Sastojci: 280g tikvica, 2 jaja, 40g ovsenih pahuljica, 100g kačkavalja, za posipanje - semenke susama, lana, sunkcokreta i/ili bundeve.
1. Jaja blago umutiti viljuskom. Tikvice oljustiti i iseci na komade.
2. U blender staviti tikvice, jaja, ovsene pahuljice i kackavalj i izblendati.
3. Sipati u pleh oblozen papirom za pecenje na debljinu palacinke. Posuti sa semenkama.
4. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 30 minuta.
5. Izvaditi iz rerne i ostaviti da se ohladi.
Ingredients: 280g zucchini, 2 eggs, 40g oat flakes, 100g yellow cheese, for sprinkling - sesame, flax, sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds.
1. Lightly beat the eggs with a fork. Peel the zucchini and cut into pieces.
2. Place the zucchini, eggs, oat flakes and cheese in a blender and blend.
3. Pour into a baking tray lined with baking paper to the thickness of the pancake. Sprinkle with seeds.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 30 minutes.
5. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
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