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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Domace njoke (Homemade gnocchi)

Osnovni recept za njoke

Sastojci: 1 kg krompira (brasnjavog), 300g brasna, 1 jaje, soli po ukusu.


1) Dobro oprati krompir.

2) U serpu staviti krompir i preliti sa vodom oko 4cm preko krompira.

3) Pustiti da prokljuca visokoj temperaturi (6) pa smanjiti na srednju (4), delimicno pokriti i kuvati oko 35 minuta. Krompir treba da je mekan kada ga probodete viljuskom. 

4) Ocediti i ostaviti da se malo ohladi. 

5) Oljustiti krompir. Izgnjeciti.

6) U ciniji pomesati krompir, so i jaje. Dodavati po malo brasna i rukama mesiti oko 2 do 3 minuta. Pokriti cistom krpom.

Napomena: nemojte dugo mesiti njoke, jer ce vam trebati sve vise i vise brasna a vase njoke ce biti sve teze i teze.

7) Odvojiti jedan komad testa i rukama oblikovati valjak duzine debljine oko 1.5 cm debljine. Ostrim nozem seci njoke iste duzine.

8) Na papir za pecenje redjati njoke, tako da se ne dodiruju.

9) U serpu sipati vodu i posoliti. Pustiti da prokljuca i smanjiti na srednje visoku temperaturu (5). Staviti njoke u serpu i kad isplivaju na povrsinu, gotove su. Izvaditi rupicastom kasikom.  

10) Zamrzavanje njoka: kada poredjate njoke na papir za pecenje, na posluzavniku, na primer, staviti u zamrzivac da se zalede, oko 1 sat. Kada su njoke tvrde na dodir, staviti u kesice i cuvati u zamrzivacu do 2 meseca. 

11) Kuvanje smrznutih njoka smanjuje temperaturu vode, tako da kuvajte manje kolicine smrznutih njoka da se ne bi raspale. Ili, ostaviti da se njoke odlede pa ih onda kuvati.

Njoke u boji

Dodavati razno povrce, nakon koraka 6) osnovnog recepta za njoke.

Zelene njoke 1: 150g spanaca.


1) Oprati i iseci spanac na krupno. 

2) U serpu staviti spanac, preliti vodom i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi (4) dok ne omeksa, oko 5 minuta.

3) Isprati hladnom vodom. Ocediti rukama vodu. Staviti u blender i usitniti dok ne postane glatko. 

4) Dodati osnovnoj smesi za njoke. Sve dobro sjediniti uz dodatak malo brasna oko 40g.

Zelene njoke 2: 150g rukole.


1) Oprati i iseci rukolu sto sitnije.  

2) Dodati osnovnoj smesi za njoke. Sve dobro sjediniti uz dodatak malo brasna oko 40g.

Crvene njoke: 150g cvekle.


1) Oprati, oljustiti i iseci cveklu na manje komade. 

2) U serpu staviti cveklu, preliti vodom i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi (4) dok ne omeksaju.

3) Ocediti. Staviti u blender i usitniti dok ne postane glatko. 

4) Dodati osnovnoj smesi za njoke. Sve dobro sjediniti uz dodatak malo brasna oko 40g.

Narandzaste njoke 1: 150g sargarepe.


1) Oprati, oljustiti i iseci sargarepu na kolutove. 

2) U serpu staviti sargarepu, preliti vodom i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi (4) dok ne omeksaju.

3) Ocediti. Staviti u blender i usitniti dok ne postane glatko. 

4) Dodati osnovnoj smesi za njoke. Sve dobro sjediniti uz dodatak malo brasna oko 40g.

Narandzaste njoke 2: 1 kasika paradajz paste.


 1) Dodati paradajz pastu osnovnoj smesi za njoke. Sve dobro sjediniti uz dodatak malo brasna oko 40g.

Basic recipe for gnocchi

Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes (starchy), 300g of flour, 1 egg, salt to taste.


1) Wash the potatoes well.

2) Put the potatoes in a pot and pour about 4 cm of water over the potatoes.

3) Bring to a boil at high temperature (6) then reduce to medium (4), partially cover and cook for about 35 minutes. The potatoes should be soft when you pierce them with a fork.

4) Drain and allow to cool slightly.

5) Peel the potatoes. Mash them finely.

6) In a bowl, mix the potatoes, salt and egg. Add a little flour and knead with your hands for about 2 to 3 minutes. Cover with a clean cloth.

Note: do not knead gnocchi for a long time, because you will need more and more flour and your gnocchi will be heavier and heavier.

7) Separate one piece of dough and shape a roll about 1.5 cm thick with your hands. Cut gnocchi of the same length with a sharp knife.

8) Arrange the gnocchi on baking paper so that they do not touch.

9) Pour water into the pot and add salt. Bring to the boil and reduce to medium-high heat (5). Put the gnocchi in a pot and when they float to the surface (for about 2 minutes), they are done. Remove with a slotted spoon.

10) Freezing gnocchi: when arranging gnocchi on baking paper, on a tray, for example, put in the freezer to freeze, about (at least) 1 hour. When the gnocchi are hard to the touch, put them in bags and store in the freezer for up to 2 months.

11) Cooking frozen gnocchi lowers the water temperature, so cook smaller amounts of frozen gnocchi to keep them from falling apart. Or, let the gnocchi thaw and then cook them.

Gnocchi in color

Add various vegetables, after step 6) of the basic gnocchi recipe.

Green gnocchi 1: 150g spinach.


1) Wash and cut the spinach coarsely.

2) Put spinach in a saucepan, pour over water and cook at medium temperature (4) until soft, about 5 minutes.

3) Rinse with cold water. Drain (squeeze) the water with your hands. Put in a blender and chop until smooth.

4) Add to the basic gnocchi mixture. Combine everything well with the addition of a little flour about 40g.

Green gnocchi 2: 150g rocket.


1) Wash and cut the rocket as finely as possible.

2) Add to the basic gnocchi mixture. Combine everything well with the addition of a little flour about 40g.

Red gnocchi: 150g beetroot.


1) Wash, peel and cut the beets into smaller pieces.

2) Put the beets in a saucepan, pour over the water and cook at a medium temperature (4) until they are very soft.

3) Drain. Put in a blender and chop until smooth.

4) Add to the basic gnocchi mixture. Combine everything well with the addition of a little flour about 40g.

Orange gnocchi 1: 150g carrots.


1) Wash, peel and cut the carrot into rings.

2) Put the carrots in a saucepan, pour over the water and cook at a medium temperature (4) until soft.

3) Drain. Put in a blender and chop until smooth.

4) Add to the basic gnocchi mixture. Combine everything well with the addition of a little flour about 40g.

Orange gnocchi 2: 1 tablespoon tomato paste.


 1) Add tomato paste to the basic gnocchi mixture. Combine everything well with the addition of a little flour about 40g.

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