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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Pice od brusnice i sirupa od nara (Cranberry grenadine drink)

Sastojci: 150 ml soka od brusnice, 1 kašičica grenadina - sirup od nara, 1 kriška limete, 4 maline, bezalkoholno belo vino, kockice leda.


1. Pomešajte sok od brusnice, grenadin (sirup od nara), u bokalu sa šakom leda. 

To možete učiniti u šejkeru za koktele. 

2. Iscedite preko krišku limete i promešajte kašikom za mešanje ili kratko protresite ako koristite šejker za koktele.

3. Stavite koktel u dve čaše za šampanjac. 

4. Stavite dve maline u svaku čašu, a zatim dolijte bezalkoholnim vinom da poslužite.

Ingredients: 150ml cranberry juice, 1 tsp grenadine, 1 lime wedge, 4 raspberries, non alcoholic white wine, ice cubes.


1. Mix the cranberry juice, grenadine (pomegranate syrup), in a jug with a handful of ice. 

You can do this in a cocktail shaker. 

2. Squeeze over the lime wedge and stir with a mixing spoon, or shake briefly if using a cocktail shaker.

3. Put the cocktail into two champagne glasses. 

4. Drop two raspberries into each glass, then top up with non alcoholic wine to serve.

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