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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Saveti za dorucak u hrono ishrani (Tips for breakfast in the chrono nutrition)

Da bi pokrenuli svoj metabolizam, kada ustanete ujutro popite solju mlake vode ili biljni caj sa nekoliko kapi limuna.

Dorucak je navazniji obrok u toku dana. Dobro izbalansiran dorucak poboljsace vam koncentraciju i memoriju, napunice vas potrebnom energijom i sacuvace vasu liniju.

Za dorucak treba da uzimate masti, belancevine i spore secere (zitarice). Masnoce u dorucku pomazu da se sintetise dobar holesterol. Ako duze vreme ne unosite masnoce zivotinjskog porekla za dorucak, povecava se stvaranje loseg holesterola.

Za dorucak mozete jesti jaja, sunku, sireve i slicno.

Ujutro je sekrecija hormona insulina najvisa. Njegovo veliko lucenje povezano je sa velikim lucenjem kortizola (hormona budnost). Svojom aktivnoscu kortizol, dodatno utice na povecanje vrednosti secera u krvi.

Oba ova hormona iscrpljuju pankreas ako ujutro pojedete brzo varece secere kao sto su med, voce i namirnice u cijem sastavu se nalaze vestacki zasladjivaci.

Dorucak bi trebao da bude najkasnije do 10 sati i da traje pola sata. Ako osetite glad u prepodnevnim satima, posle obilnog dorucka, preispitajte se sta ste pojeli za jutarnji obrok.

Ako znate da necete biti u mogucnosti da jedete do kasnih popodnevnih sati, mozete da ponovite unos hrane, slican dorucku, ali ne kasnije od 13 sati.

Ovo iskljucivo vazi za one kojima je procenat masnoca u telu blizu idelanog.

Ovde mozete izracunati procenat masti u telu.

Na primer, ako ste za dorucak pojeli tost sa curecim prsima ili slicno, plus kiselo mleko, takav obrok mozete ponoviti do 13 sati, ali bez kombinovanja hleba i lakih proteina. Znaci mozete pojesti tost sa puterom i kiselim mlekom, ili samo sunku (pileca prsa, pecenica) sa svezom paprikom.

Ako postoji veci procenat masnoca u telu, unosite samo proteine i povrce. Nema hleba, kiselog mleka ili proje.

Ako svoj jutarnji obrok napravite s namirnicama koje sadrze masti, belancevine i spore secere imacete vise snage, a osecaj sitosti drzace vas do rucka.

Predlozi za dorucak:

1. Tostirani integralni hleb (ako je hleb bez kvasca <recept na kraj teksta> ne morate ga tostirati), puter i kiselo mleko.

2. Kacamak sa mladim sirom (kravljim) ili fetom.

3. Przena jaja sa przenom ili svezom sunkom, paradajz i hleb bez kvasca <recept na kraj teksta>.

4. Proja sa sirom (ako ne postoji problem sa prekomernom tezinom).

Savet Plus

1. Hleb treba tostirati, jer se na taj nacin aktivnost kvasca smanjuje, a to olaksava mrsavljenje ili odrzavanje idealne tezine.

2. Jogurt treba izbegavati, jer tehnoloski postupak u njegovoj proizvodnji dovodi do fizioloske reakcije u organizmu, pa je moguce stvaranje masnih naslaga na stomaku i bokovima, kod muskaraca cesto i na podbratku.

3. Kacamak je u redu ako ne postoji problem sa viskom tezine.

4. Ako imate optimalne masnoce u telu, mozete pojesti povremeno za dorucak, musli i vocno kiselo mleko (kiselo mleko i bobicasto voce).

5. Praska sunka, pileca i cureca prsa, svinjska i govedja pecenica su dozvoljeni. Oprezno sa namirnicama kao sto su pastete, virsle i neki suhomesnati proizvodi - posebno ako ne znate tacan sastav i kolicinu aditiva.

6. Za dorucak ili za period posta, uz masnoce zivotinjskog porekla, mozete jesti humus i tahini paste.

Preuzeto iz knjige Hrono ishrana za pocetnike - dr Ana Gifing, Finesa

Kako napraviti hleb bez kvasca

Hleb bez kvasca sa semenkama

Integralni hleb - sa suvim kvascem

Integralni hleb sa pivskim kvascem

To start your metabolism, when you get up in the morning drink a cup of warm water or herbal tea with a few drops of lemon.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well balanced breakfast will improve your concentration and memory, it will fill you with the necessary energy and will preserve your line.

For breakfast you should get fat, protein and slow sugars (cereals). Fats in your breakfast helps to synthesize good cholesterol. If a long time you do not consume the animal fat for breakfast, the formation of bad cholesterol is in increase .

For breakfast you can eat eggs, ham, cheese (feta and similar) and the like.

In the morning, the secretion of the hormone insulin is highest. His extensive secretion is associated with high cortisol (the hormone vigilance). With its activity, cortisol, further affect the increases in blood sugar.

Both of these hormones will exhaust pancreas if you eat in the morning quickly digestive sugars such as honey, fruit and foods which contains artificial sweeteners.

Breakfast should be no later than 10 AM and to last half an hour. If you feel hungry in the morning, after a hearty breakfast, ask yourself what you have eaten for the morning meal.

If you know that you will not be able to eat until late afternoon, you can re-take the food, similar to breakfast, but not later than 13 PM.

This only applies to those whose percentage of fat in the body is close to being ideal.

Here you can calculate the percentage of body fat.

For example, if you ate for breakfast toast with turkey breast or similar, plus yogurt (sour milk), such a meal can be repeated up to 13 PM, but no combination of bread and light protein. So, you can eat toast with butter and yogurt (sour milk), or just ham (chicken breast, sirloin) with fresh pepper.

If there is a higher percentage of fat in the body, eat only protein and vegetables. No bread, (yogurt) sour milk or corn bread.

If you make your morning meal with food containing fat, and protens you will have more power, a feeling of satiety will hold you to lunch.

Suggestions for breakfast:

1.Toasted wholemeal bread (if the bread is without yeast <recipe at the end of text> you don't have to toast it), butter and yogurt (sour milk).

2. Polenta with fresh cheese (cow) or feta cheese.

3. Fried eggs with fried or raw ham, tomato and bread without yeast <recipe at the end of text>.

4. Corn bread with feta cheese (if there is no a problem with overweight).

Advice Plus

1. Bread should be toasted, because in this way reduces the activity of yeast, and it facilitates weight loss or maintaining your ideal weight.

2. Buttermilk should be avoided, because the technological process for its production leads to physiological reactions in the body, it is possible to create fat on the abdomen and helps, and in men often on the chin.

3. Polenta is fine if there is no problem with excess weight.

4. If you have optimum fat in the body, you can eat from time to time for breakfast, muesli and fruit-yogurt (sour milk) - yogurt (sour milk) and berries.

5. Ham, chicken and turkey breasts, pork and beef sirloin are allowed. Be careful with foods such as pate, hot dogs and some meat products - especially if you do not know the exact composition and quantity of additives.

6. For breakfast or for a period of fasting, with animal fat, you can eat hummus and tahini paste.

Adapted from the book Chrono nutrition for beginners - Dr. Ana Gifing, Finesa

How to make bread without yeast

Bread without yeast with seeds

Integral bread - with dry yeast

Integral bread with brewer's yeast

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