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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rolat kora sa makom (Crust roll with poppy seeds)

Sastojci: 6 jaja, 1.5g soli, 3 kašike ulja, 3 kašike mleka, 5 kašika brašna, 10g praska za pecivo, 2 kašike mlevenog maka.


0. Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo.

1. Odvojiti zumanca od belanaca.

2. Penasto umutiti belanca sa solju.

3. Penasto umutiti zumanca.

4. Dodati mak u zumanca i jos malo mutiti da se sjedini.

5. Dodati belanca u zumanca i mutiti da se sjedini.

6. Dodati ulje uz mućenje.

7. Dodati mleko uz mucenje. 

8. Dodati brasno i sve dobro sjediniti.

9. Premazati veliki pleh uljem ili margarinom, staviti papir za pečenje. Sipati smesu i staviti da se peče na 200 C oko 15 minuta, zavisno od rerne. 

Pazite da ne prepečete ili pesušite koru jer će onda pucati i neće se lepo uviti. Kora mora da ostane mekana.

10. Pečenu koru uviti zajedno s papirom, pa u kuhinjsku krpu. Ostaviti da se ohladi.

11. Odmotati. Filovati. Zaviti ponovo s papirom i ostaviti da se ohladi.

12. Seci na kolutove.

Ingredients: 6 eggs, 1.5g of salt, 3 tablespoons of oil, 3 tablespoons of milk, 5 tablespoons of flour, 10g of baking powder, 2 tablespoons of ground poppy seeds. 


0. Mix flour with baking powder. 

1. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. 

2. Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. 

3. Beat the egg yolks until foamy. 

4. Add the poppy seeds to the egg yolks and beat a little more to combine. 

5. Add the egg whites to the egg yolks and beat until combined. 

6. Add oil while whisking. 

7. Add milk while whisking. 

8. Add flour and mix everything well. 

9. Coat a large tray with oil or margarine, put baking paper on it. Pour the mixture and bake at 200 C for about 15 minutes, depending on the oven. 

Be careful not to overbake or dry out the crust, because then it will crack and it won't roll nicely. The crust must remain soft. 

10. Roll the baked crust together with paper, then in a kitchen towel. Leave to cool. 

11. Unwrap. Fill. Wrap again with paper and leave to cool. 12. Cut into rings.

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