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Sunday, January 12, 2025

Krem od mleka, pudinga, zelatina i eurokrema (Cream made from milk, pudding, gelatin and nutella)

Sastojci: 500ml mleka, 3 kasike secera, 40g pudinga od vanile (u prahu), 10g zelatina, 3 kasike eurokrema ili nutele.


1. U 100ml hladnog mleka razmutiti puding da nema grudvice.

2. U 400ml mleka sipati secer i mesati da se rastopi na srednjoj temperaturi (4).

3. Potopiti zelatin u malo hladne vode i ostaviti da se stegne. 

4. U mleko sa secerom sipati mesavinu pudinga i mleka i mesati desetak da se zgusne.

5. Skloniti sa sporeta i dodati zelatin i mesati dok se ne rastopi.

6. 200ml zutog krem pudinga odvojiti i u njega sipati eurokrem ili nutelu. Promesati da se sjedini.

Ovako dobijate 2 krema. Jedan za filovanje - zuti, i jedan za premazivanje kora, biskvita ili rolata, braon rem to jest sa eurokremom zavisno koji deo ste koristili beli, braon ili mesavinu.

Mozete pripremiti sledece biskvite za filovanje ovim kremom:

Biskvit sa keksom iz kolaca Cupavci.

Biskvit testo s krem sirom.

Biskvit bez jaja.

Biskvit testo.

Biskvit kakao kore od lesnika.

Cokoladni biskvit bez jaja iz kolaca Cokoladni kolac bez jaja.

Cokoladni biskvit sa kafom iz recepta Cokoladna torta sa filom od malina.

Biskvit od oraha.

Biskvit od badema iz recepta Spanski kolac od badema sa kruskama.

Ili mozete izabrati neki drugi krem i/ ili preliv.

Ingredients: 500ml of milk, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 40g of vanilla pudding (powder), 10g of gelatin, 3 tablespoons of Eurocrem or Nutella.


1. Whisk the pudding in 100ml of cold milk so that there are no lumps. 

2. Pour sugar into 400ml of milk and stir over medium heat (4) until it dissolves. 

3. Soak the gelatin in a little cold water and let it set. 

4. Pour the mixture of pudding and milk into the milk with sugar and stir for ten minutes until it thickens. 5. Remove from the stove and add gelatin and mix until it melts. 

6. Separate 200ml of yellow cream pudding and pour Eurocreme or Nutella into it. Stir to combine. 

This way you get 2 creams. One for filling - yellow, and one for coating the crust, biscuits or rolls, brown cream that is, with Eurocream, depending on which part you used white, brown or mixed.

You can choose any biscuit dough to fill with this filling:

Biscuit with plain biscuits from Ragged square cakes.

Biscuit dough with cream cheese.

Biscuit without eggs.

Biscuit dough.

Hazelnut cocoa biscuit crust.

Chocolate biscuit without eggs from Chocolate cake with no eggs.

Chocolate biscuit with coffee from the recipe Chocolate cake with raspberry filling.

Walnuts biscuit.

Almonds buiscuit from the recipe Spanish almond cake with pears.

Or you can choose any other cream or topping.

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