkovicu. Mozete oblikovati tanke okrugle trakice i sa dve ili tri praviti pletenice. Mozete oblikovati tanke pravougaone trakice, pa uplesti kao korpu i seci kvadrate.

10. Pleh obloziti papirom za pecenje. Tanje kolacice peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C 12 minuta, a deblje 15. Bitno je da ostanu svetli.
11. Ostaviti da se ohlade.
12. Otopiti belu cokoladu sa slatkom pavlakom na blagoj temperaturi ili na pari. Otopiti crnu cokoladu sa slatkom pavlakom na blagoj temperaturi ili na pari. Otopiti crnu cokoladu sa uljem na blagoj temperaturi ili na pari.

Kako cete spajati i ukrasavati kolacice to je na vama. Mozete tanje keksice spajati dzemom, eurokremom, cokoladom otopljenom sa slatkom pavlakom. Potkovice ili bilo koji drugi oblik mozete umakati do pola u cokoladu otopljenu sa slatkom pavlakom a zatim obloziti kokosom ili mlevenim orasastim plodovima. Mozete ukrasavati sa otopljenom cokoladom i uljem. 

Ingredients: 750g of butter or margarine (room temperature), 450g of powdered sugar, 6 eggs, 60g of sour cream, 30g of vanilla sugar, 15g of baking powder, 1.3 kg of flour, for the red dough - strawberry extract and red color for cakes, 60g of flour , for lemon dough - juice and peel of one lemon, 30g of flour, for brown dough - 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 4g of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of flour, for nut dough - 100g of ground nuts, 1 tablespoon of flour, for coconut dough - 2 tablespoons coconut flour, 1 tablespoon of flour, for mixing and decorating - 300g of white chocolate + 90ml of heavy cream, 150g of dark chocolate + 45ml of heavy cream, 150g of dark chocolate + 3 tablespoons of oil, coconut flour, euro cream (nutella), jam, nuts (ground).

1. Mix butter or margarine and powdered sugar and beat well with a mixer.
2. Then add eggs and vanilla sugar and beat again.
3. Mix 400g of flour and baking powder and beat everything again with a mixer.
4. Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough by hand. The dough will be soft and sticky.
5. Divide into 6 parts.
6. After each addition for each type of dough, knead the dough by hand until the ingredients are combined.
7. Put it in a bag, flatten a bit with hands and put it in the fridge for 3 hours.
8. With a rolling pin, roll out each dough to a thickness of 3 mm if you are joining the cookies, and to 5 mm if you are not joining them.
9. Use a mold to take out shapes, depending on what you have.

You can, for example, make larger circles with a glass and smaller circles with a beer cork or some other bottle so that you get the shape of a wheel. You can do the same with the flower. You can make a roller 1 to 1.5 cm thick and shape it into a horseshoe. You can form thin round strips and make braids with two or three. You can form thin rectangular strips, then weave them like a basket and cut squares.

10. Cover the tray with baking paper. Bake the thinner cookies in a preheated oven at 180 C for 12 minutes, and the thicker ones for 15. It is important that they remain light.
11. Leave to cool.
12. Melt the white chocolate with the heavy cream at a mild temperature or over steam. Melt the dark chocolate with the heavy cream at a low temperature or over steam. Melt the dark chocolate with oil at a low temperature or over steam.

How you combine and decorate the cookies is up to you. You can combine thinner biscuits with jam, euro cream (nutella), chocolate melted with heavy cream. Horseshoes or any other shape can be dipped halfway into chocolate melted with heavy cream and then covered with coconut flakes or ground nuts. You can decorate with melted chocolate with oil.

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