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Monday, January 27, 2025

Jafa biskvit keks (Jaffa biscuit orange jelly cookies)

Sastojci: za biskvit - 3 jaja  100 g šećera, 20g vanilin secera, 120g brašna, 15g praška za pecivo, 1 korica pomorandže (rendane na sitno),  za narandzasti žele - 500 ml soka od pomorandže, 300g šećera,180ml vode, 2 korice pomorandze (rendane na sitno), 30 g želatina (u prahu), za glazuru - na 100g cokolade ide 2 ½ kasike kokosovog ulja.


1. Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo. Prosejati.

2. Umutiti jaja sa secerom i vanilin secerom.

3. Dodati koricu od pomorandze.

4. Dodati brasno i sve dobro sjedinite.

5. Smesu stavite u kesicu za zamrzivac. Isecite jedan ugao i pravite keksice na pleh oblozen papirom za pecenje. 

6. Peci na 170 ºC 10-12 min.

7. Sacekati se da ohladi.

Savet: ako ne zelite da se petljate sa kesom i biskvit masom, mozete smesu izliti u pleh sa papirom za pecenje u tanjem sloju i staviti da se pece. Sacekati da se malo ohladi pa modlom za kolace vaditi krugove. Ostatak biskvita mozete ovako ds pojedete uz mleko ili sok ili posluziti uz grcki jogurt ili skuvani puding ili poslasticarski krem.

8. Želatin promešajte sa 9 kašika hladne vode i ostaviti da nabubri.

9. Sok, šećer, vodu i koricu stavite da proključa, pa dodajte želatin. Promesati.

10. Procedite i ostavite da ohladi. Staviti u frizider da se stegne.

11. Izliti zele u pleh oblozen papirom za pecenje. Poravnati i manjom modlom za kolace vaditi krugove.

Modla da bude manja od biskvit kolacica ili od modle sa kojom ste vadili kolacice.

12. Na svaki biskvit kolacic nanesite krug želea.

13. Otopiti cokoladu sa kokosovim uljem.

14. Zabosti cackalicu na sredinu zelea i biskvita pa umociti u cokoladu, toliko da prekrije zele i gornji deo biskvita.

15. Poredjati na posluzavnik koji ste oblozili papirom za pecenje, sa biskvit stranom na dole da se cokolada stegne.

Ingredients: for sponge cake - 3 eggs, 100 g of sugar, 20 g of vanilla sugar, 120 g of flour, 15 g of baking powder, 1 peel of an orange (finely grated), for orange jelly - 500 ml of orange juice, 300 g of sugar, 180 ml of water, 2 peels from oranges (finely grated), 30 g gelatin (powder), for glaze - for every 100g of chocolate goes 2 ½ spoons of coconut oil.


1. Mix flour with baking powder. Sieve.

2. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar.

3. Add orange zest.

4. Add flour and mix everything well.

5. Place the mixture in a freezer bag. Cut one corner and make biscuits on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

6. Bake at 170 ºC for 10-12 min.

7. Wait for it to cool down.

Tip: if you don't want to mess with the bag and biscuit dough, you can pour the mixture into a pan with baking paper in a thin layer and put it to bake. Wait for it to cool, then cut out circles with a cookie cutter. You can eat the rest of the biscuit like this with milk or juice or serve it with Greek yogurt or cooked pudding or pastry cream.

8. Mix the gelatin with 9 spoons of cold water and let it swell.

9. Bring the juice, sugar, water and orange zest to a boil, then add the gelatin. Stir.

10. Strain and let it cool. Put in the fridge to harden.

11. Pour the jelly into a tray lined with baking paper. Flatten and use a smaller cookie cutter to cut out circles.

The cutter should be smaller than the biscuits or the cutter you used to cut out the biscuit cookies.

12. Put a circle of jelly on each biscuit.

13. Melt the chocolate with coconut oil.

14. Stick a toothpick into the middle of the jelly and biscuit coockie and dip them in chocolate, enough to cover the jelly and the top of the biscuit cookie.

15. Arrange on a tray lined with baking paper, biscuit side down so the chocolate sets.

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