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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Kocke sa mrvljenim korama (Cubes with crumbled crusts)

Sastojci: za kore - 600g brasna mekog, 150g masti, 150g secera, 2 jaja, 10g praska za pecivo, 100ml mleka, za fil - 300g mlevenih oraha, 6 kasika dzema od sljiva, 1 kasicica ekstrakta ruma, 100g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 50g cokolade za kuvanje, 100g margarina, 200ml mleka, 2 kore (izmrvljene), za glazuru - 100g cokolade za kuvanje, 2 kasike secera, 3 kasike vode, 50g margarina.


1. U posudi pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo, secer, jaja i mast. 

2. Dodati mleko pa zamesiti glatko i ne lepljivo testo.

3. Podeliti na 4 dela i oblikovati lopte. Razviti svaku dimenzije 30x20cm i peci na prevrnutom plehu na 200 C u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni oko 10 minuta. Kad krajevi porumene kora je gotova. Ponovite postupak sa ostale 3 lopte.

4. Dve kore ostaviti. Kad se ohlade izmrviti.

5. U ciniji pomesati orahe, secer, vanilin secer, rum, dzem i izmrvljene kore. 

6. Otopiti cokoladu pa dodati prethodnoj smesi. Dodati margarin i mleko i sve promesati.

7. Otopiti cokoladu na tihoj vatri  sa margarinom secerom i vodom.

8. Koru staviti na tacnu malo poprskati sa mlekom, naneti fil. Staviti drugu koru i poprskati sa malo mleka i preko staviti glazuru.

9. Ostaviti da prenoci pa seci na kocke.

Ingredients: for the crust - 600g of soft flour, 150g of lard, 150g of sugar, 2 eggs, 10g of baking powder, 100ml of milk, for the filling - 300g of ground walnuts, 6 tablespoons of plum jam, 1 teaspoon of rum extract, 100g of sugar, 20g of vanilla sugar, 50g of cooking chocolate, 100g margarine, 200ml of milk, 2 crusts (crumbled), for the glaze - 100g of cooking chocolate, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of water, 50g of margarine. 


1. Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, eggs and lard in a bowl. 

2. Add milk and knead a smooth and non-sticky dough. 

3. Divide into 4 parts and shape into balls. Roll each one into 30x20cm dimensions and bake on an overturned tray at 200 C in a preheated oven for about 10 minutes. When the ends are golden, the crust is ready. Repeat the process with the other 3 balls. 

4. Leave two crusts. When they cool down, crumble them. 

5. Mix walnuts, sugar, vanilla sugar, rum, jam and crumbled crusts in a bowl. 

6. Melt the chocolate and add it to the previous mixture. Add margarine and milk and mix everything. 

7. Melt the chocolate over low heat with margarine, sugar and water. 

8. Put the crust on a tray, sprinkle with a little milk, and apply the filling. Put the second crust and sprinkle with a little milk and put the glaze on top. 

9. Leave it overnight and cut it into cubes.

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