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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Proteinski recepti za posle treninga (Post workout protein recipes)

1. Cokoladni kolaci od badema i banane

Sastojci: 2 merice proteina surutke (1 merica ~ 25-30g), aroma čokolade, 2 banane (srednje, pasirane), 255g putera od badema (ili putera od indijskog oraha ili putera od lešnika ili putera od kikirikija), 35g kakao praha, prstohvat soli, 1 kašičica ekstrakta vanile ili vanilin šećera, 1 kašičica cimet, za preliv - bademov puter, čokolada (razbijena na kockice).


1. Oljistite i izgnječite banane u činiji za mešanje dok ne postanu glatke. 

2. Dodajte bademov puter, protein surutke, kakao prah, so i ekstrakt vanile. Mešajte sve dok se potpuno ne sjedini i masa ne postane gusta i kremasta.

3. Sipajte smesu za kolače u pleh obložen papirom za pečenje. 

4. Pospite čokoladu preko vrha i dodajte bademovog putera.

5. Pecite u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180°C (350°F) 15-20 minuta, ili dok se kolačići ne stegnu i ispeku. 

6. Pustite ih da se malo ohlade pre sečenja.

2. Mafini od kokosa i urmi

Sastojci: 240 ml kokosovog mleka (ili bademovog ili sojinog ili ovsenog mleka), 1 kašičica jabukovog sirćeta, 110 g kokosovog ulja, 85 g kokosovog šećera, 60 g urmi (bez koštica, iseckanih), 130 g grčkog jogurta (običnog), 2 kasicice ekstrakta vanile, 250 g integralnog pšeničnog brašna, 2 merice proteina surutke u prahu (aroma kokosa), 1 kašika praška za pecivo, prstohvat soli.


1. U činiji umutite kokosovo mleko i jabukovo sirće, pa ostavite da odstoji 5 minuta.

2. Pomešajte otopljeno kokosovo ulje i kokosov šećer. Dodajte mešavinu mleka, jogurt i ekstrakt vanile, mutite dok ne postane glatko.

3. Dodajte brašno, protein surutke u prahu, prašak za pecivo i so. Mešajte dok se testo potpuno ne sjedini i bude bez grudvica.

4. Zagrejte rernu na 180°C. Kalup za mafine obložite korpicama za mafine.

5. Kašikom stavite testo u pripremljen kalup za mafine, napunite do otprilike do ¾. 

6. Pecite 25-30 minuta, ili dok ne porumeni i čačkalica stavljena u centar ne izađe čista.

7. Pustite da se mafini ohlade nekoliko minuta. 

8. Čuvajte sve mafine u hermetički zatvorenoj posudi.

3. Puding od kikirikija, banane i čia semenki

Sastojci: 240 ml bademovog mleka (ili sojinog mleka, ili mleka od lešnika, ili mleka od indijskog oraha, ili kokosovog mleka, ili ovsenog mleka), 50 g čia semenki, 1 merica proteina surutke u prahu (sa ukusom čokolade), 1 kašika putera od kikirikija, 1 kašika kakao praha , 1 banana (narezana), 1 kašičica meda, za preliv - puter od kikirikija, banana.


1. Pomesati sve sastojke u tegli i protresite dok ne postane glatko.

2. Pokrijte i stavite u frižider preko noći.

3. Pre serviranja dodajte puter od kikirikija i isečenu bananu.

4. Espreso sa čokoladom i vanilom

Sastojci: 1 dupli espreso - 60 ml (ohlađen), 1 merica proteina surutke u prahu (sa ukusom vanile), 120 ml mleka od orašastih plodova, 1 kašika kakao praha, 1 kašika meda, ½ kašičice ekstrakta vanile, kockice leda, za preliv - šlag, čokoladne strugotine, kakao prah, cimet.


1. U blenderu pomešajte kafu, proteinski prah, mleko, kakao prah, med, ekstrakt vanile i kockice leda.

Blendajte dok ne postane glatko i penasto. 

2. Sipajte u čašu i prelijte željenim prelivima.

5. Voćna kolac od jagoda

Sastojci: 680 g jagoda (svežih), 40 g kukuruznog skroba, 1 ½ kašike kokosovog šećera, za testo - 100 g ovsenog brašna, 40 g bademovog brašna, 40 g kokosovog šećera, 1 merica proteina surutke u prahu (sa ukusom vanile), prstohvat soli, 1 kašičica praška za pecivo, orašasto mleko po potrebi za mešanje, za preliv - grcki jogurt ili kokosova krem.


1. Pomešajte jagode sa kukuruznim skrobom i kokosovim šećerom dok ne budu ravnomerno obložene.

2. Stavite u posudu za pečenje i ravnomerno ih rasporedite.

3. Pomešajte ovseno brašno, bademovo brašno, kokosov šećer, surutku u prahu, prašak za pecivo i prstohvat soli.

4. Postepeno dodajte mleko, mešajući dok ne dobijete gustu, glatku smesu. Podesite sa još mleka ako je potrebno da postignete konzistenciju testa za kolace.

5. Zagrejte rernu na 180°C.

6. Stavite testo preko jagoda.

7. Pecite 20-25 minuta ili dok vrh ne porumeni i ne napuhne.

8. Ostavite da se kolač malo ohladi.

9. Poslužite toplo sa grčkim jogurtom ili kokosovim kremom.

1. Chocolate, almond, banana brownies

Ingredients: 2 scoops whey protein (1 scoop ~ 25-30g), chocolate flavour, 2 bananas (medium, mashed), 255g almond butter (or cashew butter or hazelnut butter or peanut butter), 35g cacao powder, pinch of salt, 1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla sugar, 1 tsp of cinnamon, for topping - almond butter, chocolate (broken in pieces).


1. Peel and mash the bananas in a mixing bowl until smooth. 

2. Add the almond butter, whey protein, cacao powder, salt, and vanilla extract. Mix everything until fully combined and the batter is thick and creamy.

3. Pour the brownie batter into a baking paper lined baking pan. 

4. Sprinkle chocolate over the top and add dollops of extra almond butter.

5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) for 15-20 minutes, or until the brownies are set and cooked through. 

6. Let them cool slightly before slicing.

2. Coconut and dates muffins

After - post workout

Ingredients: 240ml coconut milk (or almond milk or soy milk or oat milk), 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 110g coconut oil, 85g coconut sugar, 60g dates (pitted, chopped), 130g Grèek yoghurt (plain), 2 tsp vanilla extract, 250g whole wheat flour, 2 scoops whey protein powder (coconut flavor), 1 tbsp baking powder, pinch of salt.


1. In a bowl, whisk together the coconut milk and apple cider vinegar, then let it sit for 5 minutes.

2. Combine the melted coconut oil and coconut sugar. Add the milk mixture, yoghurt and vanilla extract, whisking until smooth.

3. Add the flour, whey protein powder, baking powder and salt. Stir until the batter is fully combined and free of lumps.

4. Preheat the oven 180°C (350°F). Line a muffin tin with muffin liners.

5. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin tin, filling each liner about ¾ full. 

6. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean.

7. Let the muffins cool for a few minutes. 

8. Store any leftovers in an airtight container.

3. Peanut butter, banana and chia pudding

Ingredients: 240ml almond milk (or soy milk, or hazelnut milk, or cashew milk, or coconut milk, or oat milk), 50g chia seeds, 1 scoop whey protein powder (chocolate flavour), 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 banana (sliced),

1 tsp honey, for topping - peanut butter, banana.


1. Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake until smooth.

2. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

3. Before serving add peanut butter and sliced banana.

4. Chocolate and vanilla espresso

Ingredients: 1 double-shot espresso - 60ml (chilled), 1 scoop whey protein powder (vanilla flavour), 120ml nut milk, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 tbsp honey, ½ tsp vanilla extract, ice cubes, for topping - whipped cream, chocolate shavings, cocoa powder, cinnamon.


1. In a blender, combine the coffee, protein powder, milk, cocoa powder, honey, vanilla extract, and ice cubes.

Blend until smooth and frothy. 

2. Pour into a glass and top with desired toppings.

5. Strawberry fruit cake

Ingredients: 680g strawberries (fresh), 40g cornstarch, 1 ½ tbsp coconut sugar, for the batter - 100g oat flour, 40g almond flour, 40g coconut sugar

1 scoop whey protein powder  (vanilla flavour), pinch of salt, 1 tsp baking powder, nut milk, as needed for mixing, for topping - yoghurt or coconut cream.


1. Mix the strawberries with the cornstarch and coconut sugar until evenly coated.

2. Put it in a baking dish and spread them out evenly.

3. Combine the oat flour, almond flour, coconut sugar, whey powder, baking powder, and a pinch of salt.

4. Gradually add milk, stirring until you have a thick, smooth batter. Adjust with more milk if needed to reach the consistency of a cake batter.

5. Preheat your oven to 180°C.

6. Scoop the batter on top of the strawberries.

7. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the top is golden brown and puffed up.

8. Let the cake cool slightly.

9. Serve warm with a Greek yoghurt or coconut cream.

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