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Friday, November 29, 2019

Pekmez od kajsija (Apricot jam)

Sastojci: 2 kg kajsija, 500g secera, 3 zrna karanfilica. 

1) Pripremiti kajsije. Izblendirati.
2) U serpu staviti kajsije I postepeno dodavati secer. Kuvati dok postane gust uz povremeno mesanje da ne zagori. Proveriti varjacom da li je pekmez kuvan, tako sto kad povucete varjacom po sredini dna serpe I ako ostane vidljiv trag pekmez je gotov. 
3) Vreo pekmez sipati u oprane I tople (sterilisane) tegle I staviti u rernu na 80 C. Kada se zagreje iskljuciti I ostaviti da se uhvati korica. Sacekati oko pola sata da se ohladi.
4) Ostaviti do sutra da se potpuno ohlade uviijeno u cebe, pa povezati celofanom namocenim u alkohol ili rum.

Ingredients: 2 kg apricots, 500g sugar, 3 flowers of clove.

1) Wash apricots, remove pits and blend in blender.
2) Put apricots in the pot and gradually add the sugar. Cook until thick, stirring occasionally to avoid burning (check with the wooden spoon, when the you pull wooden spoon along the bottom of the pot and when the trace remains visible the jam is done).
3) Pour the hot jam into the washed and warm (sterilized) jars and place in the oven at 80 C. When heated, turn it off and allow the crust to form. Wait about half an hour to cool.
4) Allow to cool until tomorrow completely wrapped in a blanket and bind with cellophane soaked in alcohol or rum.

Pekmez od krusaka (Pear jam)

Sastojci: 2 kg krusaka, 500g secera, sok od 1 limuna, sok od 1 pomorandze.

1) Pripremiti kruske. Ocediti I izblendirati. 
2) U serpu staviti kruske, dodati I sok od limuna, sok od pomorandze I kuvati dok postane gusto, uz povremeno mesanje.
3) Vreo pekmez sipati u oprane I tople (sterilisane) tegle I staviti u rernu na 80 C. Kada se zagreje iskljuciti I ostaviti da se uhvati korica. 
4) Ostaviti do sutra da se potpuno ohlade uvijeno u cebe, pa povezati celofanom namocenim u alkohol ili rum.

Ingredients: 2 kg pears, 500g sugar, juice of one lemon, juice of one orange.

1) Wash, peel and clean pears. Drain and blend in blender.
2) Put the pears in the pot, add the lemon juice, orange juice and cook until thick, stirring occasionally.
3) Pour the hot jam into the washed and warm (sterilized) jars and place in the oven at 80 C. When heated, turn off and allow the crust to form.

4) Allow to cool until tomorrow completely wrapped in a blanket, then bind with cellophane soaked in alcohol or rum.

Dzem od visanja (Cherry jam)

Sastojci: 3 kg visanja, 2.5 kg secera, 15g cimeta.

1) Visnje oprati, skinuti peteljke I izvaditi kostice. 
2) U serpu slagati red visanja, red secera I sve tako dok se ne utrose sve visnje I secer. Secer mora biti na kraju.
3) Zagrejati rernu na 150 C I staviti serpu da visnje puste sok. Izvaditi iz rerne. 
4) Kuvati na jakoj temperaturi stalno mesajuci da ne zagori. Kad je dzem skuvan (proveriti sa varjacom, kada se povuce varjaca po dnu serpe I kada ostane vidljiv trag dzem je gotov), dodati cimet I dobro promesati.
5) Vruc dzem sipati u oprane I sterilisane tegle. Staviti u rernu I zagrejati na 80 C I pustiti da se uhvati korica. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
6) Povezati celofanom namocenim u alkohol.

Ingredients: 3 kg sour cherries, 2.5 kg sugar, 15g cinnamon.

1) Wash the sour cherries, remove the petioles and remove the pits.
2) In a deep baking tray, arrange a layer of sour cherries, then layer of the sugar and repeat until all the cherries and sugar are used. The sugar must be at an end.
3) Preheat the oven to 150 C and place the baking tray to let the sour cherry juice. Remove from the oven.
4) Place in the pot and cook at high temperature, stirring constantly, so as not to burn. When the jam is cooked (check with the wooden spoon, when the you pull wooden spoon along the bottom of the pot and when the trace remains visible the jam is done), add the cinnamon and stir well.
5) Pour hot jam into washed and sterilized jars. Put in the oven and preheat to 80 C and let the crust catch. Allow to cool.

6) Bind with cellophane soaked in alcohol.

Prokelj sa dimljenom slaninom (Brussel sprouts with smoked bacon)

Sastojci: 500g prokelja, 200g dimljene slanine, 1 glavica crnog luka, 2 cena belog luka, 200ml kisele pavlake, 2 sargarepe, 1 koren persuna, komad korena celera, so.

1) Ocistiti prokelj i iseci na pola. Crni i beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Slaninu iseckati na kocke. Sargarepu, koren persuna i koren celera oljustiti. Sargarepu i koren persuna isckati na kocke.
2) Na malo ulja propržiti crni i beli luk. Dodati slaninu i proprziti dok se slanina ne istopi. 
3) Dodati sargarepu, koren persuna i koren celera, prokelj i malo vode, poklopiti i prodinstati. Skloniti poklopac da voda ispari. Posoliti po ukusu. Izvaditi koren celera. Na kraju dodati kiselu pavlaku.

Ingredients: 500g brussel sprouts, 200g smoked bacon, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 200ml sour cream, 2 carrots, 1 parsley root, a piece of celery root, oil, salt.

1) Clean the brussel sprouts and cut in half. Peel the onion and garlic and finely chop. Chop the bacon into cubes. Peel the carrot, the parsley root and the celery root. Cut the carrot and the parsley root into cubes.
2) Fry the onion and garlic in a little oil. Add the bacon and saute until the bacon has melted.

3) Add the carrot, the parsley root and the celery root, the brussel sprouts and some water, cover and cook. Remove the lid to allow the water to evaporate. Salt to taste. Remove the celery root. Finally add the sour cream. Mix well.

Brzi žele dzem od bresaka i sljiva (Fast peaches and plums jelly jam)

Sastojci: 2 kg bresaka, 1 kg sljiva, 1.8-2 kg secera, 15g cimeta, 1 limun, 2 kasike ruma, 20g zelatina.

1) Breskve I sljive oljustiti, izvaditi kostice I samleti ili na masini za meso ili u secku. Zelatin pomesati sa 4 kasicice secera i malo vode i ostaviti 10 minuta. Limun iseci na kolutove. 
2) U serpu staviti breskve I sljive, dodati cimet, rum I zelatin. Sacekati da provri I dodati limun. Promesati. Postepeno dodavati secer stalno mesajuci. Sacekati da prokljuca pa skloniti sa sporeta.
3) Vruc dzem sipati u oprane I sterilisane tegle. Povezati celofanom namocenim u alkohol. Uviti u cebe I ostaviti do sutra da se potpuno ohladi.

Ingredients: 2 kg of peaches, 1 kg of plums, 1.8-2 kg of sugar, 15 g of cinnamon, 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of rum, 20 g of gelatin.

1) Peel peaches and plums, remove pitsand grind, on a meat machine or in a chopper. Mix the gelatin with 4 teaspoons of sugar and little water and leave for 10 minutes. Cut the lemon into rings.
2) Put the peaches and plums in the pot, add cinnamon, rum and gelatin. Wait for it to boil then add the lemon. Stir. Gradually add the sugar, stirring constantly. Wait for it to boil and get off the stove.

3) Pour hot jam into washed and sterilized jars. Bind with cellophane soaked in alcohol. Wrap in a blanket and allow to cool completely until tomorrow.

Dzem od sljiva iz rerne (Plum jam from the oven)

Sastojci: 5 kg sljiva, 1.7 kg secera, 2 kasike ruma.

1) Sljive oprati I ocistiti od kostica. 
2) U dublji pleh redjati red sljiva, red secera dok se ne utrosi sav materijal. 
3) Ostaviti da stoji 12h pa staviti u prethodno zagrejanu rernu na 150 C da se kuvaju uz povremeno mesanje. Kuvati 5h. 
4) Dodati rum (po ukusu) I dobro promesati.
5) Vruc dzem sipati u orpane I sterilisane tegle. Povezati celofanom namocenim u alkohol, uviti u cebe I ostaviti do sutra dan da se potpuno ohladi.

Ingredients: 5 kg plums, 1.7 kg sugar, 2 tablespoons rum.

1) Wash the plums and remove pits.
2) Place a row of plums in a deeper baking tray, then a row of sugar until all the material is used up.
3) Leave to stand for 12 hours and place in preheated oven at 150 C to cook with occasional stirring. Cook 5h.
4) Add rum (to taste) and mix well.

5) Pour hot jam into washed and sterilized jars. Bind with cellophane soaked in alcohol, wrap in a blanket and leave until tomorrow to cool completely.

Musaka od krompira, slanine, luka i kackavalja (Potato, bacon, onion and cheese moussaka)

Sastojci: 1 kg crvenog krompira, 400g slanine, 3 glavice crnog luka, 3-5 cena belog luka 300g kackavalja (lako topljivog), 200ml kisele pavlake, 200ml belog vina, so, margarin, ulje.

1) Oljustiti krompir. Crni i beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Slaninu iseckati na kocke. 
2) U serpu staviti ceo krompir da se kuva. Posle 15 minuta ga izvadite i ocedite. 
3) Na malo ulja prziti crni i beli luk oko 8 do 10 minuta. Kad omeksa i porumeni dodati slaninu i jos malo prziti.
4) Krompir iseci na krugove i redjajti u pleh podmazan margarinom. Na krompir stavite malo fila od luka i slanine, pa preko krompir. Ponovite postupak dok ne utrosite sav materijal. Zadnji red treba da bude fil koji cete premazti kiselom pavlakom, posuti kackavaljem i preliti vinom.
5) Peci 15 minuta u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 220 C. Kad se sir rastopi izvaditi iz rerne.

Ingredients: 1 kg of red potatoes, 400g of bacon, 3 onions, 3-5 cloves of garlic 300g of yellow cheese (soft), 200ml of sour cream, 200ml of white wine, salt, margarine, oil.

1) Peel the potatoes. Peel the onions and chop. Chop the bacon into cubes.
2) Put whole potatoes in the pot, add water to cover the potatoes and cook for 15 minutes, remove and drain it.
3) Fry the onion and garlic in a little oil for about 8 to 10 minutes. When softened and yellowed add bacon and fry some more.
4) Cut the potatoes into circles and spread in a margarine-greased pan. Put some onion and bacon mixture on the potatoes, then put potatoes over. Repeat the process until all the material is consumed. The last row should be a mixture of onions and bacon that you will coat with sour cream, sprinkle with yellow cheese and pour over wine.
5) Bake for 15 minutes in a preheated oven at 220 C. When the cheese is melted, remove from the oven.

Krompir punjen slaninom i krem sirom (Potatoes stuffed with bacon and cream cheese)

Sastojci: 1 kg krompira, 200g dimljene slanine, 200g krem sira, 80g maslaca ili margarina, seckani peršun, so.

1) Krompir oljustiti. Slaninu iseckati na kocke. Krem sir pomesati sa persunom i solju.
2) U serpu stavitivodu i kad prokljuca dodati krompir. Kuvati 15 minuta, paziti da se ne prekuva. Preseci na pola i izdubiti sredinu. 
3) Pomesati krem sir, margarin, slaninu, iseckanu sredinu od krompira. Izdubljene polovine punite filom. 
4) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni oko 20 minuta na 180 C. Kad fil dobije zlatnu boju izvadite iz rerne.

Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes, 200g of smoked bacon, 200g of cream cheese, 80g of butter or margarine, chopped parsley, salt.

1) Peel the potatoes. Chop the bacon into cubes. Mix cream cheese with parsley and salt.
2) Put potatoes in the pot, add water to cover potatoes and when it boils cook for 15 minutes, being careful not to overcook. Cut in half and hollow out the middle.
3) Mix the cream cheese, margarine, bacon, middle from potatoes. Fill the halves with a fill.

4) Bake in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes at 180 C. When the potato is golden, remove from the oven.

Dzem od bresaka sa stapicima vanile (Peach jam with vanilla sticks)

Sastojci: 3 kg bresaka (ociscenih), 2 kg secera, 3-4 stapica vanile, 500 ml vode.

1) Breskve oljustiti, izvaditi kostice I iseci na kocke. 
2) Secer staviti u serpu I preliti vodom. Kuvati oko 45 minuta ili dok se dobije gust sirup. 
3) Dodati breskve I kuvati jos 45 minuta, stalno mesajuci da ne zagori. 
4) Oprane tegle sterilisati I sipati vruc dzem. Povezati celofanom.

Ingredients: 3 kg of peaches (cleaned), 2 kg of sugar, 3-4 sticks of vanilla, 500 ml of water.

1) Peel peaches, remove pits and cut into cubes.
2) Put the sugar in a pot and pour over water. Cook for about 45 minutes or until thick syrup is obtained.
3) Add peaches and cook for another 45 minutes, stirring constantly to keep from burning.
4)  Wash jars and sterilize them and pour hot jam. Cover with cellophane.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kakao i rum kuglof (Cocoa and rum kugelhopf)

Sastojci: 300g brasna, 180g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 4 jaja, 125g margarina, 100g mlevenih lesnika, 3 kasike ruma, 150ml mleka, 10g praska za pecivo, 3 kasike kakaoa, rendana kora od jedne pomorandze.

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Ako vam deo zumanca upadne u belanca, belanca se nece penasto umutiti. Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo. Prosejati.
2) Penasto umutiti zumanca sa secerom i vanilin secerom. Dodati margarin. Promesati. Dodati brasno, rendanu koru pomorandze, rum, mleko i lesnike. Dobro izmesati.
3) Penasto umutiti belanca. Dodati prethodnoj smesi i ponovo dobro promesati.
4) Kalup za kuglof namazati margarinom, posuti brasnom i sipati pola mase. U drugu polovinu dodati kakao i promesati, preliti preko prve mase i lagano promesati. 
5) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 50 minuta. 

Ingredients: 300g flour, 180g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 4 eggs, 125g margarine, 100g ground hazelnuts, 3 tbsp of rum, 150ml milk, 10g baking powder, 3 tbsp cocoa, grated one orange peel.

1) Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. If part of the egg yolks fell in the egg whites, the egg whites will not foam. Mix flour with baking powder. Sift.
2) Whisk egg yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar until foamy. Add margarine. Stir. Add flour, grated orange peel, rum, milk and hazelnuts. Mix well.
3) Whisk the egg whites. Add to the previous mixture and mix well again.
4) Grease the  kugelhopf mold with margarine, sprinkle with flour and pour half of the mixture. In the second half add the cocoa and mix well, pour over the first mixture and stir gently.

5) Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 50 minutes. 

Krem corba od tikvica i krompira (Creamy zucchini and potato chowder)

Sastojci: 500g tikvica, 200g krompira, 2 glavice crnog luka, 2 cena belog luka, 60g margarina, 100ml pavlake za kuvanje, 1 L pilece supe, prstohvat mlevenog kima.

1) Crni i beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Krompir i tikvice oljustiti i iseci na kocke.
2) Na ulju prziti crni i beli luk dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju. Dodati krompir, tikvice, so i kim. Preliti supom, poklopiti i na laganoj vatri krckati oko 20 minuta. 
3) Sve dobro usitniti u blenderu. 
4) Dodati slatku pavlaku. Vratiti u serpu i pustiti da prokljuca. Skloniti sa sporeta i ostaviti da se ohladi. 

Ingredients: 500g zucchini, 200g potatoes, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 60g margarine, 100ml cooking cream (or sour cream), 1 L chicken soup, a pinch of ground cumin.

1) Peel the onions and garlic and finely chop. Peel potatoes and zucchini and cut into cubes.
2) Fry the onion and garlic over medium heat (4) in the oil until they are golden. Add potatoes, zucchini, salt and cumin. Pour over the soup, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes on low heat.
3) Blend everything well in a blender.

4) Add the cooking cream. Return to the pot and let it boil. Remove from the stove and allow to cool.

Rolovani pileci zalogaji (Rolled chicken bites)

Sastojci: 6 pilecih filea, 1/2 kasicice belog luka u prahu, 6 kasika senfa, 500g slanine (isecene na trake), so, maslinovo ulje.

1) Piletinu iseci na vece kocke. 
2) Staviti piletinu u ciniju, dodajti so, beli luk, senf i ulje, pa sve promesati. Pokriti foljom i drzati u frizideru 4 sata ili preko noci.
3) Svaki komad piletine uvijati u slaninu i staviti u pleh namazan uljem. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 40 minuta. Na pola pecenja okrenuti piletinu da bi porumenela i s druge strane.

Ingredients: 6 chicken fillets, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 6 tablespoons mustard, 500g bacon (cut into strips), salt, olive oil.

1) Chicken cut into larger cubes.
2) Put chicken in the bowl, add salt, garlic, mustard and oil, then stir. everything. Cover with a foil and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

3) Roll each piece of chicken into the bacon and place in an oiled pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 40 minutes. Turn the chicken halfway through to turn brown on the other side.

Makarone sa slaninom i prazilukom (Macaroni with bacon and leek)

Sastojci: 500g makarona, 200g dimljene slanine, 2 praziluka, 30g margarina, 200ml belog vina, 200ml pavlake za kuvanje, so, parmezan.

1) U serpu sipati vode i posoliti po ukusu. Kad provri dodati makarone i kuvati od 10 do 15 minuta. Slaninu iseci na kocke. Ocediti. Praziluk oljustiti i iseci na kockice.
2) U tiganj staviti slaninu i prziti dok ne pocne da rumeni. Dodati praziluk i margarin. Smanjiti temperaturu na nisku i prziti 10 minuta. Sipati belo vino i kuvati 2 minuta. Dodati pavlaku i makarone. Promesati. Posuti parmezanom.

Ingredients: 500g macaroni, 200g smoked bacon, 2 leeks, 30g margarine, 200ml white wine, 200ml sour cream, salt, parmesan.

1) Pour water into the pot and salt to taste. When boiling add macaroni and cook for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain. Cut the bacon into cubes. Clean the leek and cut into cubes.

2) Put bacon in the pan and fry until it begins to turn yellow. Add leeks and margarine. Lower the temperature to low and fry for 10 minutes. Pour in white wine and cook for 2 minutes. Add sour cream and macaroni. Stir. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

Nepeceni kremasti vocni kolac (No bake creamy fruit cake)

Sastojci: za koru - 300g mlevenog keksa, 190g margarina, 80g mlevenih oraha, 1 kasika ruma, za fil - 400g krem sira, 400g kisele pavlake, 100g secera u prahu, 2 kasicice soka od limuna, rendana kora od jednog limuna, 400g voca po zelji (jagode, kupina, maline, borovnice, itd.).

1) Pomesati keks, orahe, rum i rastopljeni margarin. Promesati. Masu rasporedite u kalup za tortu sa dnom koje se odvaja. Staviti u frizider da se ohladi. 
2) Umutiti krem sir sa secerom u prahu, sokom od limuna i korom limuna. Dodati kiselu pavlaku. Dobro sjediniti. Sipati smesu preko kore i ostaviti u frizider 3 sata. Kada se ohladi, preko staviti voce.

Ingredients: for crust - 300g of ground plain biscuits, 190g of margarine, 80g of ground walnuts, 1 tablespoon of rum, for filing - 400g of cream cheese, 400g of sour cream, 100g of powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, rind of one lemon, 400g of fruit as desired (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.).

1) Mix the biscuits, walnuts, rum and melted margarine. Stir. Arrange the mixture into a cake mold with a separable bottom or sides. Put in the refrigerator to cool.

2) Whisk cream cheese with powdered sugar, lemon juice and lemon peel. Add sour cream. Combine well. Pour the mixture over the crust and refrigerate for 3 hours. When cool, put fruit over.

Piletina na Persijski nacin (Chicken in the Persian way)

Sastojci: 500g pileceg filea, 150g basmati pirinca, 2 jaja, 100g kisele pavlake, 50g pistaca, 50g badema, prstohvat safrana, prstohvat kurkume, malo margarina.

1) Pirinac skuvati u slanoj vodi i procediti. 
2) Umutiti jaja sa kiselom pavlake. Safran razmutiti sa malo vode da pusti boju. 
3) Piletinu kuvati sa kurkumom. Skuvanu piletinu iskidati na komadice i proprziti u tiganju sa safranom, margarinom, pistacima i bademom. 
4) Zatim u vatrostalnu posudu i na dno sipati malo ulja, pa pirinac pomesan sa kiselom pavlakom i jajima, pa sloj piletine. Ponoviti postupak. 
5) U prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C zapeci dok pirinac ne porumeni.

Ingredients: 500g chicken fillet, 150g basmati rice, 2 eggs, 100g sour cream, 50g pistachios, 50g almonds, a pinch of saffron, a pinch of turmeric, some margarine.

1) Cook the rice in salted water and drain.
2) Whisk eggs with sour cream. Mix saffron with some water to release color.
3) Cook chicken with turmeric. Cut the cooked chicken in pieces and fry in a pan with saffron, margarine, pistachios and almonds.
4) Then pour a little oil into the oven proof dish, then put the rice mixed with sour cream and eggs and a layer of chicken. Repeat the process.
5) Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C, until the rice is light brown.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Kuvane cufte od spanaca (Cooked spinach balls)

Sastojci: 500g spanaca, 250g starog hleba, 100g belog sira, 2 cena belog luka, glavica crnog luka, 3 kasike prezli, 30g margarina, prstohvat muskat oraha, 1 kasicica origana, 3 jaja, 150 ml mleka.

1) Hleb iseckati na kockice. Umutiti jaja sa mlekom. Crni i beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Spanac blansirati. Ocediti i sitno iseckati.
3) Potopiti hleb u mesavinu jaja i mleka.
4) Na margarinu proprziti crni i beli luk oko 5 minuta. Dodati spanac. Skloniti sa sporeta i promesati. Dodati hleb, 50g izmrvljenog sira, muskat orah, origano, prezle, so. Sve dobro izmesati i navlazenim rukama formirati cufte.
5) Kuvati u slanoj kljucaloj vodi na tihoj vatri oko 8 minuta. Izvaditi i posuti sa 50g izmrvljenog sira. Preliti rastopljenim margarinom.

Ingredients: 500g of spinach, 250g of old bread, 100g of white cheese, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 3 tbsp breadcrumbs, 30g margarine, a pinch of nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of oregano, 3 eggs, 150 ml of milk.

1) Slice the bread into cubes. Whisk eggs with milk. Peel the onion and garlic and finely chop.
2) Blanch spinach. Drain and chop finely.
3) Dip the bread into the egg and milk mixture.
4) Fry the onion and garlic on the margarine for about 5 minutes. Add spinach. Remove from the stove and stir. Add bread, 50g of crushed cheese, nutmeg, oregano, breadcrumbs, salt. Mix everything well and form balls with moistened hands.
5) Boil in salted boiling water over low heat for about 8 minutes. Remove and sprinkle with 50g of crushed cheese. Topped with melted margarine.

Pljeskavice od pasulja (Beans burgers)

Sastojci: 500g pasulja (kuvanog), 1/2 crnog luka, 2 cena belog luka, 100g cedar sira (rendanog), brasno, 2 jaja, prezle, paradajz, zelena salata, lepinje ili somun, maslinovo ulje.

1) U ciniju staviti pasulj i izgnjeciti ga viljuskom. Ocistiti crni luk i beli luk i sitno iseckati.
2) U tiganj zagrejati 1 kasiku ulja i dodati crni i beli luk. Prziti 5 minuta, dok ne omeksa.
3) Dodaie smesu luka u pasulj. Promesati. Dodati sir, a zatim zacniti solju po ukusu. Napraviti 4 burgera.
4) Brasno, jaja i prezle stavite u tri odvojene posude. Svaku pljeskavicu uvaljatu u brasno, otresite visak, umocite u jaja, a na kraju u prezle.

5) Zagrejati ulje u tiganju i staviti burgere. Poci 4-5 minuta sa svake strane do zlatne boje. Ocediti ih na ubrusima i posluziti u lepinji sa salatom i paradajzom.

Ingredients: 500g beans (cooked), 1/2 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 100g cheddar cheese (shredded), flour, 2 eggs, breadcrumbs, tomatoes, lettuce, bread rolls, olive oil.

1) In bowl, place beans and mash it with fork. Clean onion and garlic and finely chop.
2) Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a frying pan and add the onion and garlic. Fry for 5 minutes, until softened.
3) Add the onion mixture into the beans. Stir. Add the cheese, then season. Shape the mixture into 4 burgers.
4) Put the flour, eggs and breadcrumbs into three separate plates. Roll each patty in the flour, dusting off any excess, roll in the eggs, then finally coat in the breadcrumbs.
5) Heat oil in a non stick frying pan and add burgers. Fry for 4-5 minutes on each side until golden. Drain on kitchen paper and serve with in the bread rolls with lettuce and tomatoes.

Banini (Cookies with jam)

Sastojci: 1 kg brasna, 330g secera, 20 g vanilin secera, 4 jaja, 200ml ulja, 10g praska za pecivo.

1) Prosejati brasno. Dodati prasak za pecivo i promesati. 
2) Umutiti jaja sa secerom i vanilin secerom. Dodati ulje i jos malo mutiti. Dodati mesavinu od brasna i sjediniti. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Kolac od urmi i oraha (Dates and walnuts cake)

Sastojci: 500g brasna, 300ml tople vode, 10g praska za pecivo, 3 jaja, kasika rogaca (ili kakaoa), 125ml ulja, 200g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 250g urmi (bez kostica), 180g mlevenih oraha, prstohvat soli.

1) Pomesati brasno, rogac i prasak za pecivo. Urme sitno iseckati.
2) Umutiti jaja sa secerom, vanilin secerom i solju. Dodati ulje i vodu pa sve promesati. Postepeno dodavati mesavinu brasna, mesajuci svaki put. Dodati orahe i jos jednom promesati.
3) Masu sipati u pleh oblozen papirom za pecenje, pa dodati urme. Promesati da se urme potope. Pecu u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 40 do 50 minuta. 

Ingredients: 500g flour, 300ml of warm water, 10g of baking powder, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp of carob (or cocoa), 125ml of oil, 200g of sugar, 20g of vanilla sugar, 250g of dates (pitted), 180g of ground walnuts, a pinch of salt.

1) Mix flour, carob and baking powder. Finely chop dates.
2) Whisk eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Add oil and water and mix everything. Gradually add flour mixture, stirring each time.

3) Pour the mass into a baking pan lined with baking paper and add the dates. Stir until dates are submerged. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 40 to 50 minutes.

Salama od keksa, urmi i ovsenih pahuljica (Biscuits, dates and oat flakes salami)

Sastojci: 400g mlevenog keksa (obicnog), 160g margarina (sobne temperature, iseckan na kocke), rendana kora od 2  pomorandze, 160g ovsenih pahuljica, 250g urmi (bez kostica), 2 banane, 2 kasike ruma.

1) U secka staviti keks, ovsene pahuljice blender, urme, banane (izlomljenu na parcice), margarin i rum. Seckati dok ne dobijete homogenu smesu. 
2) Masu sipati na aluminijumsku foliju i pomocu nje napraviti salamu. Staviti je u frizider najmanje 4 sata da se stegne.

Ingredients: 400g minced biscuits (plain), 160g margarine (room temperature, cut into cubes), grated rind from 2 oranges, 160g oat flakes, 250g dates (pitted), 2 bananas, 2 tbsp of rum.

1) Put a biscuits, oat flakes, dates, bananas (broken into pieces), margarine and rum into the food processor. Chop until you have a homogeneous mixture.

2) Pour the mass onto aluminum foil and use it to make salami. Put it in the fridge for at least 4 hours to tighten.

Kolacici sa urmama i kokosom (Cookies with dates and coconut flakes)

Sastojci: 15 urmi (bez kostica), 150g kokosovog brasna, 150ml vode, secer u prahu.

1) Urme usitnite u secku sa vodom. Sipati u ciniju i postepeno dodavati kokosovo brssno, pritiskajuci viljuskom da upije tecnost.
2) Oblikovati kekse. Poredjati u pleh oblozen pek-papirom i pecite u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C 8 do 10 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi i posuti prah secerom.

Ingredients: 15 dates (pitted), 150g of coconut flakes, 150ml of water, powdered sugar.

1) Chop in a food processor with water. Put into a bowl and gradually add the coconut flakes pressing with a fork to absorb the liquid.

2) Form cookies. Sort in a baking pan lined with baking paper and bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for 8 to 10 minutes. Allow to cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Bombice od urmi i badema (Dates and almond balls)

Sastojci: 300g urmi (bez kostica), 150g badema (seckanih), 2 banane, rum + voda, kokosovo brasno.

1) Potopite urme u mesavinu ruma i vode u odnosu 1:1. Ostaviti da odstoji 2 sata. Ocediti 
2) Dodati banane i bademe. Sve zajedno ispasirati dok ne dobijete homogenu smesu. 
3) Praviti loptice i uvaljati u kokosovo brasno. Poredjati na tacnu i ostavite u frizider da se stegnu.

Ingredients: 300g dates (pitted), 150g almonds (chopped), 2 bananas, rum + water, coconut flakes.

1) Soak the dates in a mixture of rum and water in a 1:1 ratio. Allow to stand for 2 hours. Drain.
2) Add bananas and almonds. Mix everything together in food processor until you have a homogeneous mixture.

3) Make balls and roll in coconut flakes. Line up on a tray and leave in the fridge to tighten.

Lazanje s tikvicama i krem sirom (Lasagna with zucchini and cream cheese)

Sastojci: 8 listova za lazanje, 4 tikvice, 300g krem sira, 300g kisele pavlake, 150ml soka paradajza, 3 cena belog luka, so.

1) Tikvice oprati, oljustiti i iseci na pola pa na listove. Beli luk oljustiti i iseci na kockice. Pomesati krem sir i kiselu pavlaku. Dodati beli luk i so. Dobro sjediniti. 
2) U serpu staviti vodu i kuvati lazanje pojedinacno. izvaditi, ocediti i rasporediti po foliji. 
3) U serpi blansiraie tikvice 1 minut u kipucoj i dobro ocedite. 
4) U vatrostalnu posudu staviti dva lista lazanja, premazati  krem sirom, poredjati tikvice. Postupak ponavljati dok ne potrosite sav materijal. Na kraju preliti sokom od paradajza. Pokriti foljom. Pecite u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 45 minuta. 

Ingredients: 8 lasagna leaves, 4 zucchini, 300g cream cheese, 300g sour cream, 150ml tomato juice, 3 cloves of garlic, salt.

1) Wash the zucchini, peel it and cut it in half, than into sheets. Peel the garlic and dice. Mix cream cheese and sour cream. Add garlic and salt. Combine well.
2) Put the water in the pot and cook the lasagna individually. Remove, drain and spread over foil.
3) In a pot, blanch the zucchini slices for 1 minute in boiling water and drain well.

4) Put two sheets of lasagna in a oven proof dish, coat with cream cheese, line the zucchini. Repeat the process until you have consumed all the material. Finally pour over the tomato juice. Cover with a aluminium foil. Bake in the preheated oven at 180 C for about 45 minutes.

Pljeskavice od spanaca (Spinach burgers)

Sastojci: 500g spanaca, 2 glavice crnog luka, 3 cena belog luka, 250g prezli, 4 kasike maslinovog ulja, prstohvat muskat oraha, 200g cedar sira (mlevenog), 100g parmezana (mlevenog), 3-4 jaja, 4 kasike brasna, lepinje ili somuni, paradajz, pomfrit.

1) Operati spanac. Oprati i iseckati u secku. Umutiti jaja. Ocistiti crni i beli luk i sitno iseckati. Preseci lepinje na pola, paradajz na kriske.
2) Zagrejati pola ulja u tiganju i prziti luk oko 10 min dok ne omeksa. Dodati beli luk i prziti jos par minuta. Ostavite da se ohladi. Dodati prezle, muskat orah, cedar i parmezan i sve promesati. Dodati jaja, pomalo (mozda vam nece trebati sve) dok se smesa ne sjedini.
3) Napraviti burgere.
4) U ciniju stavite brasno, uvaljati burgere da se obloze. Zagrejati preostalo ulje u tiganju i prziti oko 5 minuta sa obe strane dok ne porumeni. Posluziti u lepinji s paradajzom i pomfritom.

Ingredients: 500g spinach, 2 onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 250g breadcrumbs, 4 tbsp olive oil, pinch of nutmeg, 200g cheddar cheese (grated), 100g parmesan cheese (grated), 3-4 eggs, 4 tbsp flour, bread rolls, tomatoes, French fries.

1) Wash spinach. Clean and chop in food processor. Whisk eggs. Clean onion and garlic and finely chop. Cut bread rolls in half, tomato in slices.
2) Heat half the oil in a frying pan and fry the onions for about 10 mins until soft. Add garlic and fry for few minutes. Leave to cool. Add breadcrumbs, nutmeg, cheddar and parmesan and mix together. Add eggs, a little at a time (you may not need all of it), until the mixture holds together. 
3) Make burgers.
4) In a bowl put flour, dip the burgers to coat. Heat the remaining oil in the frying pan and fry for about 5 minutes on each side until browned. Serve in the rolls with slices of tomato and French fries.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Musaka od bundeve i krompira (Pumpkin and potato moussaka)

Sastojci: 500g bundeve, 500g krompira, 2 jaja, 200ml kisele pavlake, 200ml mleka ili jogurta, 100g kackavalja, 1 crni luk, 2 cena belog luka, prstohvat muskat oraha, so.

1) Oljustiti i oprati bundevu i krompir. Iseci na kolutove. Crni luk oljustiti i iseci na kockcice. Beli luk oljustiti i iseci na kockice. Pomesati crni i beli luk.
2) Staviti u serpu, preliti vodom i kuvati 20 minuta. Ocediti. 
3) U ciniji umutiti jaja. Dodati mleko i kiselu pavlaku. Promesati. Dodati muskat orah i so. 
4) Vatrostalnu posudu namazati uljem. Staviti red bundeve, pa red kropmira i mesavine luka. Preliti sa pola mase mesavine jaja, mleka i kisele pavlake. Staviti drugi red bundeve i krompira i preliti sa ostatkom kisele pavlake. Narendati kackavalj odozgo.
5) U prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C peci oko 35 do 45 minuta.

Ingredients: 500g pumpkin, 500g potatoes, 2 eggs, 200ml sour cream, 200ml milk or buttermilk, 100g yellow cheese, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, a pinch of nutmeg, salt.

1) Peel and wash the pumpkin and potatoes. Cut into rings. Peel the onion and garlic and cut into cubes. Mix the onion and garlic.
2) Put in a pot, pour over with water and cook for 20 minutes. Drain.
3) Whisk eggs in a bowl. Add milk or buttermilk and sour cream. Pigweed. Add nutmeg and salt.
4) Aries proof dish cover with oil. Put a layer of pumpkins, then a layer of potatoes and onion mixture. Drizzle with half of the egg, milk and sour cream mixture. Put the second layer of pumpkin and potatoes and cover with the rest of the sour cream. Shred cheese from above.

5) In a preheated oven at 200 C, bake for about 35 to 45 minutes.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Oblanda od oraha i suvog voca (Walnut and dried fruits wafer)

Sastojci: 500g mlevenih oraha, 200g suvog grozdja, 200g suvih kajsija, 200g suvih smokava, 300ml vode, 300g secera, rum (opcionalno), 2 lista oblande.

1) Iseckati suve kajsije i smokve na kockice. Suvo grozdje potopiti u mesavinu tople vode i ruma u odnosu na 1:1. Ocediti.
2) U serpu staviti vodu i ostaviti da prokljuca. Dodati secer i kad se otopi kuvati jos 5 minuta.
3) Dodati orahe i suvo voce. Dobro sjediniti. Na jedan oblande namazati fil prekriti drugim listom. Staviti papir za pecenje ili kesu. Odozgo staviti teske knjige i ostaviti da se ohladi. 

Ingredients: 500g ground walnuts, 200g raisins, 200g dried apricots, 200g dried figs, 300ml water, 300g sugar, rum (optional), 2 sheets of wafers.

1) Cut the dried apricots and figs into cubes. Soak the raisins in a mixture of warm water and rum in relation to 1: 1. Drain.
2) Put water in the pot and let it boil. Add the sugar and when it dissolves, cook for another 5 minutes.

3) Add walnuts and dried fruits. Combine well. Spread the fill over one sheet cover with another. Cover with baking paper or bag. Put heavy books on top and let cool.

Pohovani kolutovi jabuka (Fried apple rings)

Sastojci: 1 kg jabuka, 2 jaja, 400g brasna, 500ml mleka, secer u prahu, cimet, ulje.

1) Jabuke oljustiti, izvaditi semenke i iseci na kolutove debljine 1 cm. Pomesati secer u prahu i cimet. Umutiti jaja.
2) Pomesati brasno, jaja i mleko.
3) Kolutove jabuka umakati u smesu i prziti u vrelom ulju dok ne porumene. Staviti na papirni ubrus da upiju visak ulja. 
4) Posuti ili uvaljati u mesavinu secera u prahu i cimeta.

Ingredients: 1 kg of apples, 2 eggs, 400g flour, 500ml milk, powdered sugar, cinnamon, oil.

1) Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into 1 cm thick rings. Mix together powdered sugar and cinnamon. Whisk eggs.
2) Mix flour, eggs and milk.
3) Dip the apple rings in the mixture and fry in hot oil until they turn yellow. Put on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

4) Sprinkle or roll in powdered sugar and cinnamon.