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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pahuljice sa suvim vocem (Cereal with dried fruits)

Sastojci: pahuljice: 250g ovsenih pahuljica, 250g razanih pahuljica, 250g jecmenih pahuljica, 250 psenicnih pahuljica, suvo voce: suvo grozdje, brusnice, suvi ananas, suve banane ili sveza banana, suve smokve, suve kajsije, suve sljive, urme, i jos: 1 kasika lana u prahu, 1 kasicica cimeta, jogurt.


1) U blender staviti ovsene i razane pahuljice i blendirati oko 1.5 minut. Sipati u hermeticku kutiju.
2) U blender staviti jecmene i psenicne pahuljice i  blendirati oko 1.5 minut. Dodati u kutiju.
3) Suvo grozdje, suve sljive i suve banane potopiti u mlaku vodu i ostaviti pola sata. Procediti. Suve smokve, suve kajsije i urme iseci na manje komade.
4) U ciniju sipati 3 kasike mesavine pahuljica, dodati suvo voce, lan, cimet i preliti jogurtom. Promesati da se sve sjedini i ostaviti pola sata. Po zelji, kasnije dodati jos malo jogurta.

Napomena: mozete staviti suvog voca koliko zelite i koje zelite. Stavite dve vrste pahuljica odjednom u blender jer se lakse melje nego ako je samo jedna tj. samo 250g. Ako imate 750g pahuljica, stavite prvo 500g, pola sipajte u kutiju, pa dodajte 250g na (vrh) vec samlevene pahuljice, u blender i ponovo sameljite. 

Ingredients: cereal: 250g of oat flakes, 250g of rye flakes, 250g of barley flakes, 250g of wheat flakes, dried fruits: raisins, cranberries, dried pineapple, dried bananas or fresh banana, dried figs, dried apricots, prunes, dates, and more: 1 tablespoon of flax powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, buttermilk.


1) In a blender put oat and rye flakes and blend, about 1.5 minutes. Pour into a hermetic box.
2) In a blender put barley and wheat flakes and blend about 1.5 minutes. Add to a box.
3) Raisins, prunes and dried bananas soak in lukewarm water and leave for half an hour. Strain. Dried figs, dried apricots and dates, cut into smaller pieces.

4) In a bowl pot 3 tablespoons of mixture of cereal, add dried fruits, flax, cinnamon and pour buttermilk. Mix all together and leave for half an hour. If desired, bit later, add a little more buttermilk.

Note: you can put dried fruit as much as you want and what you want. Put two kinds of cereal at a time in the blender because it's easier to grind than if only one ie. only 250g. If you have 750g of cereal, put first 500g, put half into the box, and add 250g on top of grinded flakes, in a blender and grind again.

Suvo voce - Dried fruits

Samlevene pahuljice - Grinded flakes

Pahuljice sa jogurtom - Flakes with buttermilk

Pahuljice sa suvim grozdjem, brusnicama i lanom - Flakes with rainsins, dried cranberries and flax powder

Pahuljice sa suvim grozdjem, brusnicama, suncokretom i cimetom - Flakes with rainsins, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and cinnamon

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