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Friday, February 27, 2015

Cokoladni kolac bez jaja (Chocolate cake without eggs)

Sastojci: kora-300g secera, 400g brasna, 400ml jogurta, 200ml ulja, 2 kasike kakaoa, 2 kasicice sode bikarbone, 20g vanilin secera; fil-180g margarina, 150g cokolade, 12 kasika mleka, 7 kasika secera; 100g umucenog slaga.

1) Pomesati brasno, kakao i sodu bikarbonu. Dodati secer i vanilin secer. Zatim dodati, jogurt i ulje. Dobro izmesati.
2) Otopiti cokoladu sa mlekom. Dodati secer pa nas taviti sa topljenjem. Dodati na kockice isecen margarin i dobro sjediniti.
3) Pleh podmazati margarinom i posuti brasnom, sipati smesu za koru i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C.
4) Preliti koru filom i ostaviti da se ohladi. Premazati slagom i ostaviti u frizider.

Predlog: umesto kakaoa, ja sam stavila rogac. Umesto jednog dela cokolade (50g), za fil, mozete staviti 5 kasika rogaca. Ja sam smanjila kolicinu secera za biskvit - 200g + 40g vanilin secera. A za fil sam stavila 5 kasika + 20g vanilin secera. Ali, cokolada nije bila za kuvanje (gorka), vec sa slatka. Posto sam pravila duplu meru, stavila sam 500ml mleka ali i jos 200g cokolade i 3 1/2 kasike rogaca. Puna serpa od 1 L fila :) Nasla sam neku jeftiniju cokoladu :) A posto nemam mikser, nema ni slaga. 

Ingredients: crust-300g sugar, 400g flour, 400ml yogurt, 200ml oil, 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 2 teaspoons of baking soda, 20g vanilla sugar; fil-180g butter, 150g of chocolate, 12 tablespoons of milk 7 tablespoons sugar; 100g umucenog cream.

1) Mix the flour, cocoa and baking soda. Add sugar and vanilla sugar. Then add the yogurt and oil. Mix well.
2) Melt the chocolate with milk. Add sugar and keep melting. Add the butter cut into pieces and combine well.
3) Grease the baking dish with margarine and sprinkle with flour, pour the mixture and bake in pre-heated oven at 180 C.
4) Pour the filling over crust and leave to cool. Coat with whipped cream and leave in refrigerator.

Suggestion: for the biscuit, instead of cocoa, I put carob. Instead of one piece of chocolate (50g), for the filling, you can put 5 tablespoons of carob. I reduced the amount of sugar for the biscuit - 200g + 40g vanilla sugar. And for the filling I put 5 tablespoons + 20g of vanilla sugar. But the chocolate was not for cooking (bitter), but sweet. Since I made a double measure, I put 500ml of milk but also another 200g of chocolate and 3 1/2 teaspoons of carob.
Full pot of 1 L of fillet :) I found some cheaper chocolate. And since I don’t have a hand mixer, there’s no whipped cream either.

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