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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Jela s krompirom i pire krompirom (Dishes with potatoes and mashed potatoes)

Salate i sosevi s krompirom (Salads and sauces with potatoes)

Ruska salata (Russian salad)

Cupava salata (Fluff salad)

Seoska salata (Country salad)

Francuska salata (French salad)

Sos od cvekle (Beetroot sauce)

Krompir salata sa zacinima (Potato salad with spices)

Salata od krompira i boranije (Potatoes and green beans salad)

Salata slatkim krompirom i pinto pasuljem (Salad with sweet potatoes and pinto beans)

Blitva i krompir salata sa tunjevinom (Swiss chard and potato salad with tuna)

Supe i corbe od krompira (Potatoe chowders and soups)

Krem corba od kima (Cream cumin chowder)

Prolecna corba od povrca (Spring vegetable chowder)

Corba od povrca (Vegetable chowder)

Corba od cvekle (Beetroots chowder)

Krem corba od krompira (Creamy chowder of potato)

Corba od rena (Horseradish chowder)

Corba od kupusa (Cabbage chowder)

Supa od jecma (Barley soup)

Corba od celera (Celery chowder)

Ekvadorska kikiriki corba (Ecuadorian peanut chowder)

Corba od povrca protiv upale besike (Vegetable chowder against bladder inflammation)

Krem corba od korenastog povrca (Creamy chowder from vegetable roots)

Bela pileca corba (White chicken chowder)

Krem corba od tikvica i krompira (Creamy zucchini and potato chowder)

Paradajz corba sa tikvicama i krompirom (Tomato stew with zucchini and potatoes)

Corba od kelerabe i tikvica (Kohlrabi and zucchini chowder)

Paprikas od recne ribe (River fish stew)

Pite s krompirom (Pies with potatoes)

Pita sa mesom i prazilukom (Meat pie with leek)

Pita sa krompirom, kelerabom i mesom (Pie with potatoes, kohlrabi and meat)

Posna pita od krompira i sojinih ljuspica (Lenten potato and soy flakes pie)

Glavna jela s krompirom (Main dishes with potatoes)

Krompir u rerni (Potatoes in the oven)

Punjene kelerabe (Stuffed kohlrabi)

Pasulj s krompir pireom (Kidney beans with mashed potatoes)

Leskovacki urnebes sa teletinom i povrcem (Leskovac spcy veal with veggies)

Seljacka gozba (Farmers treat)

Samoborski kotlet (Samobor chop)

Rolada sa povrcem i ljutom paprikom (Roll with vegetables and hot peppers)

Jagnjeca plecka sa krompirom (Lamb shank with potatoe)

Giht - sedmodnevni jelovnik (Gout - seven-day menu)

Belo meso s povrcem (Chicken breast with vegetables)

Musaka od bundeve i krompira (Pumpkin and potato moussaka)

Musaka od krompira, slanine, luka i kackavalja (Potato, bacon, onion and cheese moussaka)

Gulas za dijabeticare (Goulash for diabetics)

Torta od spanaca i krompira (Spinach and potatoes cake)

Punjene paprike (Stuffed peppers)

Gulas sa pecurkama (Goulash with mushrooms)

Paprika punjena mlevenim mesom i kuskusom (Bell pepper stuffed with minced meat and couscous)

Musaka od kelja 2

Testa s krompirom (Dough with potatoes)

Idrijski zlinkrofi (Idrian dumplings)

Slani stapici sa krompirom (Salted sticks with potatoes)

Stapici sa sirom i celerom (Cheese and celery sticks)

Knedle od krompira sa mesom (Potato dumplings with meat)

Kiflice sa krompirom, prazilukom i kackavaljem (Croissants with potatoes, leeks and yellow cheese)

Njoke (Gnocchi)

Domace njoke (Homemade gnocchi)

Slani recepti s krompirom (Savory recipes with potatoes)

Korpice od bundeve i brokolija (Pumpkins and broccoli baskets)

Galete od krompira (Potatoe waffles)

Seljacki omlet (Peasant Omelet)

Krompir pire (Mashed potatoes)

Kenijski pire od mesanog povrca (Kenyan mixed vegetables puree)

Pecen krompir sa kremom od mirodjije (Baked potatoes with dill cream)

Pire od graska i krompira (Mashed green peas and potatoes)

Krompir punjen slaninom i krem sirom (Potatoes stuffed with bacon and cream cheese)

Indijski przen krompir i patlidzan (Indian stir fry potato and eggplant)

Palacinke od povrca bez jaja i glutena (Egg and gluten free vegetable pancakes)

Stapici lososa sa grilovanim povrcem (Grilled salmon sticks with grilled vegetables)

Krompir u rerni sa suvim rebrima (Potatoes in the oven with dry ribs)

Pasteta od kikirikja, krompira i sargarepe (Peanut, potato and carrot pâté)

Pljeskavice od crvenog sociva

Tuna pljeskavice

Slatki recepti s krompirom (Sweet recipes with potatoes)

Knedle sa sljivama (Dumplings with plums)

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