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Friday, January 10, 2025

Čokoladna torta sa filom od malina (Chocolate cake with rsspberry filling)

Sastojci: za biskvit - 225g višenamenskog brašna, plus još za tepsije, 360g šećera kristal, 20g vanilin šećera, 65g nezaslađenog kakao praha, 2 kašičice sode bikarbone, 1 kašičica praška za pecivo, 3g soli, 250ml jogurta (sobne temperature), 120 ml biljnog ulja, 3 jaja, sobne temperature, 1 kašičica ekstrakta vanile, 235 ml sveže skuvane vruce kafe, za krem od malina: 750g šećera u prahu, prosijanog, 450g neslanog putera, sobne temperature, 85g malina, 1g sitne soli, 2 kašičice ekstrakta od vanile, crvena boja za hranu, za dekoraciju - maline prelivene čokoladom.


1. U činiju električnog miksera prosejati brašno, šećer, vanilin sescer, kakao, sodu bikarbonu, prašak za pecivo. 

2. Dodati so i umutite da se sjedini.

3. U činiji pomešati jogurt, ulje, jaja i vaniliju. 

4. Mikserom na maloj brzini polako dodati mokre sastojke u suve. Dok je mikser još uvek na niskoj brzini, dodati vruću kafu i mešati samo da se sjedini, stružući strane i dno posude gumenom lopaticom. 

Nemojte preterano mešati, testo treba da bude veoma tanko i tečno.

5. Namazati margarinom i posuti brašnom 2 (20cm) okrugla kalupa za torte.

6. Zagrejati rernu na 175 C.

7. Podeliti testo u pripremljene tepsije i peći 35 do 40 minuta, dok cackalica ne izađe čista.

8. Ohladiti u plehovima 30 minuta, a zatim ih pažljivo okrenite na rešetku i potpuno ohladite. 

9. Zamrznite ili stavite u frižider dok ne postane čvrst na dodir.

10. U činiji samostojećeg miksera pomešajte šećer i puter. Mešati na maloj brzini dok se dobro ne sjedini, a zatim povećajte brzinu na srednju i mutiti još 3 minuta dok ne bude veoma lagana i glatka. 

11. Dodati maline, so i vaniliju i mesati na srednjoj temperaturi 1 minut. Dodati oko 1/4 kašičice prehrambene boje i umutite dok krem ne postane ravnomerno obojen. 

Dodati još boje ako želite.

12. Stavite prvi sloj hladnog biskvita, ravnom stranom nadole na ravnu površinu. Koristeći lopaticu, rasporedite oko 1/3 krema od malina po celom vrhu torte, gurajući je skroz preko ivica.

13. Stavite drugi sloj torte na vrh, ravnom stranom nagore, i premažite ostatak krema po celom vrhu i bočnim stranama torte.

14. Zamrznite ili ohladite tortu.

15. Pre serviranja ukrasite čokoladom prelivenim malinama.

16. Kolac se može čuvati u frižideru do 3 dana.

Ingredients: for the biscuit - 225g all-purpose flour, plus more for pans, 360g granuluated sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 65g unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 3g salt, 250ml buttermilk, at room temperature, 120ml  vegetable oil, 3 eggs, at room temperature, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 235ml freshly brewed hot coffee, for raspberry cream: 750g powdered sugar, sifted, 450g unsalted butter, at room temperature, 85g taspberries, 1g fine salt, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, red food color, for decoration - chocolate-covered raspberries.


1. Sift the flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, into the bowl of an electric mixer. 

2. Add in the salt and whisk to combine.

3. In a bowl, combine the buttermilk, oil, eggs, and vanilla. 

4. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry. With the mixer still on low, add the hot coffee and stir just to combine, scraping the sides and bottom of the bowl with a rubber spatula. 

Don’t overmix, the batter should be very thin and runny.

5. Butter and sprinkle wirh flour 2 (20cm) round cake pans.

6. Preheat the oven to 175 C.

7. Divide the batter among the prepared pans and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, until a cake tester comes out clean.

8. Cool in the pans for 30 minutes, then carefully turn them out onto a cooling rack and cool completely. 

9. Freeze or refrigerate until firm to the touch.

10. In the bowl of a stand mixer mix together the sugar and butter. Mix on low speed until well blended and then increase the speed to medium and beat for another 3 minutes until ultra light and smooth. 

11. Add in the raspberries, salt, and vanilla and beat on medium for 1 minute. Add about 1/4 teaspoon food coloring and beat until the buttercream is evenly colored. 

Add more coloring if desired.

12. Place the first cold cake layer, flat side down on a flat surface. Using spatula, spread about 1/3 of the raspberry buttercream all over the top of the cake, pushing it all the way past the edges.

13. Place the second biscuit on top, flat side up, and spread cream all over the top and sides of the cake.

14. Freeze or refrigerate the cake until it is firm.

15. Decorate with chocolate-covered raspberries before serving.

16. The ake can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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