Sastojci: 500g njoka, 20ml ulja, 1 kašičica mlevene paprike, ½ kašičice soli, 1 kašičica suvog bosiljka, 2 kašike kukuruznog griza zutog, za preliv - 80g grčkog jogurta, 2 kašike maslinovog ulja, 2 kašike senfa, ½ kasike soka od limuna, za salatu - 1⁄2 glavice zelene salate 100g paradajza, 100g slanine.
0. Pripremiti njoke. Zelenu salatu iscepkati. Paradajz iseci na kocke.
1. Njoke preliti uljem, dodati mlevenu papriku, bosiljak, so i palentu.
2. Pecite u plehu obloženoj papirom za pecenje oko 30 minuta na 200 C.
3. Slaninu mozete peci u rerni zajedno sa njokama ili mozete isprziti u tiganju.
4. Pomesati grčki jogurt,
maslinovo ulje, senfa i sok od limuna u ciniji.
5. U činiju dodati zelenu salatu, zatim paradajz, njoke i slaninu.
Ingredients: 500g of gnocchi, 20ml of oil, 1 teaspoon of ground paprika, ½ teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of dry basil, 2 tablespoons of yellow cornmeal, for dressing - 80g of Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of mustard, ½ tablespoon of lemon juice, for salad - 1⁄2 head of lettuce, 100g of tomatoes, 100g of bacon.
0. Prepare the gnocchi. Chop the lettuce. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
1. Cover the gnocchi with oil, add ground pepper, basil, salt and cornmeal.
2. Bake in a baking tray lined with baking paper for about 30 minutes at 200 C.
3. You can bake the bacon in the oven together with the gnocchi or you can fry it in a pan.
4. Mix Greek yogurt,
olive oil, mustard and lemon juice in a bowl.
5. Add lettuce, tomatoes, gnocchi and bacon to the bowl.
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